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Thread: Brennan's Trip to the Pet Store - Need Some Advice

  1. #16
    Prongs aren't as bad as people make them out to be. Sometimes strong dogs need them. If used right, they don't hurt the dog. I think you're doing well Bri and the pit bull forum Bri is on is very informative and have been around the breed for a long time. It's a training tool that is sometimes needed! I would suggest training classes to get him to focus on YOU and not other dogs. Remember APBTs are prone to dog aggression so do not let him meet another dog unless you KNOW that dog and it's behavior towards other dogs. When he is with you, he needs to focus on you! So a training class should help with that. Good luck!
    Krista- owned by Rudy, Dixie, Miagi & Angel

    Rocky, Jenny, Ginger Buster & Tiger .. forever loved & always in my heart..

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Knoxville, TN
    Quote Originally Posted by luvofallhorses View Post
    Prongs aren't as bad as people make them out to be. Sometimes strong dogs need them. If used right, they don't hurt the dog. I think you're doing well Bri and the pit bull forum Bri is on is very informative and have been around the breed for a long time. It's a training tool that is sometimes needed! I would suggest training classes to get him to focus on YOU and not other dogs. Remember APBTs are prone to dog aggression so do not let him meet another dog unless you KNOW that dog and it's behavior towards other dogs. When he is with you, he needs to focus on you! So a training class should help with that. Good luck!
    I was hoping you'd chime in and validate my prong argument, haha.

    Oh, I know about the meeting other dogs thing. I immediately redirect him as soon as we see another dog. I haven't had anyone actually try to bring their dog up to meet him yet, but if that happens, then I'll do everything possible to keep them away. He hasn't shown any signs of dog aggression as of right now, but he's only one, so I know it doesn't hit till later.

    I'm going to keep looking for a trainer and see how much it costs. I know there's a class right down the road from me that's $15/lesson and you don't have to register or anything.
    ♥Bri [HUMAN]♥
    ♥Lily [POMERANIAN], Brennan [APBT], Bailey [APBT/HOUND MIX]♥
    ♥Tallulah[CALICO], Domino [TUXIE]♥
    ♥Peach [RAT], Pepper [RAT], Phoebe [RAT], and PipSqueak [RAT]
    ♥Salvatore [BETTA]♥

    “Dream what you want to dream; go where you want to go; be what you want to be,
    because you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do.”

    In Loving Memory <3
    Roxy Lily Brennan
    Facebook TigerLily Photography

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Happy Valley, Utah
    I've heard that prong collars can increase aggression sometimes. The dog is excited to see the other dog so they pull, they receive the pinch from the collar from pulling, then associate the pain with the other dog, which could cause them to react badly to meeting a new dog next time. I've used prong collars before and I thought that Nebo seemed to react worse to meeting new dogs while wearing the prong collar. (My dogs are pretty good with other dogs when meeting them off leash but they can all be brats when meeting on leash especially if I have multiple dogs.) I'm not saying this will be the case for you but something you might want to look into.

    A random side note on the hackles...Keva and Skya are so weird. If they haven't seen each other for a while (like I took one to work) they both react with huge hackles up and growling when they see each other, never a fight, they just get their hackles up and growl then run off to play together totally fine. Strange dogs.

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Brunswick, OH
    Sorry, but prongs always cause pain. Explain to me how a prong doesn't cause pain, yet still works? However, they are a training TOOL and aren't meant to be a permanent thing. Your dog will learn to cope with the pain and the prong will no longer work.
    Monica Callahan KPA-CTP *Woohoo!*

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Brunswick, OH
    But obviously we here are not open to suggestions. I told you that the prong will only escalate your dogs problems and have given you different options. I truly hope that you find something that works for you in the long run. Good luck!
    Monica Callahan KPA-CTP *Woohoo!*

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Knoxville, TN
    Quote Originally Posted by MonicanHonda View Post
    Sorry, but prongs always cause pain. Explain to me how a prong doesn't cause pain, yet still works? However, they are a training TOOL and aren't meant to be a permanent thing. Your dog will learn to cope with the pain and the prong will no longer work.
    If it's used properly, it doesn't cause enough pain to hurt the dog. Sometimes Brennan gets excited and yanks it a little too hard, and yeah, it hurts him. He learns not to do that though because he doesn't want to feel pain... He doesn't wear it all the time, I only use it when we go for walks or when he's out in a public place where he needs to behave himself.

    Quote Originally Posted by MonicanHonda View Post
    But obviously we here are not open to suggestions. I told you that the prong will only escalate your dogs problems and have given you different options. I truly hope that you find something that works for you in the long run. Good luck!
    I am open to suggestions, but I don't think the prong is going to escalate my problems, sorry. Plenty of Pit Bull owners use the prong with no problems, and it works in teaching their dog not to pull, which is the objective here.
    ♥Bri [HUMAN]♥
    ♥Lily [POMERANIAN], Brennan [APBT], Bailey [APBT/HOUND MIX]♥
    ♥Tallulah[CALICO], Domino [TUXIE]♥
    ♥Peach [RAT], Pepper [RAT], Phoebe [RAT], and PipSqueak [RAT]
    ♥Salvatore [BETTA]♥

    “Dream what you want to dream; go where you want to go; be what you want to be,
    because you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do.”

    In Loving Memory <3
    Roxy Lily Brennan
    Facebook TigerLily Photography

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    How often has he gotten to meet new dogs in a controlled situation though? The more dogs get to meet other dogs in a good situation, the better they get at it. He obviously can't learn what is the wrong way to act around dogs he wants to meet if he never gets to learn the right way.
    "There are two things which cannot be attacked in front: ignorance and narrow-mindedness. They can only be shaken by the simple development of the contrary qualities. They will not bear discussion."

    Lord John Emerich Edward Dalberg Acton

  8. #23
    This may sound dumb, but I've put the pinch on myself to see how painful it is. And unless you're yanking hard it doesn't really hurt. (which you're not suppose to do anyway. Should be a quick small pop and release) It's just suppose to pinch. That being said, I'll never use one on Clover. I used one on 2 of my other dogs and they became more excited and growling at other dogs as they got older. I doubt it's the pinch honestly, probably me being nervous. However, Clover is reacting very well to positive training, it just takes SO much more work then a pinch collar. I think if you want to use the pinch, then that's fine. A lot of people use them, but maybe take a training class with him to learn how to use it properly

    Clover, Loki, Shadow, Pixel and Kyo


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