Well, no crime-doing here, but they are still the best sidekicks. ;-)

I love the look on Ethan's face here. :-) As long as you give him belly rubs he is your best friend.

He is also quite fond of rolling in the grass. The backyard is on a slight slope, and when Ethan gets going he usually ends up about ten feet down the hill.

Ethan was in a wonderful mood today. I think the fact that Skylar went to work with my sister was a big part of that. Him and Skylar have been getting into scuffles these past few months. I will probably be posting in Dog Behavior asking for opinions pretty soon.

My darling little Sala!

She looks a bit goofy here... which is a typical look for her! :-D

She's real good at looking pitiful, too.

This one is a few days old, but I didn't want Skylar to be left out.

And this is from about a month ago, but I love how they arranged themselves from smallest to largest. (Sala is laying down, she's actually a tad taller than that). This is the greeting people get when we leave the front door open... complete with doggy slobber all over the glass!

Its been a while since I have actually been able to post, but I hope I can do so more often now! I still have a few things I need to get done today, but I hope to be able to catch up soon. I hope everyone has been doing well.