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Thread: A request to parents

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Rural Eastern Ontario Canada
    The sound of happy children playing noisy outdoor games should not be offensive to anyoneSorry you had a bad day Marigold but please try to see the other point of view ( as in Sirrahsim's post) as well as your own. Relax and let the sounds be a part of life or go for walk somewhere quiet instead maybe?
    Lilith Cherry
    "Love never claims, it ever gives. Love ever suffers, never resents, never revenges itself." -Mahatma Gandhi

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Vicenza, Italy
    I know the frustration of too much noise. We live in a country area. Behind out house are corn fields. Our street has at most 20 house but in those 20 houses there are about 40 kids. The really unfortunate thing is that for the most part kids here are completely unruly. They have no discipline at all. The parents only speak up (outside the home) when the kids are bothering them. IE: when they are talking to another parent or friend and the kid keeps bugging. And then if the second parent is there you always hear from the one not being terrorized. 'Leave him/her alone.' Otherwise it is a free for all. It is really something to be seen. The fact that one parent is continually telling the other to leave the kid alone and let them do what they want gives the kid free reign to play one against the other and then you have anarchy. Thankfully our street is fairly tame in comparison to many.

    There is one thing that drives me completely insane and that is the barking dogs. My dog barks at strangers and she hates when other dogs are too close to her territory but she responds when told to stop or called. But I have mentioned this before the people that live upstairs (we live in a duplex) have 2 collies and they are incessant barkers. But with all honesty I don't blame the dogs. I blame the owners. There are several 'barkaholics' in the neighborhood. And for the most part they are little dogs who are allowed to run loose. They make their rounds to the gate of the dogs who are closed in their own gardens and start a barking war. This I despise. I have witnessed the owners of these dogs stop and watch the dogs and wait for someone to say something. I had a massive migraine a few days ago. The owners of 2 of these dogs were out talking to the neighbor and these little rats (chihuahua) came to my gate and started the war games with Artica and the 2 dogs upstairs. I called Artica and put her in down/stay. The 2 little ones kept it up anyway...I went to the gate and sent them away or tried to at least. The stronzo owner (husband) actually started yelling at me for yelling at his unrestrained dogs that were causing all the problems. How can you fight these things. The owners are people of influence (government) and make life difficult for anyone who gives them grief.

    Anyway...I kinda went off there...the issue is not the kids or the dogs etc. The issue is the parents for the most part especially if they are small kids. Kids get over excited and use voices that are more than outdoor but lost in the jungle voices. LOL If the kids are let do what they want and not checked then that is how it will be.

    Another quick example. We were out to dinner the other night. A family with 3 kids came in. 2 girls about 6 & 9 and a little boy about 2. The oldest girl was quiet as a mouse as was the little boy. You would never even know they were there. The middle girl was like an auctioneer. She never shut up for 1 second and she was super loud. The parents never once spoke to her to be quiet. The restaurant was large (could hold about 500 people) and the wait staff kept getting complaints from out diners. They (different waiters/waitresses) went several times to ask the parent to please have the little girl quiet down some as she was disturbing other guests. (We could hear the entire conversation as we were just 2 tables away) The parents would said 'certamente' (certainly) and then say nothing. Finally the owner went to the table to ask them to keep her a little more quiet or maybe take a table outside where she could make all the noise she wanted and the father went off on him. It was unreal. Some people have no respect for others and it is their way or no way. Sad...very sad really that 1 family should be allowed to ruin the meals and time of so many.

    My rainbow bridge babies have forever left their paw prints on my heart.
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  3. #18
    That's a toughie b/c kids are overflowing w/energy, especially now that school is out. My neighbor has two little girls and I call them Air Raid Siren One and Two. (to myself, that is) I swear, all they do is scream but it's as though they can't help themselves. They just HAVE to let it out. LOL Frankly, when I hear and watch them, I'm a little envious. What I wouldn't give to have that kind of energy and enthusiasm again. My neighbor to my right has two barking dogs that bark at air all day long. I've managed to tune it out. They're good neighbors, both of them, and they work long hours, too, and the last thing I want to do is complain to them when they come home dog tired. However, if kids or dogs trample through my flowers and are destructive, then that's another issue and I will definitely speak up but the kids stay on their property and the dogs are fenced in. Such is life in a neighborhood. In an odd way it reminds me of my own childhood. I think you just had a case of jangled nerves that day, Monica. Given all the things you experienced in one day, it's no wonder. Perhaps try ear plugs. I wear them on occasion and they block out the irritating sounds but I can still hear the birds chirping. Good luck.

