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Thread: What do you do as a career.. or WHAT do you want to do?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Cleveland, Ohio

    What do you do as a career.. or WHAT do you want to do?

    There's the question.. what do you want to do as a career...? Why?

    Y'all know what I want to do with my life after I graduate from college.. so... I have a question to THOSE people who talk to me..

    If I make it in Nashville, like, get my career into the country music industry, with graphic design, like merchandising, cd covers, etc.. would some of y'all, that talks to me often.. keep in touch and remain friends?

    Check out and check out the store - his CD is really good! He has a song that is co-written by Garth Brooks! Yes, GARTH. Richie Brown is a really nice guy and I have talked with him.. he is still breakin' in, and he is doing pretty well so far.

    I designed the CD cover, too as well! I'll post my pictures on here of the CD:

    Front cover:

    Inside the cover:

    Back cover:

    I guess you can say I have a headstart now..

    I know this is country music, but this is what I WANT to do.
    You're the one sure thing I've found so you better stick around...
    Best Fireman in da House´10
    dedicated to the kindest,loveliest and always helpful man that one would be honored and proud to know........R.I.P. Dear Phred

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    That is so majorly cool! You should be really proud of yourself.
    I am a dispatcher for law enforcement but if finances permitted, I would much rather be working at a no kill shelter or make my own shelter! I'm guessing I'll have to wait until I retire which really saddens me. Duke has made me realise that my true calling is with animals. I volunteer but it's just not the same.

    I did the right thing by setting you free
    But the pain is very deep.
    If only I could turn back time, forever, you I'd keep.
    I miss you

    I hear you whimper in your sleep
    I gently pet you and say, no bad dreams
    It will be alright, to my dog as dark as night.

    Fur as dark as the night.
    Join me on this flight.
    Paws of love that follow me.
    In my heart you'll forever be.

    How I wish I could hold you near.
    Turn back time to make it so.
    Hug you close and never let go.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Vancouver, BC
    Wow! The cd cover looks great!

    I'm living off my Jordan, Jynnelle and I are planning on going to CWCC (Canada West Canine Centre) in a couple years and completing a course to become certified "Master Dog Trainers". They have a really great rep and Kai and Kae's two trainers went there. I'd also love taking a course in Victoria with Ben Kursen since he focuses on different methods. Anyways, after I get my certification, I'd like to train my own classes on the side and maybe work for petcetera or something as a trainer.

    Kai [Sheltie], Kaedyn [Sheltie], Keeva [Malinois], Kwik [Malinois]

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Tabbyville, PA
    Lucky you! Is your name on there for "cover design?" That is so exciting! You should be very proud of yourself!

    I always dreamt of being an interior designer - that is until I was one. Let me tell you, the burn-out factor is high. I spent the last two years hating my job. Then God smiled on me and my boss laid me off at Halloween! So what's a burned out, stressed out person to do? Follow her OTHER dream and start my own company doing portraits of people. I love it!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    I am a pet groomer

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Upper penninsula Michigan
    Very nice-looking CD cover!

    I'm an ICU nurse, but I'm going back to school to be an anesthetist (the person who puts you under for surgery). I like the medical field.

    Thanks for the siggy, Lexi_Lover!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    I am a graphic designer!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Tucson, Az
    Right now I'm still a student majoring is music performance. Hopefully someday I'll get a job with an orchestra, but who knows what will happen. Right now I work part time for a pet sitting agency which I really love working for.
    I've been Defrosted!

    Thanks for the great signature Kay!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    I currently work in a data entry position. I know, I know, why in the world would I want to do anything else?! But, yeah, I'd love to own my own photograhy studio or be able to make a living with freelance. I have discovered also a creative streak. I've written a few poems and can draw certain people really well, but, I need to be taught to build my confidence. But, photography is my passion. I've posted a few of my favorites of my kitten, Lock, here on the message board. I'd like to be able to live by just being artistic. That's the ultimate dream job for me.

    Thanks, Dogz!

    "...when does sometimes turn into all the time...." Joe Pisapia

    "We all start off as strangers, it's where we end up that counts." Jennifer Beals, Four Rooms

    "And I find it kind of funny...I find it kind of sad...The dreams in which I’m dying Are the best I’ve ever had" Tears for Fears, Mad World

    "The idea that some lives matter less is the root of all that's wrong with the world" Dr Paul Farmer

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2003

    wish i had energy to work


    i don't work at the moment.mainly is because i have zero energy litterly zero energy.the meds i take for my epilepsy (22 pills a day) really drag me my triggers are stress and heat.anyway if i ever work i want to work at a daycare,then again i'd hate to scare kids if i were to seiz .guess i am really not sure what i want to do.but anything that would put food on the table and get me out of my parents place is fine w/ me.take care


  11. #11
    I really want to open a schnauzer rescue

    Why? Because I love dogs, and escpecially schnauzers, and I want to take them all in when noone wants them

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Ft. Wayne, IN
    Very nice cover!! I'm duly impressed.

    I am a middle school science and social studies teacher. I like to work with people and I don't like to do the same thing every day over and over....and God knows that NEVER happens in the classroom.

    Don't buy while shelter dogs die!!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Cleveland, Ohio
    Originally posted by catnapper
    Lucky you! Is your name on there for "cover design?" That is so exciting! You should be very proud of yourself!

    I always dreamt of being an interior designer - that is until I was one. Let me tell you, the burn-out factor is high. I spent the last two years hating my job. Then God smiled on me and my boss laid me off at Halloween! So what's a burned out, stressed out person to do? Follow her OTHER dream and start my own company doing portraits of people. I love it!
    Hey! Yep.. my name is on the cover, inside of the booklet, the artist mentions a thank you to me, and that is pretty awesome. What is a lot more cooler is that he knows Garth and he would actually arrange it for me to meet him someday if I wanted to.. Garth is my idol! LOL

    Thank you guys!!

    That is awesome for you.. about starting your own company..

    it does gives us a feeling to know that dreams DO come true if you WANT IT TO HAPPEN for yourself and others!

    Pretty cool for you guys too!!
    You're the one sure thing I've found so you better stick around...
    Best Fireman in da House´10
    dedicated to the kindest,loveliest and always helpful man that one would be honored and proud to know........R.I.P. Dear Phred

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Southern California
    I'm really not sure anymore.
    I'm torn between becoming a veterinarian, or a dog trainer. I would also love to volunteer/work for Guide Dogs of America and become a regular puppy raiser.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    graphic designer and art director

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