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Thread: Compliment Lists - Final Lists!

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Riding my bike somewhere...
    binka_nugget (Ashley) : very caring and patient, eager to learn

    bluekat(Tiffany) : has very enjoyable posts because she is nice to everyone, always in a good mood

    CamCampup33 (Amber) : positive and upbeat personality, a true pleasure to “be around”

    Cheshirekatt (Kat) : admired by many for her rescue efforts, intelligent and funny

    CookieBaker (Anna) : friendly, thoughtful, understanding, very approachable and easy to talk to

    Countrywolf07 (Rachel) : creative, devoted, caring, good sense of humor

    Crikit (Tracy) : hilarious sense of humor, great to talk to, you can always count on her to lift your spirits

    Dogz (Emma) : upbeat, funny, always has an encouraging word

    GoldenRetrLuver (Julie) : positive, warm, caring, always willing to lend an ear when someone needs it

    green_chameleon_girl (Heather) : sweet, energetic, friendly, easygoing

    HoRsELUvR (Robyn) : mature, always nice to people, should definitely post more often, would love to hear from her more

    ILoveMyAbbyGirl (Megan) : her love for her family and her animals is so strong that you can tell what a caring person she is (even if you don’t know her too well), fun to talk to

    Karen (Karen) : considerate of everyone's feelings, has a wonderful talent in writing and a beautiful way with words

    Kfamr (KayAnn) : wonderful photography talent, not afraid to speak up for what she believes in, very sweet and smart

    Logan (Logan) : loyal to her friends and always the first to stick up for someone, a wonderful mom to both fur and skin kids

    Lut (Lut) : so sensitive to the feelings of others, a wonderful mom, wife, and furmom

    Moose (Brooke) : outspoken, stands up for her friends, funny

    Nomilynn (Naomi) : encouraging in tough situations, always there to talk to when you need her, will always be there sticking up for the underdog, not afraid to speak her mind, very very nice

    Petlover (Jan) : very mature and smart, sweet and innocent, great compassion for animals

    primabella (Liana) : kind, generous, always there for her friends

    shais_mom (Staci) : funny, understanding, always willing to lend her opinion to help someone out

    Tikeyas_mom (jynnelle) : tolerant, accepting, a loyal friend

    RubyMutt (Lindsey) : kind and supportive, never heard a negative thing out of her mouth, always has something nice to say

    Uabassoon (Laura) : very nice, accepting of others' views and opinions, patient, funny

    wolf Q (Amy) : great friend, funny, compassionate, and has so many wonderful talents

    wolfsoul (Jordan) : outgoing and silly, a loyal friend

    YellowLabLover (Laura) : smart, quick witted and insightful

    zanzanfergie (Sarah) : a good shoulder to lean on, a wonderful, supportive friend, very sweet

    zippy-kat (Tonya) : this girl is a blast, sweet, funny, caring, and wonderful to talk to

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Riding my bike somewhere...
    aly (Alyson) :
    Aly, you're one of the most generous people in know, in both love and time. What you've sacrificed of yourself to care for your fosters in incredible. I think what I'm trying to say is that when I grow up, I want to be just like you .

    binka_nugget (Ashley) :
    Ashley, this is zanzanfergie so you know, and I just wanted to let you know how sorry I am that I never replied to your PM about the photoshop help! I know that this isn't exactly the right time or place, but I think it was kind of relevant, because it shows what a gorgeous and generous girl you are, and how sweet it was of you to help me (and you actually really did! I'm doing amazing things with brushes now, lol ). You're an amazing mom to your furkids, and take some beautiful pictures of Kaedyn and Kai.

    CookieBaker (Anna) :
    Anna, I think you are absolutely taken for granted around here, and I just want to let you know how much I appreciate your calmness and gentlness when things get a little heated. You're always fair, and always nice, and I just feel like I could trust you. Plus Malone is a big furry gentleman and you have taken some simply stunning pictures of the precious guy.

    Karen (Karen) :
    Karen, sometimes you are the voice of reason in Pettalk and for that I thank you! You always have something very wise to say, and though that impression might be exemplified by the fact that you are the webmiss, I always feel like when you put your two cents in it is bound to be something profound.

    Kfamr (KayAnn) :
    Kay, you are such a strong, intelligent girl and I love that you are always courageous enough to express your opinion, even when it's unpopular. You're brave and smart and I admire you so much for it. I also love, and look forward to, your pictures of Simba and Nala more than anybody else's on Pettalk. Not only are your models just gorgeous, but the pictures are always original and so artistic.

    Logan (Logan):
    Logan, sometimes I think you're the sweetest lady around here, and that I could talk to you, and trust as if you were my Mom. I think your Helen is a very lucky girl, and so are all your precious furkids. Thankyou for being so gentle, patient, and kind always, whether you're replying to a quadruple pillar of a first-time poster.

    Nomilynn (Naomi) :
    Naomi, I may have only talked to you once or twice but you've always been so sweet to me, and a lot of fun on AIM. I think what made me admire you most was your genuine love and concern for your friend Aly when she was running herself down looking after all her fosters. You was so kind and patient to her, and didn't spend even one moment talking about yourself. That impressed me then, and it still does. You're a very lovely lady.

    bluekat(Tiffany) :
    Tiffany, you're a really sweet girl who always has the courage to ask for help about your pets and I admire your patience to take it all on board.

