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Thread: Chicken had her kittens! *pics*

  1. #16
    Omg moosmom...I said i won't so you'll get off my back! Your making me feel like **** as it is. I'm NOT a bad person I just want a kitten and I KNOW I can give it a good loving home. I will NOT keep explaining myself over and over when not one of you listen to me. I feel like crying. I feel like you ppl are being so cruel to me about this (esp you moo) Its my cat my business. I hate to break it to you but I would not be the first. I talked to my vet about it to see what she things AND i did research. I don't know anyone whos care came out of it with suffering. Smitten is a prime example. She is an older cat as well. (Why I WONT adopt an older cat, its NOT fair to smitten) I'm sorry you feel so poorly of me because of it, but this will definitly be my last post in the cats section. I feel very unwelcome here when I never even brought a question up about declawing. I would never do anything to harm my animals, I love them all more then anything and I know I'll feel the same about my new kitten. I feel giving a kitten home and declawing it is better then it being killed. This is the ONLY way I can have one. If Smittens didn't go so well I wouldn't even get another one. Also, I 100% garentee I'm not the only person here with a declawed cat but everyone else won't say anything in fear they will be attack (Yes, I've had ppl PM aobut it) Unfortunatly, I'm not afraid to disagree with you but it REALLY hurts that you won't lay off. Your making me feel so badly because I want to make the right choices.

    About the mom, yes its a good reason, and NO its not because they are poor. Its not my buisness and its not yours. She has her reasons for not getting it spayed. I also know for a fact ppl on here breed cats..whats wrong with that? They'll all get good homes..

    I didn't make any of these threads to get bashed..I posted it to show the cute pics ONLY. Again, sorry you feel so poorly of me. My choice however is final weather you like it or not. You just won't hear about it or the kitten which I'm sure will make you happy so you don't have to think about it. Thanks for the warm welcome, you so kind.

    My babies: Josie, Zeke, Kiba, Shadow (AKA Butter)

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Menden, Germany
    Originally posted by slleipnir
    ...I said i won't so you'll get off my back!
    I feel giving a kitten home and declawing it is better then it being killed. This is the ONLY way I can have one.
    She has her reasons for not getting it spayed. I also know for a fact ppl on here breed cats..whats wrong with that? They'll all get good homes..
    I really can't believe, what I've just read...this is sad and upsetting...I am out of words...and it hurts everyone, who ever has worked at a shelter seeing cats being abandoned or worse being put down...such ignorance...

    Sorry, but this post is simply hurting...
    You have learned enough to see that cats are much like you and me. ( T.S. Eliot)

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Cincinnati, Ohio USA
    We have been down this path before, people. If we EVER want to change people's attitudes on declawing, or adopting adult cats, it will be through warmth, love, compassion and education.

    People will do what they will do, and bashing them to the point that they want to leave the cat section is wrong.

    Schleppy, while I did make the personal choice to declaw my six cats, I have changed my philosophy on it. There are alternatives. I don't see 'you' as the one we need to educate so much as your mom. I would ask that you sit down with her and show her some of the links we have posted before, and THEN reach a final decision.

    I would NOT like to see you leave the cat section over this, and would LOVE to see and hear more about your kitten and your cat.


  4. #19
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Originally posted by slleipnir
    She has her reasons for not getting it spayed. I also know for a fact ppl on here breed cats..whats wrong with that? They'll all get good homes..
    There are NO good reasons for not spaying or neutering an unpapered animal. I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, but I feel very very strongly about this- it is just irresponsible pet ownership. And there is EVERYTHING wrong with breeding unpapered animals. If anyone having litters of accidental kittens would spend half an hour in a humane society or just read the stats on how many are killed every day, they'd spay their animals. The kittens in the litter may get good homes, but they take a home from one of those on death row in a shelter. Not to meantion how unhealthy it is for the poor mom. Her risk of cancer increases with each heat cycle she experiences. It's so sad.

    Slleipnir, I hope you'll continue to post on the cat section and I honestly think you are in a position to educate your neighbor about caring for her animals. Maybe giving the mom away is the kindest thing she can do for the cat since she clearly can't care for it properly. Possibly, if you are in a position due to your age and living situation that you have to do things just because your mother says so, then you should wait until you're an adult to get another kitten? And I don't mean that as condescending advice at all. I think you sound like someone who loves animals and can give a good home- when the home is yours to give as you see fit.

