It was Frost that was most cooperative today though I did get one really nice one of Vixen. The other kitties were in WILD mode today and wanted only to play play play. Frost thought he would just sit and watch them. Which gave me a bit of an oppurtunity to get some shots. hehehehe

Not much diversity in them unforunately. I really need to work at getting the pics from different angles and such but when you only have a short span of time I guess getting some nice ones is better than getting none at all even if they are not very different. Oh well...I will work on some more 'artsy' ones if I can get one of the last 2 kitties to cooperate more than normal.

Anyway onto the shots. I hope you like them.

Here is Mr. Frosty Butt

I AM the MAN in this house!!!

Mr. Innocent

Mr. Suave

Mr. Serious

That's all for today!!! Who will it be tomorrow? Bella or Vixen???? Stay tuned.
