How John Fogerty came about the lyrics to this song:

When he came home after a very long tour, he found his young son playing alone in the backyard, talking to his "friends". John & his wife sat on the porch in silence just listening to him talking & responding, after several minutes, John interrupted and asked his son who he was talking to. His son answered he was talking & playing with his friends, then proceeded to point in one area and say can't you see that stupid statue wearing mommy's high heels??? He also mentioned others, like the giant and all the lawn animals.

John was amazed at the boy's immagination, and from there the song was born!

I always thought that was a great story, somthing I will never forget. Many of my nieces & nephews has great immaginations, too.

Never underestimate a childs mind.

Now you all know some trivia!