I just received the annoucement of the date for this years Strut Your Mutt in my e-mail, so I figured I'd make a thread while I'm thinking about it.

It's a great event, I've been going every year since 2003. This year will be on Saturday, May 31st. That means those at the Findlay Memorial Day meeting have about a week to get themselves here. Just kidding!

Oh and I will actually make it there on time, for the strut, I promise. Last year was the first time I missed that! And I won't spend all day with the pet psychics lol. If enough people come we can register for a Dog Pack. They don't have a page up on the Utah Pets website about it yet, and you can't register yet, I'll update this thread when those are available. Here's the page from last year's strut...it has some info about the general activities, where it's held, etc. http://www.utahpets.org/strut.html

Here's pics from the past couple of years (the older threads with pics from previous years don't work because of imagestation closing)
2007 http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthre...ght=strut+mutt
2006 http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthre...ght=strut+mutt