    "Time and unforeseen occurrence befall us all." Ecclesiastes 9:11

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    [QUOTE=Marigold2;2270295] Bonnie I didn't see any negitive comments. I have several people on ignore, it's like their posts don't exist. [QUOTE]

    That's the best way to keep the peace mate.
    I have a few that I consider as troublemakers on ignore to.
    And if ya can't read their tripe, ya gotta be better ???
    I'm sure it doesn't take them long to figure out who they are when you don't take the bait that they lay.

    I suppose I am lucky kid wise. There are a few in my street, but they're sort of down the other end, so there is no bother.

    "I'm Back !!"

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    I have a difficult time understanding why the sound of happy children playing should ruin anyone's night.

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Delaware, USA - The First State/Diamond State - home of The Blue Hens
    Quote Originally Posted by Sirrahsim View Post
    wow. Heaven forbid happy children run outside and play and holler when mandated quiet hours are not in effect. Perhaps we parents of youngsters should shut them up in the house and give them each a video game to keep them quiet and docile (and fat). There is a reason that volume levels are referred to as "indoor" voice and "outdoor" voices. Griping about children playing outside is completely ridiculous and as a mother I am ridiculously offended that you would be offended.
    Put up a fence and earplugs if you don't want to hear children play.
    *rant over*
    I couldn't agree more.........

    I imagine the parents of the kids who live in "developments" (in the form of a high rise) in the dirty and dangerous cities, would give anything to live in a "development" of nice houses and well manicured lawns, and the sound of noisy and screeching kids. No - the kids they hear screaming and screeching all too often, are the ones who are victims of violence, or a drive by shooting, and many other things too horrific to even mention. You made your decision to live in a cushy environment of nice homes and yuppies with young children, then you need to accept the life style that comes with it. If you can't be part of it, or don't wish to be, then yes, you do need to move to somewhere, where your neighbors are empty fields and the wildlife that wanders thru the area.
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    Ecclesiastes 3:1
    The clock of life is wound but once and no man has the power
    To know just when the hands will stop - on what day, or what hour.
    Now is the only time you have, so live it with a will -
    Don't wait until tomorrow - the hands may then be still.
    ~~~~true author unknown~~~~

  7. #22
    Oh gosh, sounds like a horrible day!! I have them sometimes and find that sounds are magnified and I feel like screaming and going insane!! I keep a bag of foam earplugs in my nightstand for such days and they DO help! Another investment I am loving is a hepa filter air machine. It has three levels and *high* is VERY helpful to fill the room with soothing white sound and drowning out the outside noises I don't always enjoy. Asking that playing children quiet down in the early summer evening is unreasonable in my opinion (though very tempting!)

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by Pembroke_Corgi View Post
    I have a difficult time understanding why the sound of happy children playing should ruin anyone's night.
    The sounds of happy children playing and the sound of kids screaming are two different things. For a while, one of the neighborhood children was fond of emitting bloodcurdling screams that were really jarring. Thankfully she grew out of that, and is now a oh-so-dignified teenager!
    I've Been Frosted

  9. #24
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Ploss's Halfway House for Homeless Cats
    I'm sorry, but aren't there any noise ordinances in your area? I lived above a guy who was a drunk, who played the same old vinyl album of "Together Forever" by Perry Como. His living room was directly under my bedroom. After a while, I called the cops. They heard it from 3 blocks away.

    I moved out shortly after that. The apartment was perfect for one person and cats (it had an enclosed porch). But the a-hole downstairs ruined it for me.

    Apartment living is difficult. Sometimes ya just gotta ignore it.

    Rest In Peace Casey (Bubba Dude) Your paw print will remain on my heart forever. 12/02
    Mollie Rose, you were there for me through good times and in bad, from the beginning.Your passing will leave a hole in my heart.We will be together "One Fine Day". 1994-2009
    MooShoo,you left me too soon.I wasn't ready.Know that you were my soulmate and have left me broken hearted.I loved you like no other. 1999 - 2010See you again "ONE FINE DAY"
    Maya Linn, my heart is broken. The day your beautiful blue eyes went blind was the worst day of my life.I only wish I could've done something.I'll miss your "premium" purr and our little "conversations". 1997-2013 See you again "ONE FINE DAY"


  10. #25
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Killearn, Scotland
    Perhaps it's your neighbours' revenge for swapping their campaign signs.

