Oh Sherman, you did NOT get that ickingness here in RI; you got it at the dog park visit before you moved.

Glad to hear that you are doing better!

Pat, yah, it is a nuisance with the rabies shots. Mass. honors the 3 year, RI only 2. So I go to a vet in Mass, get the 3 year shot, and a certificate which says it is only good for 2 years. Go figure! Sugar came from Ohio, her documents showed the 3 years shot, but she is set up to get it again after 2 years. It just depends on the local laws.

Now the cats, they were also getting the 3 year, valid for 2. But now my vet is giving Purevax, which is only tested and valid for ONE year. Oh joy. Next year, I get to have all NINE cats AND THE DOG in for rabies shots. (I had the cats staggered, half each year.) Now THAT should be an interesting vet visit! (Not to mention a bill!)