    Countrywolf07 (Rachel) :
    Rachel, I love that you have an interest outside of pets that you can bring to the board, which is country music. i really don't get it but I admire you for being such an amazing fan! I also think you're a really, really pretty girl from the photos I've seen of you with Nebo.

    green_chameleon_girl (Heather)
    Heather, I love that you are such a devoted repile mother especially when they are not mainstream pets. You obviously love little Rex very much, and from his pictures I do too!

    HorsELUvR (Robyn)
    Robyn, you are a very nice person with some interesting things to say about each topic. Plus, it's always good to see a fellow Buffyite around the boards

    CamCampup33 (Amber) :
    Amber, you are lots of fun and a very lively person, and I can't get enough of your sweet Cami pictures.

    Cheshirekatt (Kat) :
    Kat, I don't often venture into the cat side, but from the posts you have in General I've formed an impression of a very intelligent, nice lady who always sticks up for her opinions.

    Petlover (Jan) :
    Jan, you are the first person I have ever known who has had a goat for a pet, so I think you are a wonderful ambassador for the goat owning public! You speak your opinion very well, and are a very nice person.

    RubyMutt (Lindsey)
    Lindsey, what I love most about you is that you always have kind word for everyone. You've made me feel better lots of times, and your kind words about my guineas still make me happy today when I think back on them. I think Ruby is one of the most special, well loved dogs I've ever seen, and that you're a very sweet lady.

    Uabassoon (Laura) :
    Laura, I've always had the impression that you're a very intelligent, learned person and that you try to always get the full story and not judge people and I admire that. I don't know you so well because I rarely venture onto the cat side, but from I do know you're a very nice person and a wonderful catmom.

    ILoveMyAbbyGirl (Megan) :
    Megan, I've always been impressed by the way you apologised a while back, I thought it was handled with dignity and that you were a very courageous girl to do so.

    wolfsoul (Jordan) :
    Jordan, your prescence is always appreciated around the boards, because you're always patient and lovely. I admire what a good and loyal friend you are to Jynnelle, always, and how you stick up for her at the same time as having genuine concern for all animals.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Riding my bike somewhere...
    aly (Alyson) : You have a big heart and are always willing to help an animal in need.
    binka_nugget (Ashley) : You're very dedicated to both your dogs and are an overall nice person
    bluekat(Tiffany) :a joyful person who worships her cats
    CamCampup33 (Amber) :Almost always happy, your posts are always a joy to see
    Cheshirekatt (Kat) :a genuinely nice person who adores her fur kids
    CookieBaker (Anna) : a truely nice person who worships your dog
    Countrywolf07 (Rachel) : a good person whose posts I'd like to see more often
    Dogz (Emma) :a joy to see around pet talk
    GoldenRetrLuver (Julie) :a dedicated fur mom
    green_chameleon_girl (Heather):a happy and joyful person
    HoRsELUvR (Robyn):a very nice and caring individual
    ILoveMyAbbyGirl (Megan) : a caring person
    Karen (Karen) :Not only are you a caring person you have helped to create and maintain a place that is a joy to take part in.
    Kfamr (KayAnn) : You have so much talent that at times I'm just
    amazed. Plus you love your dogs like no one else I know.
    Logan (Logan) you are perhaps one of the most dedicated fur and flesh moms that I know of.
    Lut (Lut) : a kind and carring fur and flesh mom
    Moose (Brooke) :a supportive and caring individual
    Nomilynn (Naomi) :The love and dedication that you show your pets and friends amazes me. Glad to be considered one of them.
    Petlover (Jan) :You always have a kind word to say to all
    primabella (Liana) : you always have something nice to say to
    shais_mom (Staci) :You keep things real, make people see the real perspective of the topics at hand. Plus you make me laugh.
    Tikeyas_mom (jynnelle) : You haven't let the problems from the past get you down.
    RubyMutt (Lindsey):a very lovely individual
    Uabassoon (Laura) :You're a great person to talk to and a very caring individual.
    wolf Q (Amy) :One of the best dog moms I know and also one of the best and most funnest people to talk to. You're my homegirl man ^_-
    wolfsoul (Jordan) : You've overcome some of the earlier issues that occured on the board to become one of the valuble members of pet talk.
    YellowLabLover (Laura) : You are never afraid to stand up for what you believe in.
    zanzanfergie (Sarah) :You are perhaps one of the happiest, sweetest, nicest people on pet talk.
    zippy-kat (Tonya) :You're perhaps one of the smartest people on Pet Talk plus you're crazy man...but in a good way ^_^

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Riding my bike somewhere...
    aly (Alyson) : Aly, you are one of the kindest, most caring people I have ever "met"~always putting the health and well being of your fosters and babies before your own. I always enjoy reading your posts and seeing your pictures.

    binka_nugget (Ashley) : Ashley, I always love hearing about your two beautiful pups, Kai and Kaydyn. I love seeing your pictures and you train them so wonderfully.

    bluekat(Tiffany) : Tiffany, one of the things I like best about you is that you always have something nice to say. You are always congratulating or complimenting somebody, and that's so awesome!

