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Thread: Precious Mārnāk!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2000

    Precious Mārnāk!

    Happy Cat of the Day, precious Mārnāk! What a beautiful, idyllic spot to call home, the Agean Sea Coast, Turkey!

    I was so touched, reading your human's love filled tribute, your heartwarming rescue story, your fight to survive that scary illness! We are so thankful to your human for plucking you from that tree 12 long years ago, and when, two years later, when you became so very ill, refusing to listen to that vet and his dire prognosis! Not worth treating? Well, you and your human proved him wrong, didn't you? You not only survivived but went on to live the best life imaginable! Such is the healing power of true devotion, unconditional love and faith!

    I was determined to do whatever I could, even if the vet thought she wasn't worth treating. I sat up all night, in front of her in her favorite chair and pray to God for giving me her healthy again. . All my prayers had result and she healed. We love her.
    And how well you have repaid your human's unwavering devotion, bringing so much joy and love to her/his life...12 wonderful years and counting! How lucky your family is, Mārnāk, having a furkid as beautiful, as sweet and loving, as special as you! You truly are a miracle kitty, a fighter and survivor, one most deserving Cat of the Day, EVERY day! Enjoy your big of honor, sweetheart, playing and cuddling with your humans, being loved and pampered to pieces! Love, snuggles and kisses to you, brave, beautiful Mārnāk!

    More beautiful than that lovely rose!


    Star,Tigg'r , Mollie and the10 Gallon Gang!

    And my Rainbow Bridge Furangels...Jingles, Cody, Fritz, Chessa, Satin, Buddy, Lizzie, Oliver, Squeaker, Moonbeam, Rosie, Ruby~

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
    Dearest Mārnāk, you are precious indeed! What a beautiful lady you are, with that orange Tabby and white fur that is so pretty and looks so soft. What a sweet face you have with those lovely big orange eyes that match your fur! You are absolutely stunning in that terrific photograph, resting on that red cushion with the yellow rose with its green leaves and stem. Thank you for sharing it with us! I wish I could reach through the screen and all the way around the world to Izmir, on the Aegean Coast in Turkey, to pet you! I can't, of course, but I know your loving and beloved person will pet you for me .

    And what an amazing story you have to tell! Your dear person-to-be found you as as a tiny stray kitten in a tree on August 13 many years ago. He/she rescued you and brought you home, and you have been together ever since. Ever since then, your family has celebrated this date as your birthday. You're very clever and playful, and you make them smile with your antics and energy.

    When you were two years old, you came down with an illness that the vet said was common in street cats. The vet said you would probably die and didn't think you weren't worth treating, but your person refused to give up. He/she sat up all night with you and prayed to God to heal you. Those prayers were answered, and you recovered! You and your person and all your family love each other very much, don't you. What a wonderful love-filled home you share!

    Congratulations, darling Mārnāk, on being chosen Cat of the Day! We hope you and your dear person and all your family and friends are enjoying a fine celebration, full of fun and lovies and all your favorite games and treats.

    I meant," said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?"
    Death thought about it.
    CATS, he said eventually. CATS ARE NICE.

    -- Terry Pratchett (1948—2015), Sourcery

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Illinois, USA
    Happy Cat of the Day, beautiful orange and white kitty Mārnāk! I am so glad your person persisted when you were very sick. Your person's prayers were answered! You are a gorgeous, loved kitty!
    Praying for peace in the Middle East, Ukraine, and around the world.

    I've been Boo'd ... right off the stage!

    Aaahh, I have been defrosted! Thank you, Bonny and Asiel!
    Brrrr, I've been Frosted! Thank you, Asiel and Pomtzu!

    "That's the power of kittens (and puppies too, of course): They can reduce us to quivering masses of Jell-O in about two seconds flat and make us like it. Good thing they don't have opposable thumbs or they'd surely have taken over the world by now." -- Paul Lukas

    "We consume our tomorrows fretting about our yesterdays." -- Persius, first century Roman poet

    Cassie's Catster page:

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