Our older dog Teddy has been slowly going down hill in the past year. He is now 14 years old and coming to the end of his life. He has seizures that require him to take medicine twice daily and he also has arthritis medicine he takes. We have him on a special food to help with his joints; however he is slowing down a lot. He can't stand when laying on the kitchen floor and one of us has to help him. The poor guy has potty accidents 5 to 6 times a day in the house. His sight and hearing is also going, it's not unusual to see him barking at a chair thinking it is a person.

Teddy has a vet appointment this Saturday at 9:30. At this point we don't know if he will be coming home with us or not. We feel it may be in his best interest to be put to sleep, but we just can't bare to loose him. He has been with my family for 12 of his 14 years. He was my childhood dog and the reason I love dogs so much. He has taught us responsibility, love and devotion. Teddy is a sheltie and he thinks of us as his little sheep. In his younger years he would herd us by nipping at our heals. It was always a joke around here that My mom was Sheep 1, my older brother sheep 2 etc. etc. I am sheep 5 in the line up and probably the most annoying one. I was always asking him to do agility or play when all he wanted to do was be with my mom. He was always patient though and would allow me to "train" him, even if he thought the exercise was pointless.

Anyways, please keep my family in your thoughts. We will do what is best for Teddy. We will see what our vet thinks and what action she thinks we should take.