    CamCampup33 (Amber): Amber, you are one of the spunkiest kids on pettalk! I missed you when you were gone for a few days, and so glad you're back! I always enjoy your humourous posts!!

    Cheshirekatt (Kat) : Kat, Even tho' I don't know you that well, the one thing that stick out in my mind is your love of SHOES! I am so impressed with the pictures you posted of your collection! That is the coolest thing!

    CookieBaker (Anna) : --

    Countrywolf07 (Rachel) : Rachel, you have awesome taste in music. I have loved getting to know you on AIM, and always, always enjoy hearing about the concerts you go to. I'm soo jealous!! Your fur-babies, Anna & Rosie are beautiful, and I always love hearing about them, too.

    Crikit (Tracy) : Tracy, I always love seeing pictures of your three beautiful puppers! It's funny because in our dog class, there is a Papillon. I can NEVER remember her name because all I can think of is "Tama". And I am so in love with Smudge and Winter. Smudge especially has the sweetest face ever.

    Dogz (Emma) : Emma, I enjoy reading all your posts. You are so kind and thoughtful in everything you say. I enjoyed getting to know you a bit more during the best friends contest with Chubby. And you better watch Chubby, 'cause one of these days, I'm just gonna come take him!

    GoldenRetrLuver (Julie) : Julie you are such a big part of Pettalk. I always love seeing your wonderful pictures of Molly and Daisy. I always enjoy reading your posts so keep them coming!

    green_chameleon_girl (Heather) Heather, one thing I really admire about you is your sense of humor, and you always seem to be upbeat. Your posts always make me smile!

    HoRsELUvR (Robyn) Robyn, even tho' I don't know you too well, I always enjoy reading your posts. Please post more about your new pup Zoe and tell us all about her and how she is doing!

    ILoveMyAbbyGirl (Megan) : Megan, you write the most incredible stories. I always love reading them and seeing pictures of cute Gavin!

    Karen (Karen) : Karen you are the kindest, most fair person, and a voice of reason. Your poems are so comforting when a person is hurting. Thank you for keeping Pettalk such an enjoyable place to stay. PS More Miss Hoppy pictures please!!
    Kfamr (KayAnn) : Kayann, you are by far one of the best photographers on PT. As soon as I see a thread started by you with *pics*, I have to click on it right away.

    Logan (Logan): Logan, you are the kindest, most compassionate person on Pettalk. You have such a way with words that makes people so warm and fuzzy inside.

    Lut (Lut) : Lut, I appreciate all the nice things you say, and I think of you as a "Mom" on Pettalk. I have never heard a mean word come from you, and I'm so glad that you are here.

    Moose (Brooke) : Brooke, I appreciate how you stand up for what you believe in. I always love reading your posts. PS please PLEASE can we have some Moose pictures?? Please???

    Nomilynn (Naomi) : Naomi, on of the things I love the most about you is the fight you fought for Bassett no matter what other people might have thought or the cost. Thank you for being such a caring person!

    Petlover (Jan) : Jan, you have the sweetest pets, and I just love your little lamb. Even tho' I don't know you that well, I enjoy reading your posts all the time. We missed you when you were gone for that week!

    primabella (Liana) : Liana, I so enjoy reading your posts, and have loved watching Mickey grow from a wee tiny pup! Please keep those wonderful pictures coming!!!

    shais_mom (Staci) : Staci, I always love reading your posts! Any time there is an "issue" going on, it is almost guaranteed that I agree 100% with everything you say. I am so in love with Kylie and Keegan and love hearing about them, too!!!

    Tikeyas_mom (jynnelle) : Jynelle, I know that there has been a lot of controversy, and I truly admire how you don't let what other people think or say bother you. I'm glad that you are sticking it out and sticking around!!

    RubyMutt (Lindsey): Lindsey, I always enjoy reading your posts. I don't feel as if I know you too well, but you always have something nice to say. I always love seeing pictures of Ruby, so please post more of them!!

    Uabassoon (Laura) : Laura, one thing I admire about you is that you always have something nice to say. I always love reading about Tibby & Corkscrew, so keep those posts coming!

    wolf Q (Amy) : Amy & Nebo! Two of my very very favoritest people on Pettalk! I ALWAYS enjoy your pictures and stories, and guaranteed if you start a thread I HAVE to read it. You have so much artistic talant, and one of these days, I would so love to have you do a portrait of my furbabies!

    wolfsoul (Jordan) : Jordan, probably the thing I admire most about you is how you stick close to your friends. You are always there to defend them. You are a true friend, and that is a wonderful quality!

    YellowLabLover (Laura) : Laura, you are one of my very favoritest PT'ers! I love your sense of humor, and 99% of the time, I always agree with what you say. I can't wait 'til you get your yellow lab ~ but you better be careful! I just might come steal him!

    zanzanfergie (Sarah) : Sarah, I always love hearing about your beautiful bunnies and guinea pigs, and of course LUCY! You take wonderful pictures, and I always love hearing more about them.

    zippy-kat (Tonya) : Tonya, I ALWAYS enjoy reading your posts~whether amusing or serious, they are always a delight to read. Your pictures of KC and Piper are so artistic and full of life. Please, keep them coming!!

