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Thread: Thunder Paws! new book.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2002

    Thunder Paws! new book.

    In years past, I was a regular here on Cat of the Day. I posted almost everyday, although I don't believe I ever submitted a "Cat of the Day" photo, in part because I am a professional photographer and it didn't feel quite right for me to do so. I did lead people to my blog of the time, which had many a cat photo and story in it - sometimes including cats of COTD regulars who I managed to meet, including Sandy Frost, who I see is still a regular here.

    I recently published my new cat book, "Thunder Paws!" on Amazon, both as a paperback and ebook.

    It is a different kind of cat book, nine years in the life of one family, centered around the great cat, Thunder Paws.

    It is happy, it is sad, joyous, punctuated by grief.

    It takes place almost entirely in my Wasilla, Alaska, home and yard.

    Other cats make appearances, as do two dogs, a butterfly, a moose, and every member of this family, plus a vet and a couple of friends. Thunder Paws! is my second cat book. I will tell you about the other as Christmas nears. I am also the photographer and author of "Gift of the Whale" and the creator, photographer, writer and sole staff of Uiņiq, a magazine dedicated to covering the way of life of the Iņupiat living in the eight villages of Alaska's Utah-sized North Slope Borough - the Arctic.

    If the picture I think I uploaded but do not see appears, it is of my oldest grandchild, Kalib, looking at "Thunder Paws!" from the Hon-Dah, Arizona, porch of his great Aunt LeeAnn, who in the Apache way is his grandmother right alongside my wife.

    You can find "Thunder Paws!" here:

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Hi Frostfrog, good to see you back- and with a new book- it sounds wonderful and I wish you a great success!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Copenhagen, Denmark - GMT+1
    Hi Frostfrog! Thanks for checking in and telling us about your book, it's great to see you here again! Hope your shoulder is OK... that was the last I heard from you. In 2013, I sadly lost Fister, he was almost 17. Since then, I have been cat-sitting other people's cats.

    Recently, this site had some problems, which are not fully solved yet, so I can't post pictures, either. Hopefully soon.

    I wish you lots of success with "Thunder Paws." Hope it sells well. I sure would like to read it!

    Post some updates when you have time.

    "I don't know which weapons will be used in the third World war, but in the fourth, it will be sticks and stones" --- Albert Einstein.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Welcome back, Frost Frog, we have missed you! And great job, the book looks good!
    I've Been Frosted

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2002

    Late condolences for Fister

    Quote Originally Posted by Randi View Post
    Hi Frostfrog! Thanks for checking in and telling us about your book, it's great to see you here again! Hope your shoulder is OK... that was the last I heard from you. In 2013, I sadly lost Fister, he was almost 17. Since then, I have been cat-sitting other people's cats.

    Recently, this site had some problems, which are not fully solved yet, so I can't post pictures, either. Hopefully soon.

    I wish you lots of success with "Thunder Paws." Hope it sells well. I sure would like to read it!

    Post some updates when you have time.
    I'm sorry to learn about Fister. Truth is, all the kitty buddies who lived with us back when I was posting have also passed on - all in their old age. Orange and white cat Carrizo lives with us, now. He was wild and feral on the reservation when I first met him. He had a fluffy orange buddy who got killed by a dog about a week after we arrived for a two week visit. That dog then turned his sights on Carrizo and I just had to rescue him and bring him home with me to Alaska. He is a great cat, as good a friend as I have ever had. The other book I mentioned is about him and how I came to rescue him, including the ordeal of transporting him from Arizona to Alaska the day before Christmas. Right now, it is only available on the iTunes iBooks Store and I am doing nothing to promote it until I can rework it for paperback and Kindle. It has many neat Apple interactive features it will lose in the transition, but Amazon will make it available to a wider readership than iBooks store.

    Yes, when I lost my shoulder and in addition went through many more unrelated surgeries, I more or less dropped out of many things for quite awhile. I ultimately wound up on Instagram as a kind of therapy and got addicted to it and then Facebook demanded I go there, too. My artificial shoulder works pretty good.

    To read my "Thunder Paws!" book all you need to do is go to Amazon. The ebook is very cheap - $4.99, the paperback a little more expensive, $14.95. I make less on the paperback, 98 cent royalties as opposed to about $1.25 on the ebook, but personally I think the paperback provides the more satisfying experience.

    So far, all totaled, I have earned enough to royalties to take my wife to one good lunch at Taco Bell. But the book is good. I remain optimistic that it in time enough people who care about cats will learn about it and it will hold its own in the alternative cat book world. "Alternative" because it does not fit into any of the cat book molds.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Glad your artificial shoulder is serving you well. I am currently dealing with a "frozen shoulder" so am newly aware how much one uses even one's non-dominant shoulder!
    I've Been Frosted

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