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Thread: Is my Kittie in those days?

  1. #1

    Is my Kittie in those days?

    Hello everybody! I happen to have adopted the most beautiful cat on earth (we all think that about our cats) and is i am a first timer i have more doubts than answers. She must be around 7-8 months old (she is still small, but as she was living in the street before i assume she may have growing problems).

    Well, she is kind of crazy sometimes, and i am not sure if that is because she may be in those days? how can i recognize it?

    This is what happnes (she has been living with my for the last 2 months)
    1. she cries a lot (even when she eats, she makes these funny winny noises)
    2. it`s been so difficult to give her dry food but when i managed to give to her she suddently stopped eating (she just wants can food)
    3. and also in hte last week she started to give bites to things, i don't know if she has any dental problem, i saw that she was changing a tooth becuase it was loose but she already changed it.

    Well i can keep talking and talking about her and how crazy she is an how much i love her

    Thank you all of you,

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    It may be time for a vet visit, especially to check her teeth. If she's refusing anything but canned food it might be a sign of tooth or dental problems. A vet can also give you a better idea on her age, and if she is nearing time to go into heat. You should get her spayed when it is safe, but the meowing a cat does when she is in heat is usually quite different than normal meowing, as anyone who has lived through it may attest.
    I've Been Frosted

  3. #3
    Welcome to Pet Talk! This is a great place for learning and encouragement.

    I concur w/Karen: a vet visit is in order. It sounds as though she could be having dental issues and it's important to have a vet check it out b/c bad teeth can cause other health problems as well. Getting her spayed is vital, not just b/c she could get pregnant (hopefully, you've made her an indoor cat; much safer) but it can help to prevent uterine cancer.

    Give your kitty some scritchies for me and please update us soon.

    "Time and unforeseen occurrence befall us all." Ecclesiastes 9:11

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2003


    My son's cat was very small, just about 3 lbs, despite being 6 months old. Luckily he recognized it when she went in heat and was able to keep her in until we could get her to the vet.
    Good luck.

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