I wanted to just start a thread for Clara, instead of making multiple threads for different photos or stories. So, this is the start!

She is a great baby, albeit **VERY** vocal. She does not let us go one second if she has a dirty diaper, and if she is even slightly uncomfortable, she lets us know! Changing her diaper is absolutely the worst thing we could do to her - sometimes she cries so hard, there's no sound coming out, haha. Poor baby.

She's getting bigger every day, I can't wait to see where she's at at her two month check up! She's three weeks old today, which blows my mind. She's in her Oma's arms right now (that's German for Grandma), napping after lots of eating and pooping. I'd be worn out, too!

I feel awesome, my incision is completely healed and I should be able to start doing all the normal things in a couple weeks. I already have no problem doing anything, really, but I'm not pushing it. I don't lift heavy stuff or vacuum, but I've walked around the zoo twice (for upwards of six hours) with no problems. It's been an easy recovery! I'm below my pre-pregnancy weight, and I can't wait to start toning up!

Anyway, on to the photos! She was 17 days old in all of these.