  5. #20
    Originally posted by
    I really can't believe, what I've just read...this is sad and upsetting...I am out of words...and it hurts everyone, who ever has worked at a shelter seeing cats being abandoned or worse being put down...such ignorance...

    Sorry, but this post is simply hurting...
    Did you not read what she posted to me?! I feel like Im on a one way street getting no where..! If your point was to make me feel bad then congrats! You litterally brought tears to my eyes. I don't understand how thats ignorant though, I mean animals get put to sleep I dont get it..

    I'm sorry Jo, but I think its to late for that. I have no reason to stay here and let anyone know about how it goes except a few kind ppl who have PM me support. I obviously don't deserve a cat because the one thing that seems to be important to me doesnt seem to matter to anyone else..

    And the thing is, my mom doesn't care if we get another cat, she'd just assume not. Shes only agreed to it for me. So education or not she doesn't care because the answer would be no..

    I'm done here I sick of getting so upset over this when you ppl are so unsuppostive.

    My babies: Josie, Zeke, Kiba, Shadow (AKA Butter)

  6. #21
    Originally posted by 2kitties
    There are NO good reasons for not spaying or neutering an unpapered animal. I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, but I feel very very strongly about this- it is just irresponsible pet ownership. And there is EVERYTHING wrong with breeding unpapered animals. If anyone having litters of accidental kittens would spend half an hour in a humane society or just read the stats on how many are killed every day, they'd spay their animals. The kittens in the litter may get good homes, but they take a home from one of those on death row in a shelter. Not to meantion how unhealthy it is for the poor mom. Her risk of cancer increases with each heat cycle she experiences. It's so sad.

    Slleipnir, I hope you'll continue to post on the cat section and I honestly think you are in a position to educate your neighbor about caring for her animals. Maybe giving the mom away is the kindest thing she can do for the cat since she clearly can't care for it properly. Possibly, if you are in a position due to your age and living situation that you have to do things just because your mother says so, then you should wait until you're an adult to get another kitten? And I don't mean that as condescending advice at all. I think you sound like someone who loves animals and can give a good home- when the home is yours to give as you see fit.
    I'm not getting into why she has to give it up its a long story. These things happen. I also won't get into why they haven't spayed her. You ppl should get worked up like this when you odnt know the whole story

    My babies: Josie, Zeke, Kiba, Shadow (AKA Butter)

  7. #22
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Ploss's Halfway House for Homeless Cats
    I don't see 'you' as the one we need to educate so much as your mom.
    That was the point I was trying to make. It's not YOU that needs educating, it's your mother. I, by no means, meant to make you feel bad, and never once in my post said you were a bad person. I am so sorry if I made you feel that way. And as 2kitties said, there is absolutely NO reason whatsoever for not spaying/neutering their cat.

    Kittens can be trained to use a scratching post. Look at me, I've trained 6 of them!! Your remark about not hurting a kitten is a contradiction as declawing DOES hurt. Try cutting your finger off at the first knuckle, use it and tell me it doesn't hurt. How about adopting an older cat who is already declawed??

    I also volunteer at a shelter and see all the time cats being put down. Either they have FeLv, too old to place (remember Carrier??) or they need the cage space. The reasons are absolutely ridiculous and endless. I also see many MANY cats being dumped off and you would not BELIEVE the reasons ("I'm pregnant and can't afford them anymore.") Like a kid is any less expensive. Or "My 14 year old cat won't play with my kids anymore." DUH!!!

    I spent 3 days rescuing 5 kittens dumped off in the bushes where I work. Some idiot who didn't spend the money to spay his cat took the easy way out.

    Right now our shelter has over 250 cats . The nursery is bursting with kittens that will all find homes because they're cute, while the cat rooms are overflowing with older cats who were no longer wanted by their irresponsible owners, and will be overlooked.

    That's why I also feel VERY strongly about spaying/neutering.

    So quit your whining and stay here and post. I didn't bash anyone, I simply made a point. We all agree to disagree now and again. Then we move on. I hope you'll be mature enough and do the same.