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Riding my bike somewhere...
    aly (Alyson) : Aly - you are probably one of the most kind-hearted person around
    - you clearly have so much love to help out with the foster animals that need
    it. You give them everything that you do, and in the end, they are rewarded to a
    forever home. You are also very nice and I'm glad I got to know you off the PT

    binka_nugget (Ashley) : Ashley, you are one of the nice people I've met on PT.
    You have so much love for your cute dogs! Those dogs are lucky to have an owner
    like you!

    bluekat(Tiffany) : Tiffany, I don't know you that much on PT, but from what I've
    read and seen, you are a nice person and you show a lot of love for your pet.
    That's a cool thing.

    CamCampup33 (Amber) : Amber, you have such a cute dog that seems to like to be
    photographed! Even my husky does not really like it when I try to take pictures
    of her! You're one of the cool people on PT!

    Cheshirekatt (Kat) : Kat - you are one of the nice people on PT - I don't know
    you too well - but I can tell that you are!

    CookieBaker (Anna) : Anna - you are such a sweet person! I always LOVED talking
    to you - I hope we do talk soon! I miss talking to you on AIM! Hope Malone is
    doing well! Give him a big hug for me and a kiss on his nose! He has that
    loveable, innocent look on his face in every picture I see of him on PT. By the
    way, have you seen Rascal Flatts yet? Seen them twice now, probably again in

    Crikit (Tracy) : Those dogs are lucky to have an owner like you! You take
    cute pictures of them - I always love seeing them! Give them a hug for me.

    Dogz (Emma) : Hey Emma! You're a really nice person. You are honest and friendly
    to the others on PT. I enjoy talking to you, and you're cool. Whenever you need
    someone to talk to, I'm here!

    GoldenRetrLuver (Julie) : Julie, hello. You are a nice person and I enjoy seeing
    your posts on PT. I love your dogs, Daisy and Molly! Daisy is ONE georgous
    golden, she reminds me of Abby, my neighbor's golden! Molly reminds me of my
    aunt's old dog, Lassie that she had when I was younger. Give the girls a hug
    from me!

    green_chameleon_girl (Heather) : Heather, hello! I don't know you that well, but
    I can tell that you are a nice person and that you love your pet(s) very much!

    HoRsELUvR (Robyn) : Robyn, hello! I don't know you that well, but I can tell
    that you are a nice person and that you love your pet(s) very much!

    ILoveMyAbbyGirl (Megan) : Megan, I don't know you that well, but you're a nice
    person. I enjoy reading your posts on PT! I can tell that you are a good person
    to your pet(s)!

    Karen (Karen) : Karen, you are one good moderator, and you run PT in a safe way!
    You keep things in order, and you're a nice person! I don't know you that well,
    but you have a good head on your shoulders! Have a wonderful Christmas!

    Kfamr (KayAnn) : KayAnn - I remember when Amy introduced you to me, and she was
    saying how nice you were. I remember you two harassing me to join PT, that was
    funny. Hope Simba and Nala are doing well. I can't believe Nala's bigger than
    Simba, haha. I'm glad I got to meet you, eventhough it was for a short period of
    time, like an half hour or so before you and your dad went to go back home to
    FL. Remember, Florida is awesome (hehe).

    Logan (Logan): Hello, what's up? You're a great person, and I always enjoy
    seeing your posts on PT. Don't change yourself, you're nice the way you are!

    Lut (Lut) : Lut, I hope you are doing well. You're a nice person, and I enjoy
    seeing your posts on PT, with whatever you have to say and pictures. Have a
    wonderful Christmas and a happy safe New Year's!

    Moose (Brooke) : Hi Brooke, I don't know you that well, but you are clearly a
    nice person and you have an adorable lab named Moose! He reminds me of Butch,
    the next door neighbor's dog. You have such a pretty home, too. I wish my house
    was as neat and tidy as yours! Hehe.

    Nomilynn (Naomi) : Naomi, what's up? Not much goin' on here - I enjoy talking
    with you in chat rooms, we've had some crazy times in there with Amy, KayAnn,
    Aly, and the others, haha. You're a nice person and don't change! It's been a
    while since we've chatted, so we ought to do it again sometime, huh?

    Petlover (Jan) : Jan, you're one of the nice people on PT, I don't know you that
    well, but I can tell that you are. I can tell that you love your pets and
    that's awesome. Have a wonderful Christmas and a safe Happy New Year's!
    primabella (Liana) : Hey Liana - you're one of the nice people on PT, don't
    change your personality. Mickey is one adorable Sheltie! He has a cute face,
    makes you want to kiss him on the nose! It's fun seeing new pictures of Mickey,
    and he has quite a personality!

    shais_mom (Staci) : Hi Staci! I really enjoy talking to you in chats on AIM -
    You're one of the nicest people I've known on PT and I'm glad I met you!

    Tikeyas_mom (jynnelle) : Hey Jynnelle - take care of those dogs good! You
    have a nice ability to draw - keep it up! Don't lose interest in it like I did -
    I can't really get back in it now & it sucks. You're one of the nice people on
    PT - very nice person to talk too!

