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Thread: Shedding

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Haines, Alaska!


    What kind of brush do you use to controlle shedding? I think I saw someone on here say that some brushes are not ok for a bunnies sensitive skin. So what kind of brush do you use for your bunny? Julian is just starting to shed and I swear my yard is full of hair

    Dogs: Nova, Konnor and Sitka

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    San Jose, CA
    I used slicker brushes (gently) on my rabbits.

    I just wanted to say that when I saw the title of this thread I thought reptiles shedding....*chuckles*

    Thank you Wolf_Q!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Haines, Alaska!
    Originally posted by WolfChan
    I used slicker brushes (gently) on my rabbits.

    I just wanted to say that when I saw the title of this thread I thought reptiles shedding....*chuckles*

    LOL, Peaches sheds to much for me to be posting about it . She just goes abotu her buisness naturlly and we let her shed as if she was in the wild.

    Dogs: Nova, Konnor and Sitka

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Could you use a realy soft babies hairbrush?

    When I had rabbits they were both angora so it was lots of grooming with a dog brush (with the metal bristles one side and the bristle bristles the other!!) and a comb.

    When I saw the title I thought of my horse who having not been clipped this year is moulting everywhere. Even after a shower I still have black hair on me. On him I used a shedding blade and most of it is out now after 3 weeks of attacking him with it daily
    Happy to help

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    When I had rabbits, I found the best way to rid them of shedding hair was your 2 hands and a good windy day.

    You can rub the fur back AND forth and also pluck out the clumps (if there are any) and just let the wind take it away for the birds to use in a nest.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Haines, Alaska!
    Thanx! I'll try all of those ideas!

    Dogs: Nova, Konnor and Sitka

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    Ann Arbor, MI USA
    Those brushes with thin metal bristles shouild never be used on a rabbit. Rabbits have very delicate skin that tear and cuts easily and rabbits have a lousey immune system (to heal those cuts). A lot of rabbit owners just use their hands and gently tug at the fur, others use a damp cloth (the dampness helps prevent the fur from flying all over the room), I use a flea comb. Yes they have metal teeth, but they are thick and have a rounded tips so they don't puncture the skin. Tug gently and the hair will comeout easily.

    Ash, I'll be in touch in a few minutes, I was away from the office W-Th-F last week.
    Mom to 9 wonderful bunnies and an energetic young cat from you-know-where.
    Bunny Basics educator
    Ann Arbor, MI
    Noah, Casey, Daisy, Marie, Velvet, Emma, Robbie, Chocolate

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