Thanks everyone.

Quote Originally Posted by Cookiebaker View Post
Popcornbird, is there a lactation consultant that you can get in touch with through your hospital? We had one (sort of) and she was absolutely invaluable to me, not just initially but all the way down the line when we had issues. The LC would be able to help you figure out good positioning. hang in there though, it does get easier and better and the strange quirky muscles you didn't know you had will work themself out.

(The reason I said 'sort of' is because i delivered at a Vermont hospital and live in New Hampshire....and for some quirky law/code/whatever they couldn't come to my house, but could help me unless I met them in Vermont, or over the phone. It was so weird, but still the advice was so valuable!)
I was having some trouble getting the little one to latch on at the hospital, and they had 2 lactation consultants come in and help me with that. They were really helpful, and he was already latching on well by the time we got home from the hospital. The only problem I'm left with is him cuddling up and falling asleep without nursing completely. It has improved a LOT over the past 2 weeks, and I'm definitely feeling more comfortable with nursing now. I do have the contact information for the lactation consultants at my hospital, and I was also given the numbers for local lactation consultants who work outside the hospital. I did call them a few days after discharge, but haven't since then because I felt things were getting easier. Baby had his 2 week appointment yesterday, and he is 3 ounces above his birth weight now, so the doctor felt he's doing well with the nursing. I will definitely get help if I need it. I feel that breast milk is what God has made for my child, and that's what's best for him, so I will be doing my best to keep nursing for as long as possible.

I took a few pics of his little feet today. Will try to post them if he gives me some time.