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Thread: Borzoi show pictures- mine and related dogs

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Virginia US
    Quote Originally Posted by EnchantedGypsy
    I *love* all the photos! Thanks so much for sharing all of them, as you know Borzoi are not too common on any message forum I have drooled over the big male Zois at our local show for many years, but unfortunately have never paid much attention the the girls.... Which leads to me to a question: the standard states height for a female starts at 26"; are there really that many females in the lower size range or do most rival the 30+" male Zois in height?

    Eventually, I'd love to have both a Borzoi AND a large male Silken Windhound (25"-28"). I'd intended to get the Silken first to train as my future mobility assistance dog, but after several disappointments with planned breedings which didn't happen I'm thinking of reversing the order I get the 2 dogs I want. The main thing is the size variance since I've already bought crates, beds, collars, ect all sized for a 25"-28" dog.

    Thanks in advance for any feedback

    P.S.-after setting up my little sighthound forum, all my settings and everything were deleted
    That is an excellent question! They are in the process of changing the standard. Thei is happening for two reasons. Number one the breed is well over the size and has been for a long time. SEcond- you are right- and the silken windhound will soon be added need a firmer definition of size. The borzois being a type of wolfhound- height is expected. Most of the reasoning in the smaller height in standard comes from the most detailed records were European, and they are smaller in size in general. Also- Roman nose is no longer even remotely considered and now a "serious fault. "
    The current size definiation by AKC reads- " Mature males should be at least 28 inches at the withers and mature bitches at least 26 inches at the withers. Dogs and bitches below these respective limits should be severely penalized; dogs and bitches above the respective limits should not be penalized as long as extra size is not acquired at the expense of symmetry, speed and staying quality. Range in weight for males from 75 to 105 pounds and for bitches from 15 to 20 pounds less. " All of which would be considered small- but not the weight- the weight is an indicator of a larger dog. While it does say the words " at LEAST 28 inches high.." it also states higher in the standard- males larger without coarseness...
    The head standard is well off base- 'inclined to be Roman nose" is so far off base. And existed because of " barely a perceivable stop". That is another area expected to change. A Roman Nose dog would not have a snow balls chance of winning in the breed ring. On the next post I am posting the standard. Notice it was approved in 1972... About time for a upgrade on the definitions..

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Virginia US
    Borzoi Breed Standard
    Hound Group

    General Appearance
    The Borzoi was originally bred for the coursing of wild game on more or less open terrain, relying on sight rather than scent. To accomplish this purpose, the Borzoi needed particular structural qualities to chase, catch and hold his quarry. Special emphasis is placed on sound running gear, strong neck and jaws, courage and agility, combined with proper condition. The Borzoi should always possess unmistakable elegance, with flowing lines, graceful in motion or repose. Males, masculine without coarseness; bitches, feminine and refined.

    Skull slightly domed, long and narrow, with scarcely any perceptible stop, inclined to be Roman-nosed. Jaws long, powerful and deep, somewhat finer in bitches but not snipy. Teeth strong and clean with either an even or a scissors bite. Missing teeth should be penalized. Nose large and black.

    Small and fine in quality, lying back on the neck when in repose with the tips when thrown back almost touching behind occiput; raised when at attention.

    Set somewhat obliquely, dark in color, intelligent but rather soft in expression; never round, full nor staring, nor light in color; eye rims dark; inner corner midway between tip of nose and occiput.

    Clean, free from throatiness; slightly arched, very powerful and well set on.

    Sloping, fine at the withers and free from coarseness or lumber.

    Rather narrow, with great depth of brisket.

    Only slightly sprung, but very deep giving room for heart and lung play.

    Rising a little at the loins in a graceful curve.

    Extremely muscular, but rather tucked up, owing to the great depth of chest and comparative shortness of back and ribs.

    Bones straight and somewhat flattened like blades, with the narrower edge forward. The elbows have free play and are turned neither in nor out. Pasterns strong.

    Hare-shaped, with well-arched knuckles, toes close and well padded.

    Long, very muscular and powerful with well bent stifles; somewhat wider than the forequarters; strong first and second thighs; hocks clean and well let down; legs parallel when viewed from the rear.

    Dewclaws, if any, on the hind legs are generally removed; dewclaws on the forelegs may be removed.

    Long, set on and carried low in a graceful curve.

