I love my cat and I love science-especially astronomy.

They both amaze me, make me wonder why something we have lived with for so long still remains a real mystery to most of us.


My observations?

The sun is now moving across the sky in a low orbit across the sky.
As a kid and adult, I'd mark the shadows cast by objects and watch them during the year......very interesting...

I watch my cat too! The changing of the seasons is moving him to different places in the house-namely to catch the sun. In a few weeks he'll take his place in the rug next to the front door.

The sun now peeks into the house in the late afternoon, It shines on the arm of my favorite seat, makes the arm of the seat warm-a perfect place for the cat to doze and keep me company.

Today, it was a bit cooler and said cat was determined to sleep on my lap.

Now, owning cats can be traced back to the ancient Egyptians....B.C. then A.D...... Before Cats and After Dogs.

Cats were deities (Gods) to the ancients...Family members to you and me!

That's history and archeology...two more of my faves....I'll stop here though..


Since I usually let the cat do what he wants, after all he has the claws and the cat-titude, I let him nap on my lap, in the sun, in the late afternoon.

That was a stupid move.

White cats lying in the sun have a reflective quality (albedo) that makes T.V. watching painful.

I was wrapped up in some college football game before I noticed that I was squinting at the tube.....for some reason the room lit up and I felt like I needed sunglasses.

I then realized that MR.SUNSHINE was the problem......If you own a white cat or have access to one, Place them in a sun soaked area and watch your world light up!

After twenty minutes of blinding glare I have figured out that white cats are the solution to all the planet's woes.

(Sorry cats of other colors, You do have a job to do on the planet, but white cats will save the earth.)

Think about it.

White cats left to doze along the floor against a plate glass window will,

Reflect light into a room, therefore lowering electric bills during the day-
reducing the dependence on foreign oil.
They can heat up the room or an area at night.
Their poop can be used as fertilizer.
They are natural ratters, No need for chemicals to kill pests.
They lower an owner's blood pressure, No need for BP meds-no nasty chemicals/drugs to be manufactured and dumped into the enviroment!


Al Gore gets an award and a huge cash award for scaring everyone about the dangers of global warming.......

Ed figured out how to solve one of the world's biggest problems-
He just wants some wet food occasionally, some dry Friskies and a clean litter box.....and he won't pollute the air flying around the planet in a private jet.

Is pretty obvious.

Ed D Katz for president.