Dear Pet Talkers,

I have witnessed in the past what a caring and wonderful community of people this is, but there is just no way to realize the incredible impact of it until you are the one being helped. I feel so overwhelmed it is very difficult to try to come up with adequate words. This situation has been such a shock to me, a nightmare. Who in the world thinks that their puppy might develop malignant cancer before they are a year old? And oral cancers being some of the most aggressive.

I had another shock when I saw this thread. Vela, my dear friend who has gone through the emotional roller coaster with me, from the time I adopted my little imp until now when we are fighting for her life, has been there every step of the way. I could not have hoped for a truer friend. And I feel the same for all of you, all who have offered support, prayers, offers of help. Every last shred of it will never, ever be forgotten by me.

I still do not know as much as I would like, but Raven is going in Monday to see a specialist who has done many of these types of surgeries. He will be assessing her and deciding how radical and how much will be necessary, whether some of the bone needs to be taken and so on. Right now the next step all depends on his assessment, but the specialist (Dr. Koblik) will probably be doing the surgery. I am not sure if he would take her to his clinic or how that works yet. I have to drop her off Monday morning at my vet's office and he will be calling me with Dr. Koblik's recommendations when he sees her, and a more ballpark idea of what cost is involved. The less they have to deal with going into the jawbone, the less cost will hopefully be involved.

I just know my girl is going to beat this. We have a purpose together, she and I. I am grateful beyond any ability to express through words to all of you. Thank you from Raven and I, from the bottom of our hearts.