Trevor and Andy had appointments last night for their routine check-ups. My usual plan is to bring the cat carriers into the bathroom (easier to catch them in there) one by one, and then load the cats into the carriers in there. Last night I decided to bring the cats into the bathroom first because I didn't want them to see me moving the carriers and get wise to what was going to happen. I had Andy in there first, and when I opened the door to put Trevor in, Andy ran out and went under the bed. No amount of kitty treats or even catnip could get him out. I finally had to wind up just taking Trevor. The receptionist said she was very familiar with cats not appearing for their appointments because of just this reason. I am wondering how many of you ever had to cancel a vet appointment for your cat because they were hiding or you were just unable to physically get them into the carriers (my boys put up quite a struggle!)