    Long, silky (not woolly), either flat, wavy or rather curly. On the head, ears and front of legs it should be short and smooth; on the neck the frill should be profuse and rather curly. Feather on hindquarters and tail, long and profuse, less so on chest and back of forelegs.

    Any color, or combination of colors, is acceptable.

    Mature males should be at least 28 inches at the withers and mature bitches at least 26 inches at the withers. Dogs and bitches below these respective limits should be severely penalized; dogs and bitches above the respective limits should not be penalized as long as extra size is not acquired at the expense of symmetry, speed and staying quality. Range in weight for males from 75 to 105 pounds and for bitches from 15 to 20 pounds less.

    Front legs must reach well out in front with pasterns strong and springy. Hackneyed motion with mincing gait is not desired nor is weaving and crossing. However, while the hind legs are wider apart than the front, the feet tend to move closer to the center line when the dog moves at a fast trot. When viewed from the side there should be a noticeable drive with a ground-covering stride from well-angulated stifles and hocks. The over-all appearance in motion should be that of effortless power, endurance, speed, agility, smoothness and grace.

    The foregoing description is that of the ideal Borzoi. Any deviation from the above described dog must be penalized to the extent of the deviation keeping in mind the importance of the contribution of the various features toward the basic original purpose of the breed.

    Approved June 13, 1972

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Illinois, USA
    This is Zubin and Galina's father. I copied it from the very beginning of the thread. He looks happy to me, maybe it is because he knew that he won! Borzoimom, how ever did I miss this thread? This is like your dogs' family album and it is extremely interesting! I'll admit I need to read the texts again and look at the photos more closely. But I don't know anything about dog shows, ribbons, rosettes etc. so it's all new to me.
    Praying for peace in the Middle East, Ukraine, and around the world.

    I've been Boo'd ... right off the stage!

    Aaahh, I have been defrosted! Thank you, Bonny and Asiel!
    Brrrr, I've been Frosted! Thank you, Asiel and Pomtzu!

    "That's the power of kittens (and puppies too, of course): They can reduce us to quivering masses of Jell-O in about two seconds flat and make us like it. Good thing they don't have opposable thumbs or they'd surely have taken over the world by now." -- Paul Lukas

    "We consume our tomorrows fretting about our yesterdays." -- Persius, first century Roman poet

    Cassie's Catster page:

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Illinois, USA

    color of a Borzoi

    Okay everyone, I copied this from a message. I thought I'd put the question and answer here, in case anyone else also had the question... The commentator who called the Borzoi an aristocrat was the Westminster Kennel Club television host.

    My question to Borzoimom
    Okay Borzoimom - I have another question for you. On the AKC Web site it says any color or combination of colors is acceptable. Your beautiful ones are all different colors but they all have white. Does every Borzoi have different colors with a basically white or light coat? The Borzoi that won best of breed had white with brown but darker than Hottie's brown, right? They are so gorgeous, I hope I get to have one some day. The commentator used the word Aristocrat and I thought that was a perfect image. Just breathtaking.

    Borzoimom's Answer:
    Any color is accepted- but the whites with color is the more popular of the colors. Also- I have noticed the "self colors" ( that means all or most of the dog is mostly black with some other colors- like a little white, or brown- but not marked as a tri color- ie like Femka is a tri color.) are usually less in bone- and most of the time shorter than the " white type " borzois.
    Also- there is a term of agouti- which means the dog is like Hottie- white with brown, but then on the tips of the coat in areas, it has black. Agouti can also be a darker red or brown. Hottie has black tipping on the edge of his coat hairs around his head and some on the side spots.
    Praying for peace in the Middle East, Ukraine, and around the world.

    I've been Boo'd ... right off the stage!

    Aaahh, I have been defrosted! Thank you, Bonny and Asiel!
    Brrrr, I've been Frosted! Thank you, Asiel and Pomtzu!

    "That's the power of kittens (and puppies too, of course): They can reduce us to quivering masses of Jell-O in about two seconds flat and make us like it. Good thing they don't have opposable thumbs or they'd surely have taken over the world by now." -- Paul Lukas

    "We consume our tomorrows fretting about our yesterdays." -- Persius, first century Roman poet

    Cassie's Catster page:

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Virginia US
    This litter with Galina "should" produce half white with brown agouti- like hottie, and half white with black with brown tipping ( like Galina and Zubin". We are Highly excited about it.. Its also my very first Borzoi litter and I can barely contain myself as I wait ...

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