Part of this is this is a cross post from another board I am on.

Did anyone else hear or see the news about Clay Aiken, that American Idol kid, who said in a Rolling Stone Magazine interview that he hates cats and has actually run over them? PETA had some demonstration where they were encouraging people to neuter their pets and said that it (neutering) hasn't hurt Clay Aiken.

I cannot believe that Clay Aiken, or anyone else, would say that they hate cats and admit that they've actually killed them and think that this is something to be proud of. This guy makes me sick. I will never support him or buy anything he puts out: CDs, T-Shirts - nothing. What an ass.

I did a little research on the PETA site and came up with this link.
I certainly have to agree with not buying his paraphinelia now, not that I would anyway. That makes me sick.