    RubyMutt (Lindsey): Lindsey, you're one of the nice people off PT - and your
    dog is so adorable! Don't change of who you are, you have a great personality!

    Uabassoon (Laura) : Laura, hope you're doing well! I don't think I see you
    around often on PT, but you're a nice person! I can tell that you love your pets
    a lot, and you're a great person!

    wolf Q (Amy) : Amy, what can I say, I've known you for a *LONG* * LONG * time! -
    It's been almost 6 years, I think.. since we've known eachother - I am looking
    foward seeing you in June, hopefully. I am lucky to have a friend like you, and
    that we're still friends after all of these years. It's crazy how things work! I
    remember Nebo the first day you got him, how you debated on what to name him,
    and I told you to pick him, remember? Anyway, don't ever change of who you
    are, and you're a great friend! Give the boys a hug and tell your mom and dad I
    said hello!

    wolfsoul (Jordan) : Jordan, I always enjoy seeing new pictures of your dog -
    such a cute face! You're a nice person and don't change!

    YellowLabLover (Laura) : Laura - Hello! I don't know you too well, but I can
    tell that you're a very sweet person! I enjoy reading on PT and seeing your
    posts.. stick around!

    zanzanfergie (Sarah) : Sarah - I don't know you too well - but you're clearly a
    nice person! You're one of the cool people on PT!

    zippy-kat (Tonya) : Tonya! It's been always fun being in chats with you in it!
    You're one of the nicest person I've known on PT - and I'm glad I got to know
    you! Hope to chat with you soon!

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Riding my bike somewhere...
    aly (Alyson) : Aly has the biggest heart I've ever seen. She's always willing to do anything to help any animal in need.
    binka_nugget (Ashley) : Ashley always has something positive to say, her posts always make me smile as do her pictures of her two super cute shelties
    bluekat(Tiffany) : Tiffany always has something good to contribute to a thread, she is a very sweet person.
    CamCampup33 (Amber) : Amber is a great person and she has a wonderful sense of humor as well as being a very positive member of the community.
    Cheshirekatt (Kat) : Kat has the coolest star trek uniform I have ever seen!
    CookieBaker (Anna) : Anna is such a wonderful person, I always respect her comments and she always has something good to add the thread. I also love seeing pictures of all of her furkids!
    Countrywolf07 (Rachel) : Without Rachel I wouldn't know anything at all about country music. She is a very sweet and beautiful girl.
    Crikit (Tracy) : Tracy is a great person, I love her super cute dogs and hearing about her agility competition.
    Dogz (Emma) : Emma is a very nice person, I love seeing pictures of her fur and feathered kids.
    GoldenRetrLuver (Julie) : Julie is such a great person, she always tries to keep everything moving in a positive direction.
    green_chameleon_girl (Heather) Heather is a very cool person, because of her I now like reptiles
    HoRsELUvR (Robyn) She is a very sweet person, I enjoy reading her posts.
    ILoveMyAbbyGirl (Megan) :
    Karen (Karen) : Karen is wonderful! Without her I wouldn't be writting all these nice things right now Thanks Karen!
    Kfamr (KayAnn) : I love KayAnn and want to marry her!
    Logan (Logan) What would Pet Talk be without Logan? Logan is one of the greatest pillars of this little online community.
    Lut (Lut) : Lut always has something wonderful to contribute to Pet Talk, I love hearing about all of her kitties.
    Moose (Brooke) : Brooke is a very nice person, she always has something good to say.
    Nomilynn (Naomi) : Naomi rules! I like talking about dragons with her.
    Petlover (Jan) : Jan is a great person who loves animals very much, I love reading about what she has to say about pets
    primabella (Liana) : Liana is a very nice person, I love seeing pictures of Mickey because he is super cute!
    shais_mom (Staci) : Staci is one of the members I respect most. She always has something worthwhile to say, she is just all around a great person.
    Tikeyas_mom (jynnelle) : She is a very nice girl, I love seeing pictures of your pets
    RubyMutt (Lindsey) Not only does she have one of the cutest dogs ever but she always has something good to add to the conversation.
    Uabassoon (Laura) : Laura is a super sexy girl!
    wolf Q (Amy) : Amy rules! Amy is super nice and one of the people I respect most on PT.
    wolfsoul (Jordan) : Jordan is a very nice person and I always like hearing what she has to say.
    YellowLabLover (Laura) : For being on of our younger members, Laura is one of the most mature people on PT. I enjoy reading her posts, and she always has such an open mind about everything.
    zanzanfergie (Sarah) : I love seeing her bunny pictures, Sarah is a really great person
    zippy-kat (Tonya) : Tonya is super nice and I really enjoy reading all of her comments (plus I want to steal K'cee)

