Teddy is getting neutered on Thursday! Well, my frustration has been mounting. I am so tired of him running off in search of girls, marking territory, mounting Roxy, etc... (Yes, I understand neutering doesn't always fix that, but he should be neutered anyways.)

My husband thinks the garage is to cold for Ted during the day time, so after work, I'm always cleaning up accidents...Then yesterday, Mike goes "Poor Teddy, you must hate walking on this plywood, Teddy, we'll get you carpet real soon."

I snapped. lol. I bluffed him. I said "Do you really think Teddy is going to live indoors when we get brandnew carpet?! Teddy is either living outside, or you are giving him away to your grandma." Of course, Mike freaked. So I compromised. I told him that the only way I'd keep Teddy in the house was if he's neutered. I won! Yay!

As some of you know, this has been bothering me quite a bit. I am so glad that he's finally getting neutered. He does have one litter on the way with Babs, but fortunatly that'll be the only litter that he fathers.