0uMy sister recieved a pug a few days ago - 8 weeks old - her older dog - who is a big ol clumsy doofus picked the puppy up and shook him and his eyes popped out (according to my mom) - she took him to the vet who put them back in and stitched the eye lids closed and they are going to wait and see if the dog will have vision - my poor sis' boyfriend gave her this puppy cuz she was so distraught when her dog died of epilispey....her big dog wasnt attacking the lil one - that is just how he treats the smaller dogs in the house, picks them up and takes them around by the scruff of the neck...so it is not like he was trying to hurt the poor thing - my question is has anyone ever heard of this? i know sis took a week off from work to stay with the pug and she is now vigilant with the pug and buddy (the big guy) around - poor buddy knows something happened but doesnt really understand why he cant play with the pug - mom said the pug is running around playing, she is just sad that he may blind - she is a good pug mom - but i have never heard of a dogs eyes popping out - maybe the puppy has a physical problem that would have manifasted itself later on and the rough housing just brought it up sooner? i have sent pug links to my sister as this is her first pug - if anyone else has any good pug health links i would appreciate them...thanks so much!