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Riding my bike somewhere...
    aly (Alyson) : Aly, you are such a sweet an amazing
    person for all that you do for pets. I don't think
    many could have the patience that you do!
    binka_nugget (Ashley) : I enjoy your posts, and I'd
    love to get to know you better. Your dogs are so
    handsome, and you obviously take wonderful care of
    bluekat(Tiffany) : You seem like a very nice person!
    Your cat is beautiful!
    CamCampup33 (Amber) : I always enjoy your posts and
    the pics of your cute pets!
    Cheshirekatt (Kat) : Kat, you are a very intelligent
    and a fun person to talk to. I'm glad there's people
    like you to stand up for pit bulls!
    CookieBaker (Anna) : Anna, you obviously have a great
    love for pets! I always enjoy your posts, especially
    the ones with pics! You have a talent in
    photography, I love how you capture Malone's
    Countrywolf07 (Rachel) : Rachel, you have to be the
    most country-obsessed person I've ever met...and I say
    that with love. You're a great friend, and a
    great artist (if you'd ever draw! )
    Crikit (Tracy) : You and your goonies so talented in
    agility, and you are a great person to talk to with
    the best sense of humor!! I'm glad to have a friend
    that understands the meaning of "special."
    Dogz (Emma) : Emma, you are a very nice and
    understanding person. I'd like to get to know you
    better. Your pets are all gorgeous!
    GoldenRetrLuver (Julie) : Julie, you are a very sweet
    person and I always enjoy your posts! You obviously
    love and care for your dogs very much!
    green_chameleon_girl (Heather) Heather, you seem like
    a very nice person, I enjoy reading your posts.
    HoRsELUvR (Robyn) You seem like a very nice person, I
    enjoy reading your posts.
    ILoveMyAbbyGirl (Megan) : You seem like a very nice
    person, I enjoy reading your posts.
    Karen (Karen) : You are such a nice person and very
    understanding...thanks for all the effort you put into
    Pet Talk!
    Kfamr (KayAnn) : Kay, you and I seem to "connect" on
    the way we feel about our pets. I'm glad to have a
    friend who doesn't think I'm insane with the obsession
    over my baby. You also share my photography
    obsession...and you take AMAZING photos!
    Logan (Logan) : You are a very sweet person, you
    always have a nice thing to say to everyone.
    Lut (Lut) : You are a very sweet person, you always
    have a nice thing to say to everyone.
    Moose (Brooke) : You always stand for what you
    believe in!
    Nomilynn (Naomi) : Naomi, you are the sweetest
    person!! You always know the right thing to say.
    I'm so glad I've been able to get to know you better.
    I love seeing pics of your beautiful kitties!
    Petlover (Jan) : I enjoy your posts and the pics of
    your cute pets!
    primabella (Liana) : You are a very sweet person, you
    always have a nice thing to say to everyone. You
    obviously love and care for your pets very much, and
    it shows!
    shais_mom (Staci) : Staci, you are such a fun person
    to talk to, and you have the best sense of humor!
    You always stand up for what you believe in! I'm
    glad I've been able to get to know you better.
    Tikeyas_mom (jynnelle) : You always stand up for what
    you believe in. Your drawings are very nice!
    RubyMutt (Lindsey) : You are a very sweet and
    intelligent person, and I always enjoy talking to you.

    Uabassoon (Laura) : You are a very intelligent
    person, and you obviously love your pets very much.
    You always stand up for what you believe in, and have
    a great sense of humor.
    wolfsoul (Jordan) : You are a very intelligent
    person, and you obviously love your pets very much.
    YellowLabLover (Laura) : A fellow cone-loving friend!
    I enjoy your posts and your sense of humor!
    zanzanfergie (Sarah) : Sarah, you have to be one of
    kindest and most generous people I've met. I feel
    honored to call you a friend!
    zippy-kat (Tonya) : Tonya, I'm so glad that I've been
    able to get to know you. You are a wonderful, kind,
    and generous person whom I'm glad to call a friend.
    You are the best bunny and kitty mom Piper and K'Cee
    could ever ask for!

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Riding my bike somewhere...
    Moose (Brooke) : You're a really nice person, and I always look forward to seeing pictures of Moose He's adorable!

    Nomilynn (Naomi) : I love seeing pictures of all your beautiful cats, and you're a really nice person.

    Petlover (Jan) : You're a really nice person, and you always have something nice to say. Your pets are all very beautiful, and I love Fleece

    primabella (Liana) :You're really nice and really helpful. You're also fun to talk to I also love seeing pictures of Mickey, he's soo cute!

    shais_mom (Staci) : You're a really nice person, and you always have nice things to say

    Tikeyas_mom (jynnelle) : I love looking at pictures of your dogs, they're all so cute!

    RubyMutt (Lindsey): You're a really nice person, and you have such a beautiful dog!

    Uabassoon (Laura) : You're a nice person, and I love looking at pictures of your cats.

    wolf Q (Amy) : You're a really person, and Nebo is very beautiful. You're also a talented artist.

    wolfsoul (Jordan) : You're a really nice person, and I love seeing pictures of your pets They're all very cute!

    YellowLabLover (Laura) : You're a really nice person, and I always love seeing pictures of your animals

    zanzanfergie (Sarah) : I love seeing pictures of your rabbits, and you're also a very nice person.

    zippy-kat (Tonya) : You're a really nice person, and you always know what to say. I love seeing pictures of your beautiful cats

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Kensington MD USA
    Nala, Simba, Drake, Pandy, Reece, Lolly, Cinder & Smoke, all of Logans kids, Gini's Rascal, the State Cats of Cataholic, all of Jen's cats, Edwina & Edwardo, Richards Eddy, Miss Hoppy, Thelmer, Piper and the crazy krew at Zippy's home, and all the dear, beloved RB kids... and everyone that participates here, my compliments to you furkids for bringing us together

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Riding my bike somewhere...
    aly (Alyson) : For some reason I see myself as a younger you. Or maybe it's just that I hope to be as great as you one day. You really look up to you, and I hope to do the work you do one day. Please continue bringing light into the lives of those furkids in need, and of course continue bringing smiles into ours!

    binka_nugget (Ashley) : You're a very odd person, in a GOOD way of course. Your two boys are handsome.

    bluekat(Tiffany) : Blueberry is so gorgeous, and you take aawesome pictures of that kitty!

