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Thread: Any TWILIGHT fans out there??!!

  1. #1

    Any TWILIGHT fans out there??!!

    I just had someone ask me about my siggy, and I had to laugh. I have been so obsessed with this series, it's not even funny.

    I have the first three books in the series, and have read them all, and am rereading them as well because I know there must be things I missed on the first read through.

    I cannot wait for the last installation to come out on August 2nd!!! I've been looking for advance reader copies all over the web and at bookshops here, but to no avail. There are none to be had.

    I'm just amazed the Twilight was Stephanie Meyers' first book, it's just so well written, and so engaging. I never thought I'd be in to vampires and werewolves, but dang, she tells such a great story!!

    You can read more about it here, and also read the 1st chapters of each book (or hear the audio versions of the first chapters) on the following link:

  2. #2
    My best friend is CRAZY! over Twilight.

    It's not even funny, she starts sobbing when she thinks of Edward lol.

    When I told her there was clips of them filming on youtube it was NUTS.

    I have never read the book but I look forward to the movie.

  3. #3
    Ohh... you HAVE to read the book!!!!!

    I'm a firm believe in "Don't judge a book by it's movie". They've destroyed so many amazing novels that way.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Yup. lol. You can see by my sig too.

    'cept I feel SO BAD for poor, poor Jake.

    I actually finished Eclipse for the second time today. I need to post pics of the little Jacob and Edward cupcake plushies I knitted.

    Here's what I wrote about it in my LJ

    And some stuff I made during study hall one day:

    Niño & Eliza

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2004
    British Columbia,Canada
    Yes I absolutely love the Twilight series! I've been thinking about starting a thread on PT but I kept on forgetting.
    I can't wait for Breaking Dawn in August. I'm so anxious and I wish they could get it out earlier. If you haven't read it yet, I warn you though, once you start reading you can't stop,lol.
    I'm excited for the movie. Seems like their sticking to the book except for a few things. But if you haven't read Twilight and plan to see the movie, I would highly recommend you read the book.
    Do you know of all the forums for Twilight?

    I am Team Edward.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    I like the series as well, I think it is a unique 'take" on the vampire genre.
    I've Been Frosted

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Karen
    I like the series as well, I think it is a unique 'take" on the vampire genre.
    Get outta here! You read Twilight??!! Wow! I'm impressed!

  8. #8
    Yup. lol. You can see by my sig too.

    'cept I feel SO BAD for poor, poor Jake.
    OMG... me too!! I mean, I love Edward, and was so taken with him in the first book, and was absolutely torn in the 2nd book, but then Jake... sigh... I keep picturing him in my mind, and how he put up with Bella and her love for Edward.

    I'm not totally thrilled with the casting choices. I just did not picture them that way. Edward, I pictured paler, taller, and more "beautiful" by the way she always described him. Rosalie, definitely NOT... she's supposed to be stunning, and the actress playing her is pretty, but not a knock out. I could go on and on... lol. I guess that's why I'm not fond of films made from novels, because you can see so much more in your mind. Also, not happy that MTV is producing it.

    I keep searching everywhere for Advance Readers' Copies, but there just aren't any out there. I had found what I thought was an ARC on ebay, but then the guy changed his listing and said it was only advance orders... grrrrrr.

    I'm doing homebound instruction with a student from my school, and while I can't get her to do much school work, I did give her a library copy of Twilight, and she read the whole thing within about 3 days. She was so hooked, she was driving her mom crazy for books 2 & 3, so I ended up getting them for her at Barnes and Noble since she was just so motivated. She finished them both within a weekend! Just seeing her enthusiastic was worth it! We've already made plans to go to see the movie together and critique it, lol.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2004
    British Columbia,Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by jenn_librarian

    I'm not totally thrilled with the casting choices. I just did not picture them that way. Edward, I pictured paler, taller, and more "beautiful" by the way she always described him. Rosalie, definitely NOT... she's supposed to be stunning, and the actress playing her is pretty, but not a knock out. I could go on and on... lol. I guess that's why I'm not fond of films made from novels, because you can see so much more in your mind. Also, not happy that MTV is producing it.
    Actually Catherine Hardwicke is the director and Summit Entertainment is producing it.
    Go look under "In-production"

    I don't know if you know of Twilight Lexicon? But it is definitely one of the best sites that is updated daily. Also has a pretty good forum.

