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Thread: Tell us something about you!

  1. #61
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    at beginning of the script.


    • I was born fully hearing without kneecaps on a full moon night.
    • my heart once stopped for a few minutes.
    • 2000 was my first and last good/best year.
    • I've never had a sip of alcohols and had first/last cigarette at age seven.
    • no fears, addictions or a missed disaster.
    • I have over ten disorders and am not on any medicine.
    • I hate to eat, especially in mornings, except with friends.
    • easy to make friends, hard to get on my list.
    • I was an olypmic swimmer.
    • I once had 21 pets at a point and a turtle was my first one.
    • I sleep easily and better in sun, lights and something on top of me.
    • I am very flexible that I could crack my hips.
    • I hate anything that ends in an odd number, even is always safer anyway.
    • I am writing a book.
    rest and sleep softly sweet locke..

  2. #62
    -i hate having boogers in my nose
    -i have had chicken pox TWICE
    -i produce and sing to the music i create on my computer
    -i want to desperately open up a rescue/adoption shelter
    -i havent had my natural hair color since i was 11
    -i make up silly nicknames for my cats
    -i love mushrooms and ravioli (not mixed, mind you)
    -i hate the internet, yet i am always on it
    -i think my cats are really aliens
    -i ALWAYS stand up for what is right and will fight for it until i die
    -my best friend is angelique. i miss her terribly, tho i talk to her everyday.
    -i was born, raised and still am pagan.
    -i am a black sheep
    -i hate writing.
    -i love writing.
    -i LOVE my cats like they are my children
    -i spoke with my blood brother for the first time in 7 years a couple weeks ago, have only seen him once
    -i am wearing camo pjs right now
    -i hate talking about myself
    -i have no idea what else to say...

  3. #63
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Kelowna, BC
    - My middle name is Paige
    - I was 8.1 when born, the smallest out of the cousins on my mom's side, the biggest out of my cousins on my dad's side
    - I am almost 11 years older than my only brother
    - I have Borderline Personality Disorder
    - Some days my medication doesn't seem to work so I take Visa into public with me as my service dog.
    - I am Vice-President of the local kennel club
    - I graduated and moved out two weeks later at age 17
    - I'm allergic to echinachea
    - My last name is famous in my city
    I've been BOO'd!

  4. #64
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    San Jose, CA
    -I am so insecure about being alone that I end up driving people away and making myself worse.
    -I was pregnant once.
    -If I'm in an argument, even a stupid one, and I know I'm right, I can't make myself back down, no matter how trivial.
    -I have bipolar disorder
    -I have always had an extremely difficult time falling asleep, I try to go to bed at least an hour before I actually want to be asleep.
    -I'm obsessed with eating right, exercising, and lowering my body fat percentage, but I don't have the motivation to really make it happen.
    -I have a high chance of becoming an alcoholic, so I am obsessively careful about how much I drink.
    -I fixate on one thing 120% and become absolutely obsessed, often driving the people close to me absolutely nuts.
    -I read obscenely fast....last week my boss told me I could bring a book to work and read, so I brought three good sized novels.
    -I've had three different jobs in the same shopping center. (pet store, hobby shop, and a gym)
    -I'm the only woman I know IRL who is happy with her body. I think I'm beautiful how I am.
    -I once snuck into a halloween party put on by the mafia. I got kicked out.

    Thank you Wolf_Q!

