Subject: Fwd: NRDC - LFA Sonar and Marine Mammals

On July 16th the Bush administration granted the Navy a permit to harm
whales, dolphins, and other marine mammals while using its Low Frequency
Active sonar system in as much as 80 percent of the world's oceans. The
high-powered submarine detection system will operate at noise levels
billions of times more intense than those known to disturb the migration
and communication of large whales.

Please think about taking literally a few minutes to take speak out about
this step.

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addresses, composing letters, etc. Right now, with almost no effort, one
can send a letter to the Secretary of the Navy objecting to use of LFA

Here are the steps:
Go to
Click on Act Now at the top of the screen
Click on the second topic "Don't let the Navy blast whales . . . ."
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