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Thread: Disabled person in Wal-Mart thrown out!

  1. #76
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    I didn't know that they couldn't ask for proof.
    I think they people should have to provide proof...
    If stores don't ask for proof then I'll start bringing mine wherever I go...
    Just kidding.

  2. #77
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Binghamton, New York
    Quote Originally Posted by beeniesmom
    I didn't know that they couldn't ask for proof.
    I think they people should have to provide proof...
    If stores don't ask for proof then I'll start bringing mine wherever I go...
    Just kidding.
    That is a valid point! seems like proof should be necessary, other wise everybody would claim to have a Service dog, just so they could come in the stores!

    I didn't slap you, I just high fived your Face!
    I've Been Boo'd!!

  3. #78
    Since not all Service dogs are certified or have 'tags" then one reason she didn't provide any could have been because she didn't have any. So Saying she should have provided it out of courtousy is ludicrous. You have no idea if she even had any to begin with and since legally she doesn't have to have any it does not matter if they asked for it. They can't legally ask for it.

  4. #79
    Quote Originally Posted by critter crazy
    That is a valid point! seems like proof should be necessary, other wise everybody would claim to have a Service dog, just so they could come in the stores!
    What should be and what is are two totally different points. Personally I think all Service Dogs should be Vested or harnessed. Sheena and I never go out into a business without her vest on. This is not just so people can see she is working but also so kids can see the difference and so can businesses. But this is an opinion only. The law is that they don't have to be. So what is and what should be is two totally different things.

  5. #80
    Also for those here who have not seen it this was all discussed in a very similar thread. All the legal points along with links to official info are in this thread:


  6. #81
    Yes and you'd be surprised at how many do. That's why we have to have tags for our dogs and if we put their cape on there are plastic windows on each side to slide your ID in. In my opinion if you have nothing to hide, why make a big deal out of "legal" mumbo jumbo. Owner trained dogs are not recognized in most parts of Canada and never in Quebec. PSYCH dogs are also not recognized for the simple reason that there are psychyatrists to work with these disabilities. Our dogs do have to pass an access rights test before being qualified. To each his own I guess, but I totally approve of asking for ID. Not any worse than being asked for ID to get in a bar.

  7. #82
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Binghamton, New York
    Quote Originally Posted by NicoleLJ
    What should be and what is are two totally different points. Personally I think all Service Dogs should be Vested or harnessed. Sheena and I never go out into a business without her vest on. This is not just so people can see she is working but also so kids can see the difference and so can businesses. But this is an opinion only. The law is that they don't have to be. So what is and what should be is two totally different things.
    all I was trying to say, is maybe they should change the laws! I know the difference between what is and what should be!

    I didn't slap you, I just high fived your Face!
    I've Been Boo'd!!

  8. #83
    OK Mike I am sooo sick of you posting false information and never backing it up. People she did th esame thing in the other thread and was proven false there to. Go look at teh other thread to see.

    Psychiatric Service Dogs (PSD, what my Sheena is) are now starting to be recognized in Canada. The first PSD has been officially certified by a trainer and there are two training facilities in Canada for PSD. For PROOF read this letter from the Accessability Directorate of Ontario

    Canada does not require certifaction or tags. Only a doctors note. Says so right in the letter. Also says Service Dog s for Mental Disabilities have as much rights as all ht eothers. And Service Dogs do not have to be from a facility they can be owner trained. Which is why only a doctor or nurses note is required. Do your research please or provide proof to back up your claims. I did. I provided an official letter to back me up. Can you? I am sick of your lies and posting lies about the laws. It is people like you that make access harder for people who have Servcie dogs.

  9. #84
    GEEEESH----I don't care what the laws are where you are. In Canada each town, city or district pass their own by-laws. Please stop with the legal mumbo jumbo. I don't go around collecting data or links to prove stuff. I'm here to discuss things. You aren't giving mental illnesses a very fair chance with your rudeness.
    I was chatting with other members about what we believed should be. No one asked for legalities or referees.
    Do me a favor and bypass my posts when I am discussing with other members

  10. #85
    You were stating things as law. And sorry but you are wrong. Each town or city does not make up their own requirements for Service dog laws. The Provinces do. Each province is different. If you had said "well I think it should be this way" in stead of saying it like "It is this way" tehn that would be different. But you didn't. You posted it as fact. You posted about PSD's as if you knew fact about them when I have shwon proof that you don't. Proof that I have shown you many many times. Stop saying things about service dogs and the laws as fact and I will stop correcting you. Until then I will continue to make sure people get the proper facts and proof to back it up so that everyone knows the true legal aspect of it.

    As for my disability you have no right to use that as a part of this conversation. Just because your constant lies make me mad and your constant posting about falsehoods about laws and non for profits upsets me has nothing to do with my disability and how it looks to others. If they had any idea of how long i have been dealing with you and your posting of false info on forums they would know why I am so sick of it.

  11. #86
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Binghamton, New York
    Cant you two just leave eachother alone??? this is getting quite old! put eachother on Ignore, and be done with it!

    I didn't slap you, I just high fived your Face!
    I've Been Boo'd!!

  12. #87
    I usually do ignore her. But I do have to correct her when she posts falsehoods about Service dog laws because the things she says and posts could affect someones access. She posts things as laws and facts when in fact they are not. If she stopped doing that then I would ignroe it. But since I am a member of the Service dog community and I know how hard things can be when miss information is spread I have to make sure the proper infomation is out there. Sorry if it is a problem. Trust me. Her posting of false information is a real problem for me and others.

  13. #88
    I said nothing about your disability, I referred to mental illness in general. You are the one pointing it out yourself.
    As I said, no one appointed you to correct anything posted here, so why take it upon yourself to do so.
    Since you are so set on links, here's one I think you should read, it's from the california laws in the US,htm

    I would like to apologize to the other members for having to see stuff like this on the forum.

  14. #89
    Quote Originally Posted by mike001
    I said nothing about your disability, I referred to mental illness in general. You are the one pointing it out yourself.
    As I said, no one appointed you to correct anything posted here, so why take it upon yourself to do so.
    Since you are so set on links, here's one I think you should read, it's from the california laws in the US,htm

    I would like to apologize to the other members for having to see stuff like this on the forum.
    I thought you were talking about Canadian law? That is waht you are posting about and now you are posting a link to a dog bite law page in the States? What does that have to do with the ADA and Canadian laws about Service dogs? You sure like to change the subject when you can't back yourself up.

  15. #90
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    NE Pa.
    Quote Originally Posted by mike001
    I said nothing about your disability, I referred to mental illness in general. You are the one pointing it out yourself.
    As I said, no one appointed you to correct anything posted here, so why take it upon yourself to do so.
    Since you are so set on links, here's one I think you should read, it's from the california laws in the US,htm

    I would like to apologize to the other members for having to see stuff like this on the forum.
    In what manner does this link even remotely tie into the wal mart incident??
    Merry Holidays to One an All Blessed be

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