  5. #65
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Happy Valley, Utah
    -I can't help it, I love all dogs but I think Nebo is the cutest dog on the entire planet and I probably tell him that daily lol
    -I'm obsessed with wolves/huskies, I have been that way since I was a child. My room is *covered* with them
    -I check petfinder at least once a day for new siberian huskies (I want another very badly )
    -I've been a U2 fan since for 10 years, no other band compares. I will wait in line outside 12+ hours to get a good spot in general admission...U2 concerts are like a spiritual experience for me (yes I'm crazy)
    -I'm a gemini
    -I'm very shy around people I don't know, people often think I am rude/snobby because I don't talk to them, which is not the case I'm just terrible at knowing what to talk about. I probably have some sort of social anxiety but I'm not interested in taking any pills
    -I hate hospitals. I've had pancreatitis twice.
    -I can't swim (unless you count doggy paddle ). Maybe if my life depended on it, but I usually panic in deep water...just looking at really deep water gives me the creeps
    -I groom dogs and cats for a living
    -I'm 22 and live with my parents because I can't afford/find a place that allows big dogs
    -I hate pineapple, onions, cherries, tomatos (except in sauce and salsa). I don't mind banana flavor but I hate the texture of actual bananas. I have never tried lobster/crab/etc. because I just think it looks nasty.
    -I can't stand touching raw meat
    -I looooooooove cookie dough!
    -I have nothing against people who smoke but I don't like being around it, the smell of it makes me ill
    -I have never drank alcohol and I don't intend on ever getting drunk
    -No drugs either, and no desire to try them
    -I'm paranoid, I check everything before I go to sleep or leave the house. I make sure everything is unplugged, doors locked, oven/stove is off, I even check the darn heater all summer long when it is not even in use. I check the front door at least 3 times at night or I can't sleep.
    -I hate wearing dresses. Skirts are tolerable, but no dresses!
    -I like to save money, I guess that's a nice way of saying I'm cheap. I'll spend a ton of money on my dog, but you'd never catch me buying some expensive makeup, perfume, shoes, etc (stuff most girls spend their $$ on)

  6. #66
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    I think we are sisters! My back is s shaped too It's annoying when you want to buy trousers that fit you but I can bend my back at nearly 90 degrees
    Thats weird

    If you don't mind answering... why were you taken home by the police, what you do? I'm interested lol
    Me and my friend ran away from home and they found us playing in a ditch
    See ALL my pets here


  7. #67
    I love stuff like this!

    - I was born at 11:10 pm on the 18th of september.
    - I can't stand to wear socks that are just plain white.
    - I'm a vegetarian (former vegan). And want to go back to being vegan as soon as I'm out on my own.
    - Rats are my most favorite animal.
    -I won't eat with anything but plasticware (no silverware for me!)
    - I'm a very big fan of Bob Marley. Very obvious if you set foot in my room.
    - I don't like going to hospitals if I know that someone I know is in there.
    - I can't stand little kids who cry all the time... or if they like to throw their toys.
    - My most favorite snack is Banana Chips.
    - I'm Atheist.
    - I can't sleep without music playing all night.
    - I have an obsession with driving way too fast... on gravel roads.
    - Right now, in our house, we have just under 40 animals living here. MOST are fish^^, and a few belong to my sister and BIL.
    - I LOVE playing ERS with strangers.
    - I find Poetry to be the best way to release my feelings.
    - Music is my life. I can play the trumpet, baritone, french horn(though I prefer not to), electric bass, acoustic guitar, harmonica, clarinet, piano, and a few others.
    - Most everyone that has already died in my extended family has either died from obesity or smoking. I have made a promise to myself to never become either one.
    - Canoeing, Biking, Skateboarding, & Rollerblading are the only "sports" I enjoy doing.
    - The only sport I like to watch is Sumo Wrestling.
    - I don't have full hearing in my left ear.
    - Sometimes I act completley unknowledgable when in a petstore, just to see the way they respond.
    - I played teeball when I was little. I quit during the first game and sat down in the outfeild to draw in the dirt.
    - I like going to cemetaries and reading the tombstones and wondering what kind of history is buried there.
    - I'm very much an optimistic, despite what others think.
    - I adore the smell of Gasoline & Coffee(though I don't like drinking it).
    - Years ago, I got a teacher of mine to eat those dog treats that look like beefjerky, as they thought it was actual beefjerky.
    - In 8th grade I got sent to the office for doing an oral book report on a sausage cookbook.

    Ah.. I'll stop there^^.

  8. #68
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Charlotte, Michigan
    That was great to read , Chili.

    I connected to a few of your traits.

    Isn't Pet Talk fascinating??? You love rats, yet , I am afraid of them!!! (however, I adore mice)

    I don't like Hospitals either!!!

    i love music and i play the ascoutic guitar !!!

    I find poetry as the best way to release my feelings!!!

