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Thread: Dog will not go outside

  1. #1

    Dog will not go outside

    Hi there,

    All of a sudden my 2.5 year old lab/collie mix will not go outside. In the summer and early fall it was a chore to get her to come inside, then all of a sudden she won't go outside even if we are out there with her.

    Are front door is next to our garage and she won't leave the front porch to come visit us in the garage.

    When I carry her outside to go relieve herself, she will do her business on the porch.

    She doesn't wine or anything once she's is outside, but she doesn't leave the front porch either.

    I'ved check her for injuries and walked around the property to look for any possible threats and couldn't find anything.

    Your input is appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Is there a different door you could take her out? It does sound like something has spoked her. Is she leash trained? Are there stairs involved? Sorry so many questions1 If t is stairs she's avoiding, maybe a vet trip to check her eyes would be a good idea.
    I've Been Frosted

  3. #3
    Definitely have a vet check her out. She could be going blind and feels more secure in the house where she knows her way around.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2002

    dog will not go outside

    I had an outdoor dog too and One time I let her inside and the house has carpet. She didn't want to go out either but I put her outside the same day and she forgot about wanting to come in.

  5. #5

    Why your dog won’t go outside

    Why your dog won’t go outside

    If I put the leash on my dog, she will go outside with me. If I don’t put a leash on her, then the matter how much I call her she won’t go outside.
    You were leaving information out about the situation. Do you take her out always the same way? Has something changed? Has the weather changed? Tell a complete story about what changed in your behavior and maybe we will be able to understand the dog better

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