    CamCampup33 (Amber) : I really hope to meet you and Cami one of these days! You've matured alot.

    Cheshirekatt (Kat) : Love those pitties to no end!!

    CookieBaker (Anna) : Malone, and your new addition Emerson are so darling, of course your other critters are too.

    Countrywolf07 (Rachel) : Anna and Rosie are so pretty and I'm glad I got the chance to meet them.

    Crikit (Tracy) : Very intelligent, very unique. I love those kids of yours.

    Dogz (Emma) : Emma! You're such a neat person to chat with, and I love, love, love your boys!

    green_chameleon_girl (Heather): Very nice girl, with a very handsome boy named Rex!

    HoRsELUvR (Robyn): You're always cheerful and nice.

    ILoveMyAbbyGirl (Megan) : A great writer.

    Karen (Karen) : What would Pet Talk be without you? Nothing!

    Logan (Logan): Our opinions differ from time to time but our love for animals had never changed. You have some gorgeous Goldens!

    Moose (Brooke) : Eeee.. I can't wait to meet you, Josh, Moose, and Zoey. I love the Moosey!

    Nomilynn (Naomi) : You're a very nice person, always great with advice.

    Petlover (Jan) : You have alot of gorgeous furkids, which we need to see more of more often!

    primabella (Liana) : Mickey is one handsome fella and i'm glad you shared him with us, since he was born.

    shais_mom (Staci) : Keegan is sooo pretty and I hope we get to see you guys again!

    Tikeyas_mom (jynnelle) : Baby is a pretty dog.

    RubyMutt (Lindsey): Ruby is such a unique pup, I love her markings. You take wonderful photographs, and it's nice to have you on PT.

    Uabassoon (Laura) : My wifey. I adore you, Laura, and you're truely and awesome person.

    wolf Q (Amy) : I really wish that you lived closer, it would be so great. You, Nebo, Reggie, Melissa and Lady should move our way! Hope we get to meet again.

    wolfsoul (Jordan) : I love the fact that you have your heart set on one breed, and that hasn't changed.

    YellowLabLover (Laura) : You're an awesome friend, with adorable kids!

    zanzanfergie (Sarah) : you're always so nice and mature in your posts, hope to see you around more often.

    zippy-kat (Tonya) : Whenever I see parsley, I think of Miz Sophie. I just know she's alive today in your kids, and watching you from close by.

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Riding my bike somewhere...
    Feel free to post now.

    Again, thanks to those who participated and to those who understand!

    Hope everyone enjoys their compliments.

    *edit* I forgot a few, they are added after Primabella's reply.
    Last edited by Kfamr; 04-03-2004 at 08:56 AM.

    ~Kay, Athena, Ace, Kiara, Mufasa, & Alice!
    "So baby take a axe to your makeup kit
    Set ablaze the billboards and their advertisements
    Love with all your hearts and never forget
    How good it feels to be alive
    And strive for your desire"

    -rx bandits

  12. #27
    Wow thank you so much everybody! God I wish I could re-do mine. I was so out of it when I wrote mine up and I thought we were supoosed to keep it short. Dangit! Sorry guys. Just know I would have liked to say more.

    Thanks so much again guys! This made my day! And thanks Kay for putting it all together.

    “I like too many things and get all confused and hung-up running
    from one falling star to another till i drop. This is the night, what it does to you.
    I had nothing to offer anybody except my own confusion.”
    - Jack Kerouac; On The Road