  11. #26
    Wow, heaven forbid anyone feel differently than you do about kids. I don't like them. I don't have to like them. I don't do anything in my home that affects their lives, so I don't see the problem.

    I actually *COULD* call the main office here and get them to stop the kids playing soccer outside my window (It's in the lease, since the windows are so low here there aren't supposed to be any games with balls within twenty feet of the buildings) but I chose to get a sound machine instead.

    When I moved in here, I was emphatic to the management that I was looking for a *quiet* place, and she assured em over and over that it was "tranquil" here. Well, it's not. I feel that I was lied to, and I'm leaving this place ASAP partly because of that.

  12. #27
    One can say the same thing about many sounds. The sound of birds can be beautiful but not at 4 am when you are trying to sleep. The sound of rain to many is relaxing to others depressing. A summer storm can be exciting and romantic or frightening. The soft buzz of a lawn mower is lovely at 1 pm but not so at 8 am when you finally get to sleep in for the first time in two weeks.
    And children playing it's a beautiful sound. I raised three and babysat for many many years. Had tons of baseball games in our backyard, duck duck goose, water fights, kids on swings, in sandboxs, playing school, taking a radio outside and dancing all the wonderful things kids do. I had it for over 20 years. What I don't like is screeching which is different then playing or laughing or singing. It is a sound like fingers on a chalk board times 10 and the little girls try to out do each other. Also when you have a neighbor with a pool or trampoline and there are 5 to 10 kids playing they will be loud, which is normal but it is loud. If you are trying to just sit in your yard and relax or have friends over for cocktails and dinner you cannot hear each other over the sound of kids screaming hours on end it is not pretty. Any sound regardless of it's beauty played too loud or too often will get on ones nerve. There will come a time when your child says mommy once too often or why once to often and for just 10 minutes you would like a quiet time with no sound. Or your child will cry once again at 2 am and you have to be up at 6 to get ready for work and you will wish for quiet, doesn't make you bad or unloving, just human to want a few moments of silence.
    Quote Originally Posted by Pembroke_Corgi View Post
    I have a difficult time understanding why the sound of happy children playing should ruin anyone's night.

  13. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by Karen View Post
    The sounds of happy children playing and the sound of kids screaming are two different things. For a while, one of the neighborhood children was fond of emitting bloodcurdling screams that were really jarring. Thankfully she grew out of that, and is now a oh-so-dignified teenager!

  14. #29
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Tabbyville, PA
    I adore my Cameron. Adore him as if the sun rises and sets around him. I live to hear him giggle. I want to duck for cover when he screams. Its high-pitched and loud. I don't want to hear him scream, so people who don't love him probably think its the most nerve-wracking thing. Of course I try to stop him, but when he's cranky....... stopping a speeding bullet might be easier.

    I completely understand how you wouldn't want to hear strangers' kids screaming while you're trying to relax and unwind.

  15. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by Marigold2 View Post
    One can say the same thing about many sounds. The sound of birds can be beautiful but not at 4 am when you are trying to sleep. The sound of rain to many is relaxing to others depressing. A summer storm can be exciting and romantic or frightening. The soft buzz of a lawn mower is lovely at 1 pm but not so at 8 am when you finally get to sleep in for the first time in two weeks.
    And children playing it's a beautiful sound. I raised three and babysat for many many years. Had tons of baseball games in our backyard, duck duck goose, water fights, kids on swings, in sandboxs, playing school, taking a radio outside and dancing all the wonderful things kids do. I had it for over 20 years. What I don't like is screeching which is different then playing or laughing or singing. It is a sound like fingers on a chalk board times 10 and the little girls try to out do each other. Also when you have a neighbor with a pool or trampoline and there are 5 to 10 kids playing they will be loud, which is normal but it is loud. If you are trying to just sit in your yard and relax or have friends over for cocktails and dinner you cannot hear each other over the sound of kids screaming hours on end it is not pretty. Any sound regardless of it's beauty played too loud or too often will get on ones nerve. There will come a time when your child says mommy once too often or why once to often and for just 10 minutes you would like a quiet time with no sound. Or your child will cry once again at 2 am and you have to be up at 6 to get ready for work and you will wish for quiet, doesn't make you bad or unloving, just human to want a few moments of silence.
    All excellent points.

    "Time and unforeseen occurrence befall us all." Ecclesiastes 9:11

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