Hey there, we noticed about 2 weeks ago that Abby had an icky scab on her back. Vet looked at it and said it was not infected, but gave us ointment anyway. A couple days ago, we noticed Onyx and Cleo have scabs too. And today, we see that Millie does too! At first it was our assumption that Millie was picking on the other 3 girls (she can be crabby and does bite, we have to work at keeping her away from the others) But now that we see that Millie has scabs, we told the vet and he said "maybe fleas" .. I hesitate to give them meds for fleas if I don't know this for sure. I have NO idea where they would have picked up fleas - they're all indoors! And I've come into no contact with other cats the last few weeks at least at all. Should we do the Frontline as a precaution?