my dad is commin to pic up his spudy boy in about 20 minuts and once we get him to my dads place I am taking my dad shopping to show him what spud needs and how to take care of him lol he needs a lesson seeing as how he did not even know that piggies do not manufature their own vit. C my mom said my dad can have some grids so he can block off his kitchen and let spud run his kitchen to play sometimes as his new cage is alot smaller then what he is used too, he was born in a 13 square foot cage, and grew up in a 12 square foot cage so moving to a pet store cage will be a bit of a shock lol blizzy is now with smudge and kari full time, kari is just in love with blizzy, I wish I had my camera last night, when kari was grooming blizzy and then did a full flop cuddling up to him and smudge and blizzy are actually getting along when Kari is in charge lol my dad said I need to get kari a police badge lol anyway I have to go finish getting spud ready to go