    Cemetaries, Gasoline, Coffee, ----------- this thread is wild to read!!

  9. #69
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Ashley, Michigan
    You lucky ducks. I just remembered some other things to add.

    - I LOVE reading. Most anything to do with animals (of coarse), but also a good Romance novel. I'd recomend Dee Henderson books to anybody out there. I havn't found one yet that I can easily put down.
    - I can't sleep, or even read, without having my fan and radio on.
    - I have had several idea for stories come into my mind, but find it nearly impossible to put them on paper.
    - I go to school a full hour away from where I live.
    - Popcorn is a food my life would be empty without... or at least my stomach.
    - I have never, nor will I ever, drink or smoke. Though I do not condemn those who do (I have a lot of family members that do), I do not understand why one would want to. I'll spare you the lecture on why.
    - I'm a Country music fan and love Garth Brooks. We have booth 6 CD box sets. Yay, Garth!
    - I'm the youngest of three children. One brother(19), one sister(21).
    - My sister is four years older than me, to the day. That's right, I'm the best fourth birthday present ever.
    - My first dog ever was given to me on my fifth birthday. Her name was Patches and she was a Dalmatian / Yellow Labrador. The Labrador in her made the spots on her rear look blue. I miss her terribly even now and can't wait until sucha poin in time that I can get another Dalmatian, or Dalamatian mix.

    [19 y/o Crazed Human Female]

    -The Dogs-
    [6 y/o female BC/German Shepherd/Lab]
    [9 y/o female Siberian Husky/Alaskan Malamute]
    [7 y/o female German Shepherd/Lab]
    [6 y/o male BC/German Shepherd/Lab]
    R.B. Blackfoot
    [16 y/o Lab/German Shepherd]

    -The Horses-
    [12 y/o Bay Tobiano Paint Mare]
    Miracles Happen
    [5 y/o Solid Bay Paint/Quarter Horse Mare]

  10. #70
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Aquidneck Island
    Quote Originally Posted by Husky_mom
    * I LIKE SKUNK SMELL!!! yeah, you read right I´m such a weirdo (not that I like a skunk to spray me on the face, but I rather like the smell)
    LOL! oh Isabel, you'd REALLY love having Sherman around! He gets hit at least once a year.

    OK, about me...

    -I don't have many close friends, I'm friendly & enjoy talking to people, but I seem to be a loner in life.
    -My dogs, books, and music are my companions. I deeply miss my RB Rosie, and my old cat Chow-Chow.
    -I have two grown sons, they are wonderful young men. Both are gone from home now, I miss them. I especially enjoyed when they were young, we did so many fun things together.
    -I love learning new things- especially about animals, archeology, ancient history, spiritual belief systems, and how things work. Also like reading & watching movies. I like to read self-help books (there's always room for improvement!)
    -I love to draw & paint - always have, always will.
    -I love celtic anything - artwork, legends & stories, instruments & music, clothes... if I could have a wish come true, I'd like to be a celtic musician.
    -I'm pretty well addicted to siberian huskies. I've learned so much about sibes since getting Star & Sherman. I'm also partial to wolves & birds.
    -I'm a good listener, and like to be helpful.
    -I like having work to do.
    Last edited by cyber-sibes; 08-16-2006 at 08:33 AM.

  11. #71
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Surrey, BC
    • I was born on June 5th 1985

    • I am 21 and married

    • I have a daughter named Sierra

    • I am 7 months pregnant

    • I graduated from a Veterinary Assistant course last October

    • I love the smell of my husbands sweat

    • I can't fall asleep unless the TV is on and my feet aren't covered

    • I love cooking

    • I didn't finish highschool

    • I love the smell of gasoline & propane

    • My favorite food is Poutine!

    • I get angry for the stupidest of reasons

    • I am a cat person, but I do love dogs

    • My middle name is Michelle

    • I hate being alone in the dark


  12. #72
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    Glenside, pa
    What cool!