    Rest In Peace Casey (Bubba Dude) Your paw print will remain on my heart forever. 12/02
    Mollie Rose, you were there for me through good times and in bad, from the beginning.Your passing will leave a hole in my heart.We will be together "One Fine Day". 1994-2009
    MooShoo,you left me too soon.I wasn't ready.Know that you were my soulmate and have left me broken hearted.I loved you like no other. 1999 - 2010See you again "ONE FINE DAY"
    Maya Linn, my heart is broken. The day your beautiful blue eyes went blind was the worst day of my life.I only wish I could've done something.I'll miss your "premium" purr and our little "conversations". 1997-2013 See you again "ONE FINE DAY"


  8. #23
    How much research have you done on declawing? Have you seen the pictures of the procedure. You really should research it a little more. Why not try to TRAIN the cat. Who knows, your kitten may grow up to be a genuine cat scratcher lover! My kitties love their post! There are also many other alternatives. I just do not see why you would not just spend time with the cat and train it. It's really not that hard. There are also SoftPaws, which are nail caps sort of like press on nails that go over the sheath of the nail so that the cat cannot scratch. There is also a procedure called a Tendenectomy. Perhaps this would be a better solution.

    Declawing is VERY painful, trust me, I see it almost EVERY day. I work at a vet clinic and we do declaw cats, however we encourage responsible pet ownership by educating the owner beforehand, letting them know there are options out there. I have seen kitties in so much pain, they have to stay the night in a scary clinic with blood soaking their bandages. Their feet are so painful for two weeks until they heal.

    And if your mother is so set against you NOT having a cat, perhaps you should wait until you are on your own, and spare this kitten a little pain. And just because most people do not experience any complications, it doesn't mean your cat won't. Personally where I work, on our price sheet we have a "re-declaw". Meaning the old vet who worked there did botched declaws and the digits actually started growing back, meaning the cats had to go in for yet another painful surgery!

    EDUCATE, DONT AMPUTATE!!! That is what we must do. Here are a few links I would like you to look at. I would like to ask you to please reconsider declawing your pet.

    Pics of a declaw procedure. This is a lot better than what I see at work, as we do not use this device, we use an actual blade to remove the digit.

    Declawing tragedies
    Fuzzies for Furries
    Northwest Opossum Society
    Zoology Major
    2 Virginia Opossums, 6 cats, 4 bearded dragons, 1 iguana, 1 red foot tortoise, 1 tripod chihuahua, 5 mice, dubia and hissing cockroaches as well as other misc animals that wander in and out of my home.

  9. #24
    Originally posted by Cataholic
    We have been down this path before, people. If we EVER want to change people's attitudes on declawing, or adopting adult cats, it will be through warmth, love, compassion and education.

    People will do what they will do, and bashing them to the point that they want to leave the cat section is wrong.

    Schleppy, while I did make the personal choice to declaw my six cats, I have changed my philosophy on it. There are alternatives. I don't see 'you' as the one we need to educate so much as your mom. I would ask that you sit down with her and show her some of the links we have posted before, and THEN reach a final decision.

    I would NOT like to see you leave the cat section over this, and would LOVE to see and hear more about your kitten and your cat.

    Johanna, I DO agree with your post / opinion.

    But I have just read this thread and I see no evidence of person bashing.

    The child (Please correct me if I am wrong but slleipnir lives at home with mum and sounds very young) simply had a strong reaction to comments posted.

    It makes me wonder if she knows she is doing the wrong thing by declawing a kitten and can't defend her actions, hence she is getting upset and shirty with the posters instead !!

    I often found that people who know they are in the wrong, respond in a highly emotional and personal name calling manner, rather than post a logical discussion.

  10. #25
    Originally posted by moosmom
    That was the point I was trying to make. It's not YOU that needs educating, it's your mother. I, by no means, meant to make you feel bad, and never once in my post said you were a bad person. I am so sorry if I made you feel that way. And as 2kitties said, there is absolutely NO reason whatsoever for not spaying/neutering their cat.

    Kittens can be trained to use a scratching post. Look at me, I've trained 6 of them!! Your remark about not hurting a kitten is a contradiction as declawing DOES hurt. Try cutting your finger off at the first knuckle, use it and tell me it doesn't hurt. How about adopting an older cat who is already declawed??

