Originally posted by Edwina's Secretary
"That's where it's at" no,no,no..."that's where it is!" I blame this one on advertising. The "at" is both unnecessary and incorrect.
Blame that one on Ohio schoolteachers. I had NEVER in my life heard that it was wrong to end a sentence with a preposition until I attended college. I was a good English student too! I know I wrote high school English papers using sentences ending in prepositions, and no one ever corrected me.

I can't stand it when companies place ads with typos present! I just want to write a letter to the company and tell them to hire someone to proofread their stuff! To me, typos and misspellings are always so blantantly obvious. I don't know why, but they always seem to jump off the page. Maybe I should have been an editor or something!

I use passive voice all the time and don't even realize it, and it drives my boyfriend nuts.