It’s with much sadness and heartache I tell you all I had to let my beautifil wee girl pass to the rainbow bridge three weeks ago .ive only been able to bring myself to write this now as I’m heartbroken .

I rescued Evee Ray skye (her full name) off the streets only 18 mths ago ,she was in a terrible state ,skin and bone infested with fleas and worms ,but the worst part was her mouth she had blood and puss and was in awful pain,we took her to the vet and had all her teeth removed ,the vet couldn’t believe she could even eat like that ,she was a toughie .it wasn’t a cure and Evee still had a bad ulcer on her tongue which never healed and probably had the herpes virus ,she wasn’t painfree but so much better than before .

Evee recovered in our room upstairs and decided never to leave ,she became an indoor kitty ,she was the most loving kitty I’ve ever owned (tears flowing as I write this ,I miss her so much ) she slept in my arms most of the night .
I’d pick her up and she would snuggle in to me and just look at me with so much love in her eyes .
She had a queen bed to herself most of the day a heat pump for heat and Cooling ,her ensuite and her personal maid (me)

Evee gave me so much love in return ,she was very special and unique .

On day she just got constipated ,little did I know this was the beginning of the end ,the she went the other way ,she went to the vet and was checked out ,not my usual vet ,she seemed ok but then started to go off her food ,she was always hard to feed but with lots of Patience I got her to a healthy 4.3 kgs .

Evee just would not eat,she spent four days on iv fluids at the vets ,blood tests revealed she was in renal failure .,she was only approximately ten years old .

To make matters more stressful I had to go into hospital to have planned surgery ,my hubby took care off her best he could ,but dear Evee did not respond to treatments,she gave up ,she had enough .
On leaving hospital I only had one day with her and had to take her to the vet to Help her to pass to the rainbow bridge .

It’s been very hard on me ,I’m still recovering from surgery and will be for several more weeks ,I have my boy Phoenix ,and he really has stepped up ,but I miss her so much .thanks for listening.

I wanted to post a pic of her but I just can’t seem to figure it out .