Oh goodness, we were all *so* spoiled by Michelle (captain)!! Our gift swap package arrived yesterday and so I took a freshly bathed Kirkie out the in yard to open it up. He just got another package from a friend and has really gotten the hang of pulling things out of boxes. He even started playing with some non-toys...as you will see!

"For me??"

"I don't mind if I do!"

Uhh Kirkie...that's a fleecey blanket….not a toy! He was shaking it to death, so I had to redirect his attention to the REAL toys…..I think I'll give this one to Nipo.

"Ohhhh, there's toys in here Mom!"

Here he is with his first pick and I'm squeaking the Dalmatian ball to get his attention...

He *loves* to catch…and of course loves to squeak (what dog doesn't??)

"C'mon, throw it!" (Wow, look at those long whiskers!)