    From what I heard, MTV was going to totally butcher the movie so Stephenie said no.
    Anyways, I love Robert as Edward. He took a while to grow on me but I really do like him now with all the recent pictures. I like most of the cast but I think the only one I am REALLY disappointed with is Rosalie (Nikki Reed). Nikki is pretty but no where near how I pictured Rose.

  10. #10
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    Feb 2005
    I pictured Edward as Cedric the whole time I was reading it so I was so happy when I heard they cast Robert. I'm just waiting for them to cast the right Jake! I was a bit disappointed with who they cast as Bella at first but she grew on me.

    I agree you can't put it down. The first time I read Eclipse I was so angry at it but I was not able to put it down at all, even at 3 in the morning on a school night.

    Does anyone know if there'll be any midnight release parties for Breaking Dawn? I so would love to go to a "Twilight Prom"

    Niño & Eliza

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by sammy101
    Actually Catherine Hardwicke is the director and Summit Entertainment is producing it.
    Go look under "In-production"

    I don't know if you know of Twilight Lexicon? But it is definitely one of the best sites that is updated daily. Also has a pretty good forum.

    From what I heard, MTV was going to totally butcher the movie so Stephenie said no.
    Anyways, I love Robert as Edward. He took a while to grow on me but I really do like him now with all the recent pictures. I like most of the cast but I think the only one I am REALLY disappointed with is Rosalie (Nikki Reed). Nikki is pretty but no where near how I pictured Rose.
    I haven't kept up much with the movie production, just that I wasn't thrilled with the casting. Last I knew it was MTV, but so glad that changed!!

    I'll have to check in with the blog when I have some more down time. Thanks for the link!

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Suki Wingy
    I pictured Edward as Cedric the whole time I was reading it so I was so happy when I heard they cast Robert. I'm just waiting for them to cast the right Jake! I was a bit disappointed with who they cast as Bella at first but she grew on me.

    I agree you can't put it down. The first time I read Eclipse I was so angry at it but I was not able to put it down at all, even at 3 in the morning on a school night.

    Does anyone know if there'll be any midnight release parties for Breaking Dawn? I so would love to go to a "Twilight Prom"
    All I know is that Jake better have some long hair and look American Indian! No white boy who might pass for Amer. Indian, lol. I just see him so vividly in my mind.

    When I was reading Twilight and Eclipse, I was the same way with not being able to put it down. New Moon, I was a little disappointed, and was frustrated and annoyed because I kept waiting for Edward, lol. I'm not super patient, lol. I just can't wait for Breaking Dawn... will she stay with Edward, will she go with Jacob? I keep weighing the pros and cons of each. I still think she should go for Jacob... he's big, and soft and warm... sigh.

    I never got into Harry Potter this way. I'm the librarian, and I still haven't read past book 3 in that series. Granted this is more adult. By book 3 in Twilight, I've gotten to the point where I'm like "Would you just have sex and get the frustration over with?! GEEEZ!" I'm bad, I know, but gosh, it's just so drawn out!

  13. #13
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    Feb 2005
    Heh, I read that part on the plane next to a grumpy looking woman, I kept thinking she was reading over my shoulder.

    I totally am a Harry Potter fan. I was even planning on going to Terminus, a huge con, but I'll be out of town. I have all the HP audiobook files and I like to listen to them almost non stop while relaxing or knitting. When I finish one, I just start the next. I heard the audio sample of New Moon and wasn't impressed though.

    Niño & Eliza

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    New Madrid County Missouri
    *jumps up and down w/ hand in air*

    Me! I L-O-V-E those books. I had seen Twilight a couple times while in Barnes and Noble but I never really got the notion to pick it up. Then one night at the public library I was complaining that they didn't have the book I wanted so Dustin handed me a copy and said "Read this until they get *whatever the book was* back in. It's about vampires. You might like it.
    He was right (don't tell him I said that).
    I made him buy the first two books for me for christmas and my birthday and the third one the week it came out. Plus read them all after I did so I'd have someone to talk to about them. (His punishment for being right )
    I love Stephenie Meyer now.

    Another good young adult author is Amelia Atwater-Rhodes. Especially her The Keisha'ra Series. (Hawksong - Wyvernhail for the none AAR people)
    Last edited by Andie; 03-26-2008 at 11:04 AM.
    Hold your head high.
    Don't ever let 'em define
    The light in your eyes.
    Love yourself, give them Hell.
    You can take on this world.
    You just stand and be strong
    And then fight
    Like a girl.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2003
    :raise hands:

    I loooooooooooove it. <33333333333
    Jen & Gigi

    Thanks Kay for the set.

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