Hi all,

I love the new look of Pet Talk and the nifty new features we have to play with, even if I can't say that I've mastered them yet ... Still, every so often I run into little glitches and was wondering whether they were all 'nut behind the wheel' issues, software, internet related or what.

How prevalent are they? I thought they were quite rare, but comparing notes with some of you in PMs, some of us are having these types of problems:
  • once or twice I've posted messages that vanish
  • sometimes (once a week or so) PT forgets who I am when I change threads
  • sometimes my post doesn't get entered for some time after I've sent it (rarely -- once a month or so)
  • sometimes I get repeated notice about the same PM - hangs up my computer (pretty much every time I get a message and don't answer it/delete it immediately)
  • has anyone else noticed other issues???

This sounds like I'm carping, and I'm sorry about that because I think this place is great, but quirks can't get fixed if no one mentions them...

I really do like it here, but don't know why there are (really rare) system hiccups sometimes.