    I was born 2 months premature and weighed around 2 pounds
    I'm allergic to all kinds of hair dye
    I wear a hard contact in one eye and a soft one in the other
    I love to talk, yet can be shy, am overly trusting and hate confrontations
    I was a tomboy, hated dolls and always played with stuffed animals
    I grew up with parakeets and got my first dog at 40 (Cody)
    I've always owned white cars
    I'm numerically dyslexic
    I've had 3 major surgeries in less than 2 years
    I'm a moron when it comes to technology
    I'm obsessed about my weight and only eat when I'm hungry
    But I love to experiment with cooking for others
    I hate thunder storms at night
    I have fibromyalgia too

    I've been Boooo'd!

  13. #73
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    I love this thread!

    - I could sit on the computer for hours on end.
    - I'm very sensitive and get my feelings hurt really easily.
    - I relate better to adults, and several of friends are much older than me.
    - I get attached to people very easily.
    - I hope I have it in me to become a Veterinarian. And if not, I hope I'm able to find an occupation that I'm equally passionate about.
    - I love getting pm's, although I don't get to many!
    -When I was really young, I had fears of sleeping my bed after I saw an episode of Flipper where there was a tarantula (And I guess I thought it would be crawling in my bed?)
    - I think way too much when left alone with my thoughts for too long.
    - I've never worn makeup before in my life.
    - My favorite show is the OC, although I hardly ever watch TV
    - Motorcycles scare me....too loud.
    - I'm scared of flying
    - My favorite thing to do with friends is dog walk.
    - I love listening to music but I don't have a favorite song or band.
    - I look up to many people, friends, teachers, Pt'ers etc.
    - I love reading the newspaper and staying in touch with current events.

  14. #74
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    -I'm NOT afraid of the dark, never really have been except when I watched too many AnimalX episodes as a kid.
    -Now, I love watching Animal X
    -I sometimes think not having any real fears is a bad thing, I'm not very careful
    -I hate math, I have to be the perfect little student just to scrape a 70%
    -I love english class
    -I tend to be very, very pessimistic without even noticing it. People have to tell me to stop complaining
    -I love vampireish movies (Underworld= )
    -I belong to a Unitarian church and I'm athiest
    -At times I tend to get exited and say I can or will be doing some things before I'm sure if I can them
    -I am NOT a morning person
    -The only times I don't sleep through the night is if I'm really sick
    -I get frequent migranes and take advil or tylenol a lot, I also have to take a massive pill for my allergies and a nose spray
    -I'm bad with hygine, I have to remind myself to take a shower or brush my teeth
    -I have some sort of sensory disorder that hightend when I'm stressed. People chewing gum drives me crazy, and I got so stressed durring my freshmen algebra final I was yelling at people for the sound turning over their papers made
    -I don't mind hospitals. My grandpa is a retired gastric bypass surgon, my grandma is a retired nurse, 2 of my aunts are therapists, my mom works for the state medical society and used to secratery for a doctors office
    -my left side is slightly weeker than my right. My left ear is bad, I'm a righty, and my left leg/ankle/foot in riding is so weak that I have to change my position when circling that way to make up for it.
    -I'm kinda afraid of becoming concerned about my body/ health. I love me the way I am now. I've always had high self esteem and get easily impacient with those who don't (like my little sister) although I know I shouldn't
    -I don't have many good friends, and rarely do anything with them outside of school
    -I have terrible motion sickness. I threw up after riding the swings at Navy Pier once
    -I get the flu bad at least once a year
    -I love diet Coke
    -when I was born, my mom and dad lived in a teent apertment with a lot of cats and reptiles, 6 weeks later my mom and I moved to my grandparents house
    -I only get to see my dad about 4 times per year but I love him very much
    -My first memories I was 3 visiting the Okapis and Howler monkies at the zoo with my dad, and turtle hunting with my dad. We searched all day and found one finally and I played with it for a few minutes, then we left.

    That was a lot more than you wanted to know probably!

    Chilli, you sound like a really cool person. I go to cemetaries for the same reason.
    Last edited by Suki Wingy; 08-16-2006 at 01:37 PM.

    Niño & Eliza

  15. #75
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by K9karen
    I'm numerically dyslexic
    what exactly is that? I'm wondering because I often mix up numbers without even realizing it, that's why I can fully understand the math and still get a whole bunch of things wrong.

    Niño & Eliza


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