So basically Felix is a BEAST. Lexi was a solid 9 lbs when she was last at the vet, and he's much much heavier than her. And still growing. -_- He's not even a year old yet! After much counting and adding and subtracting, we've estimated his birthday to be in June, which is right when our other babies are - Gypsy was born June 6 and Lexi was born June 13 I'm thinking Felix's "birthday" will be June 8, cause we christened him Felix on the 8th hahaha.

ANYWAYS...this is what happens when Felix discovers the prime sleeping spot - the top of Pepsi's cage. Usually they take turns, but I guess Lexi wasn't having any of that last night.

Felix napping before:

And then...BAM


*sigh* whatever.

ZOMG LOOK AT HOW FAT HE IS! He's bigger than my chunky monkey Lexi!

aaaand...right back to sleep.

Just in case anyone missed him And sorry I keep disappearing from the board - but school gets out in like 38 days and once that happens you'll have your fill of me and my fur babies