Ok Peanut Butter's Mom - as promised and at the risk of offending anyone - here is the butt bath sequence. This happens only every several months but is really no big deal - it is just a quick dip of the rear end because Eliot has this smellibutt syndrome. I wanted him clean and sweet for Christmas company! So here goes - you get to see my moldy bathroom and my not so attractive rearview as well
Get the tub half full of nice warm water:

This is the hardest part - catching the cat. He KNOWS by now what is about to happen. It is cat sonar or something, no matter how casual I act:

Ok, this is the headlock. No he is NOT being tortured, I have well padded knees and a good grip on his back half.

Dip the smelly back side into the warm water, lift up and shampoo, lower and rinse well. He actually relaxes when he feels the nice warm water

Dry with a fluffy towel and tell him how good he is!

Now, was THAT so bad? Well, Eliot is sulking for the next hour, but he DOES smell better and the whole thing took about three minutes