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Thread: The joys of motherhood.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Shhh it's a secret;)

    The joys of motherhood.

    And it hasn't even been a whole day yet! Yes I'm taking a parenting class in school right now and one of the requirements is to bring home baby think it over. THIS IS THE DEVIL IN DISGUISE!! No joke. This creepy thing breathes when it's asleep, that's NOT normal for a doll! It also can be fussy, needs to be changed, fed, and burped. You can also kill it in many, many ways. Everyone I talked to told me this doll is worse than a real baby. I can't for sure yet if it is but this is what I dealt so far.

    It didn't activate until about 3pm(so I had time to get home) and when it activated it made a cooey noise that about made me jump through the roof. Afterward all was quiet so of course being the teenager I am, I forgot it in the dining room and went into the living room to watch tv. Suddenly hearing it crying, I jump up and take off running to go save my grade err baby, but the darn thing wouldn't acknowledge me so it kept screaming!(You have to run a microchip key thing over it's stomach before you can take care of it.) So of course I was like AHHH! The baby is going to keep screaming and I'm going to fail, NOOOO! Then I heard the click noise and of course rejoiced before I went on to feed it. So now I grabbed the baby's car seat and take the whole thing into the living room with me to finish feeding it. What happens? Roxie decides she hates Hobo and starts to go after him. A nice big drama scene unfolds in my living room with me just kind of sitting there practically paralyzed by baby. I finally figured out how to hold on to baby, car seat, and bottle feed while escorting Roxie into my bedroom and shutting the door on her. Then back into the living room with the 15 lb bundle(no joke the baby is literally 9 lbs of dead weight and the car seat is who knows). Hobo being the major dork that he is, thinks baby is a plaything and wants to get to know her more well personally. Which then required more yelling and HOBO!! DOWN, IT'S NOT A TOY LEAVE US ALONE BEFORE I TURN YOU OVER TO ALPO!! In the mean time I'm still feeding this baby a bottle and Maggie did absolutely nothing to help me, ppsst some big sister. So into the crate goes Hobo and me back to feeding baby. Finally I sit down on the couch and after about 10 minutes of feeding the baby I got bored.. what do I do? Hmm there's a pillow.. AHA I'm a smart one! Propping the pillow under the baby she continues to eat(so far this is a total of 15 minutes). I go into the kitchen to fix me some food after all that hard labor of basically trying to kill my dogs, not my grade err baby. Come back into the living room, sit next to baby and watch her eat some more. FINALLY a half hour later she stops eating and is quiet. I turn my Ipod on and relax, woot! Turn my Ipod off for a second to check and I heard the creepy thing breathing, God you don't know what it's like when you in a big house alone with a breathing doll. Not the best moment, I'll tell ya. It's probably going to pull a Chuckie move in the middle of the night too. If I die, someone must come and cut this doll into tiny little pieces, then burn it while doing an Indian protection charm against it.

    So I'm waiting and expecting this to be a "fun" 2 days of my life. Let's just hope and pray this was my worst day. Now onto information bout the baby. It's a girl(anatomically correct too), About 9 lbs and very heavy if you ask me, her neck moves as well as her arms and legs, and the best part I have officially named her Shenequa Janay Williams, Nay-nay for short. Personally I find it better than the other suggestion of naming her "B" after my friend Burnie.

    And now onto what I think... I think I don't want kids, EVER, Definitely can't handle dogs and kids together and I much prefer dogs. But I can have fun with creeping people out with this one, I kind of have the urge to walk around the baby department of Wal-Mart, while holding items of clothing up to little Nay-Nay and talking to her the entire time. I figure it would be best if I did this alone but then again could be fun if I had another friend with baby and see what comes out of that.

    Finally pics!

    Ok now off to go stare at my baby some more and see if she makes noise.
    "To all the dogs I've loved before...Who traveled in & out my door...I'm glad you came along...I dedicate this song to all the dogs I've loved before"

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Too funny!!! Good luck.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    New England
    hahahaha I wish we had a laughing smiley 'cause your post is so funny!! And actually your reaction isn't that ffar off from a baby in real life. sometimes I wish I had a key to shut my baby's crying off, especially when its 3 am!!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    South Hero Vermont


    Very, very funny.

    I wish more kids would have this course in school.

    Taking care of babies is lots of work.

    This was so funny to read....thanks for sharing your tense moments. Your words were oh so descriptive! Made my day.

    Take good care of that baby!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Where the sun always shines.
    LOL i never got to do that in school, but got plenty of babies in life to keep me busy, of course none of my own yet But is great practice taking care of babies from godchildren to cousins to sisters or brothers etc..
    Biscotties, the perfect companion for your latte.
    I love my girls Nena & Lola, there just perfect.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Methuen, MA; USA
    What great writing skills you have! Keep going, you will do fine with your grade er baby!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Megan, you are way to funny! I was laughing way to hard the whole time!

    I am so lucky I never had to do this in school, although my brother did and I can remember I was sleeping in the middle of the night and my brother yelling shut up at the grade errr baby.
    Thanks so much Ashley for the siggy!
    Zoey Marie NAJ NA RN (flat-coated retriever)
    Wynset's Sam I AM "Sage" RA (shetland sheepdog)
    T.j (english setter)

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Shhh it's a secret;)
    Lol thanks guys! I thought you would all would just get a kick out of me mothering.

    Later this day...

    Ok so it's about 6 o'clock and Nay-Nay hasn't been making a sound, aside from creepy breathing noise that is. My lovely little sister has been "baby-sitting" for me and asked me all of what the baby can do. I go on to explain and casually say the baby can move it's neck and head. "Oh so the baby can turn it's head on it's own?" Asks Savannah. *shivers* No Savannah the baby CAN NOT turn it's head on it's own. Savannah listen to me, if it does at all, even slightly move it's head on its own. I want you to run! Don't think about it just run, get the heck out of this room!!