  13. #28
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Riding my bike somewhere...
    aly (Alyson) : You have the biggest, kindest heart of anyone with regards to animals in need.
    binka_nugget (Ashley) : Defender and proponent of Shelties!
    bluekat(Tiffany) : Sweet girl, and love your blue kitty so much!
    CamCampup33 (Amber) : Tries hard to be helpful, loves and defends Cammi
    Cheshirekatt (Kat): Generous to open your home to many pets, and generous with advice
    CookieBaker (Anna): Loves that Labbie boy - and her other critters, too! Shares her experiences with others.
    Countrywolf07 (Rachel) : A courageous gal, not afraid of following your dreams.
    Crikit (Tracy): Good at posting from the dog's point of view!
    Dogz (Emma): Friendly and helpful
    GoldenRetrLuver (Julie): Spoiler and enamoured of Daisy and Molly, dog-lover!
    green_chameleon_girl (Heather): Loves her lixards - not afraid to be different
    HoRsELUvR (Robyn): Quick to wish folks well and happiness
    ILoveMyAbbyGirl (Megan): Complimentary to others, upfront about
    Kfamr (KayAnn): You're an excellent photographer, and a stalwart defender of Pit bulls and mixes.
    Logan (Logan): Generous to a fault, open your home to all!
    Lut (Lut): Loving mom to many - human and otherwise!
    Moose (Brooke): Love Moose enough to want what's best for him.
    Nomilynn (Naomi): Loving kitty-mom who never gave up. Faithful.
    Petlover (Jan) : Loves horses and dogs!
    primabella (Liana): Kind to humans and animals
    shais_mom (Staci) : Loving mom, brave to learn to love a new dog after Shai's heartbreaking death.
    Tikeyas_mom (jynnelle) : Passionate about animals
    RubyMutt (Lindsey): Shares such nice pictures of Ruby, whom you obviously adore.
    Uabassoon (Laura): Happily unconventional!
    wolf Q (Amy): Talented artist, generous with sharing pictures of Nebo!
    wolfsoul (Jordan): Not afraid to share her writing - uncommon in a teen
    YellowLabLover (Laura): Quick to post, passionate about pets!
    zanzanfergie (Sarah): Such a sweet bunny mom!
    zippy-kat (Tonya) : Such a loving bunny mom, you dealt with so much with Miss Sophie, she'll live forever in our hearts.

  14. #29
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Riding my bike somewhere...
    aly (Alyson) : Your devotion to animals is very inspirational. The world needs more people like you!

    binka_nugget (Ashley) : It's great to see when younger people like yourself care so much about others. I know very few people your age who would not only care so much for two dogs, but also do therapy work with them.

    bluekat(Tiffany) : You seem to be a very positive person; you always have something nice to say.

    CamCampup33 (Amber) : You have a good sense of humor, always brightening up PT!

    Cheshirekatt (Kat) : You are a very honest, sincere woman with a wonderful sense of humor.

    CookieBaker (Anna) : I always enjoy reading your posts; you seem like such a genuinely kind person.

    Countrywolf07 (Rachel) : From reading your posts you seem like you'd be a fun woman to know in person.

    Crikit (Tracy) : You obviously care very much for your adorable puppers. You’re a wonderful dogmom!

    Dogz (Emma) : You seem like such a genuinely kind person, your posts always bring a smile to my face!

    GoldenRetrLuver (Julie) : You always seem willing to give support to others when they need it. It’s nice to have you around PT.

    green_chameleon_girl (Heather): You seem to be a very energetic and kind young woman.

    HoRsELUvR (Robyn): I haven’t gotten many opportunities to get to know you very well, but you seem to be a nice person.

    ILoveMyAbbyGirl (Megan) : You are a very talented writer. I hope you continue to perfect your skills; they could definitely take you places!

    Karen (Karen) : None of this would be possible without you! Because of you many friendships have been made, creating PT is a wonderful thing you have done!

    Kfamr (KayAnn) : You always seem more than willing to do things for others. Your photography skills are fabulous, I hope you continue to perfect them and share your photos with PT!

    Logan (Logan): You always seem to be a very supportive and caring member of PT. I always enjoy reading your posts, it seems like you always have something nice to say.

    Lut (Lut) : You are a wonderful asset to PT. You’re always positive and kind, your posts are always great.

    Moose (Brooke) : You've only been on PT for a short period of time, but you're already made quite an impression. It's nice to have you around.

    Nomilynn (Naomi) : I always enjoy reading your posts. You’re very honest, kind, and have a good sense of humor. You devotion to your kitties is wonderful!
    Petlover (Jan) : It’s great how involved you are with PT. It’s nice seeing people your age who care so much for animals.

    primabella (Liana) : You are a wonderful asset to PT! I love seeing photos of Mickey. Your posts are always wonderful; you’re a very kind and honest person.

    shais_mom (Staci) : You always speak your mind and get your opinion across in a very mature and well-educated manner. I really admire that!

    Tikeyas_mom (jynnelle) : You have no problem speaking your opinion even if it's an unpopular one.

    Uabassoon (Laura) : You seem to be a very kind and open-minded person. I always enjoy reading your posts, you seem like you’d be fun to know in person.

    wolf Q (Amy) : I've rarely met anyone who is as friendly and levelheaded as you. It seems like you can always get your opinion out in a mature and kind way. You're a wonderful asset to PT!

    wolfsoul (Jordan) : You seem like you would be a wonderful friend to have. You come off as very loyal, understanding, and kind.

    YellowLabLover (Laura) : I love to hear from fellow LOTR & Tolkien fanatics! It’s nice to know there are more of us out there!

    zanzanfergie (Sarah) : I always love reading your posts. You are incredibly kind and mature beyond your years!

    zippy-kat (Tonya) : I always enjoy reading your posts. You seem to be a kind person with a good sense of humor.

    Moose (Brooke):
    Brooke, I always admire and envy the way you can speak your mind. Even though it gets you in trouble sometimes it's very honest and refreshing.

  15. #30
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Riding my bike somewhere...
    Liana, your compliments are fine!!

    ~Kay, Athena, Ace, Kiara, Mufasa, & Alice!
    "So baby take a axe to your makeup kit
    Set ablaze the billboards and their advertisements
    Love with all your hearts and never forget
    How good it feels to be alive
    And strive for your desire"

    -rx bandits

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