It's not going to be the same without you You and the crew are going to be missed.
Take care of yourself and we'll talk to you Sunday.

It will just be 2 of my 4 coming, Roxey and Bon will be staying home. Only the 2 non-grumpy dogs will be coming

What to Bring? ~ MENUE ~ for Findlay -
SEPTEMBER 5th, 2010 - SUNDAY- of Labor day weekend
~~ MENUE ~~~

Here's what has been promised so far >>>
(With some suggestions that have been *HITS* before)

Main Dish/Meat
. . HamBurgers & Round Buns (by Diana & Carl)
. . Brats w/ Cheese & Long Buns (by Diana &Carl)
. . Hot dogs & Long Buns (by Diana &Carl)
. .

. . Tater Salad (by Diana, 4DM)
. . Mac/N/Cheese Staci
. . Veggie Tray/Dip (Monica)

Munchies & Krunchies & Dips
. . chips/dip Staci

. . Brownies (by Diana, 4DM)
. . Chocolate Chip Cookies (Anna)

. . Kooler & Ice wiff both HiTest an Diet Pops (by Diana & Carl)
. . Sprite/Diet Cherry Pepsi (Monica)
. . Bottled Drinking Water (Anna)

Kitchen Suppliez & STUFF (by Diana & Carl)
. . KetchUp
. . Bar-B-Que Sauce
. . Brown Mustard
. . Yeller Mustard
. . Sweet Relish
. . Salt & Peppur
. . ChopUp a Unyin or two
. . 'Merican Cheeze fur Cheeze-Burgerz

. . Roll of Papur Towels
. . grill Tweezers & Spatchulas
. . couple extra Servin Spoonz
. . *Zip-Lok Baggiez* - fur Carry-Outz & Take-Homez

. . *plates & napkins & forks* = (by 4DM)
. . Bag a CharKoal (by Carl)
. . CharKoal Liter Juze (by Carl)
I see Diana & Carl and going to be bringing what Phred was. Would you like me to bring maybe the burgers and buns so you don't have to do everything?