    Hmm so now it's bath time(for me that is) Nay-Nay comes in with me, of course, and I set her up on the floor. All is quiet for maybe 20 minutes. Then it's "goo goo WAAAAAAAH!" Geez girl I thought I was done parenting?! Out of the tub and onto the cold floor I go. What does she want? You got it, a bottle AGAIN. So this time I'm totally prepared. Propping a blanket on top of her I hold the bottle so she can drink with out me. But no she has to make it difficult this time, first she sucks with out a problem then "waaaaaah" then she sucks ok again then "waaaaah" then it's a coo, as if saying ok I'm done, but then again "waaaaaaah". I tried to burp her, change her diaper, and then finally I try the bottle again. The brat takes it AGAIN. Now I'm starting to wonder if I'm just going to have a fat kid on my hands? But no she finally stops and is happy. YAY back into the bath now! Nay-Nay totally had different plans though. As soon as I got in, she started crying hard core. What now Nay-Nay?! Bottle? Nope. Burp? Nope. Just fussy?(oh yes they can be fussy for no reason) big NOPE. Time for a diaper change. So here I am naked and wet sitting on a cold, tile floor changing a doll's diaper. Really now, how many other 18 year olds do you know that do this? I'm thinking I need to figure out my life now and get some things straight.
    1. Buy a robe
    2. Put carpet in the bathroom
    3. Never have kids

    So finally back into the tub and all is quiet. Good baby already she's learning Megan's Golden Rule, which btw is Children should be seen and not heard.

    Fast forward to right now(10:10 pm) My mom has been messing with her ever since she home from work. My mom did everything she could to try to wake her up, but thankfully being the awesome baby she was at the moment, she didn't. Hehe Nope trying to act innocent and low maintenance she didn't make one peep while my mom was awake.. I told my mom she better spend as much time as possible with her new granddaughter because that's the only kid she's getting from me. Course I think that must have upset Nay-Nay a bit because as soon as my mom walked upstairs to go to bed. Here she cries and screams. For what you may ask? A bottle. I took the liberty of taking a pic and making some videos that I will upload later. One of her sucking on the bottle and the other of her crying and then sucking on the bottle. You know this parenting stuff isn't so hard. Shove something in there mouth and have propped up. You're good to go for the rest of the night! It is not 10:18 pm and she just stopped sucking. I had to move her up on the table to finish(with good ole trusty Pillow propper) because my Yorkie mix, Emmy, thought she herself would make a good pillow and jumped into the car seat not once but twice. Both times freaking me out immensely because well I thought she might snap her neck and die. Now there's a headline. Blind, 15 year old Yorkie mix kills baby. Yorkie's excuse? She was cold.
    Well now I'm off to bed. Wish me a good night and let's hope baby sleeps through it!
    "To all the dogs I've loved before...Who traveled in & out my door...I'm glad you came along...I dedicate this song to all the dogs I've loved before"

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Currently living in Ohio!
    If Baby think it over slept through the night then that doll will have lost all realism A real 9 ponder would probably want to eat every 2-3 hours. I've had plenty of bathroom floor moments with my boys My youngest has some sort of extra sense that tells him when Mommy is about to get in the shower so he can scream
    I laughed all along with your story So fun!
    Visit my website to learn about fabulous kitchen gadgets and cookware!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Lmao oh poor Megan SO glad I never took that class.
    What a creepy looking doll.
    When I first opened the thread I thought you were going to say your pregnant or something
    See ALL my pets here


  11. #11
    I had one of those, It still didn't put me off wanting a baby Must be a complete mug. lol I must admit though, your baby does look quite creepy!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Bexhill, UK
    Can't wait for the next instalment - this is hilarious
    Give £1 for a poundie

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    I don't even begin to know where I'm "from"
    I did baby think it over. I feel for you!
    Doing my part to save BBD's, one dog at a time!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Shhh it's a secret;)
    Nay-Nay is pure evil! Yes she woke me up early morning to eat. I don't even remember waking up OR getting her bottle, I was just kind of like woah I'm feeding a baby in my bed! She was fussy ALL night long. Simply crying for the pure joy of it, I'm assuming. I swear she gave winked at might during one of the early morning feedings. Basically I woke up, fed her, changed her, burped her, comforted her, and fed her again, let her be fussy, changed her, fed her, and burped her, then she was fussy again. Finally I changed her one last time and it was about 5 am. I got to sleep a whole hour before getting up for school. Must have been a site for my mom walking in. Me sitting in the middle of the bed half asleep and holding a bottle. If anything this is definitely backing up my decision of never having kids.
    "To all the dogs I've loved before...Who traveled in & out my door...I'm glad you came along...I dedicate this song to all the dogs I've loved before"

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    New England
    i was thinking about this thread when I was driving into town earlier today, and I finally put my finger on what was bothering me. YES, babies are tons of work, lots of dedication, creating chaos in a peaceful life. HOWEVER, (and you will not see this in the doll) the reward is beyond measure. When your baby lifts his/her arms to be picked up; when they are crying and you walk into the room and their whole face lights up; when they giggle at you; when they start to mimic you; when you watch them sleep because you have made them secure, and I could go on and on....THAT is worth every ounce of work. And you won't ever get that from a lifeless doll. so don't give up entirely the thought of ever having children.

    This experiment that you are doing is kinda like having a robotic puppy that only pooped in the house, woke you up a million times in the night, puked all over the floor....but never fetched a ball, never greeted you at the door. You see all the hard work, but you don't see the reward.

    Someday might be the right time...right now obviously is not.....but never say never.

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