    I also volunteer at a shelter and see all the time cats being put down. Either they have FeLv, too old to place (remember Carrier??) or they need the cage space. The reasons are absolutely ridiculous and endless. I also see many MANY cats being dumped off and you would not BELIEVE the reasons ("I'm pregnant and can't afford them anymore.") Like a kid is any less expensive. Or "My 14 year old cat won't play with my kids anymore." DUH!!!

    I spent 3 days rescuing 5 kittens dumped off in the bushes where I work. Some idiot who didn't spend the money to spay his cat took the easy way out.

    Right now our shelter has over 250 cats . The nursery is bursting with kittens that will all find homes because they're cute, while the cat rooms are overflowing with older cats who were no longer wanted by their irresponsible owners, and will be overlooked.

    That's why I also feel VERY strongly about spaying/neutering.

    So quit your whining and stay here and post. I didn't bash anyone, I simply made a point. We all agree to disagree now and again. Then we move on. I hope you'll be mature enough and do the same.

    If you want, I will go to our humane society and take pictures of how many are there. Cause there is never a lot. As hard as it is to believe, there isn't. Almost never do you see little kittens.

    Like I said, its this or no cat. My mom doesn;t need educating because its not her who wants a cat. I want one so much. Frpom my research, I know its looked down apon..but my cat is happy and healthy..

    I made 3 posts prevoiusly as to why I won't adopt an older cat.

    I never ment it doesnt hurt to declaw, I ment I never wanted to hurt it in the way that it would have a horrible life because of it. I'm sure having your uterus ripped out doesn't feel to nice either but its something to help right? Now I know declawing is pointless, but if I don't get it because I don't want to declaw, who is to say the next person won't?

    One thing I can offer my kitten besides a loving home, is a lifetime home. Sure they're sweet and adorable as kittens, but my bond only grows for them as it gets older.

    Yes, I am seriously going to concider not getting a kitten now..I just don't think I can not get one for these reasons however, only because I strongly feel it could be worse for it (it could get declawed anyway, then get older and not wanted, sent to the HS for a long wait, maybe get adopted, but Im sure its not going to liking sitting in a cage) I'll tell my mom about other ways but I know what she'll say.

    Just so you know, I will not be getting one of these kittens, now please lets move one and focus on those cute kitties on page 1

    My babies: Josie, Zeke, Kiba, Shadow (AKA Butter)

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Cincinnati, Ohio USA
    We are in complete agreement with one another. Maybe I rushed to defend Schleppy because of my own guilt? I don't really know.

  12. #27
    I often found that people who know they are in the wrong, respond in a highly emotional and personal name calling manner, rather than post a logical discussion
    Yes. I know I'm not helping the kitten. I do live at home, im 18. And, yes, I over react to everything because thats how I am. I take things personal even with ppl I don't know. My dad told me to smarten up and stop taking to heart what internet ppl say. I have to say he is right. If you dont think that was bashing then ok, I feel differently. (about moo anyway)
    As for it not helping the kitten, ppl just made it seem 10 x worse then everything I looked up which yes made me feel crappy. I find it upsetting because no one reads what I say. Ive said 3 times now why I wont adopt an older cat, also why she hasnt spayed it and why shes giving them away. I just wanted to show those pics when ppl changed the sub saying 'shame on you' Maybe if ppl read more carefully they wouldn't get so angry with me

    My babies: Josie, Zeke, Kiba, Shadow (AKA Butter)

  13. #28
    Originally posted by Cataholic
    We are in complete agreement with one another. Maybe I rushed to defend Schleppy because of my own guilt? I don't really know.

    My babies: Josie, Zeke, Kiba, Shadow (AKA Butter)

  14. #29
    -sigh- please read my above post

    My babies: Josie, Zeke, Kiba, Shadow (AKA Butter)

  15. #30
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Cincinnati, Ohio USA
    You are misunderstanding what I am saying!!!! If I were you, I would feel EXACTLY HOW YOU DO! I was only saying that maybe I (not you, ME, I, CATNIP) feel this way because of what I have been through.

    I would have interpreted it as bashing...but, I agree with PIF, too. You are being sensitive, AND I WOULD BE TOO. But, please don't look for meanness where I don't think it is intended.


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