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Thread: The newest additions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Land of the Lost

    The newest additions

    One of our former employees had a couple lizards in his office and he decided to not take them with him when he left. The new occupant of his former office decided that she didn't want an eighty gallon tank in her office, so I adopted the occupants and put them in a new forty gallon setup. I didn't have room for the eighty either, but they appear happy enough. So without further adieu here they are:

    Here's Charlie, he's a New Caledonian Crested Gecko:

    Here's his buddy Pete, he's a Banded Gecko (not a desert banded, or central banded. I'll have to find his exact species..I wrote it down somewhere):

    And here's their new home:

    The tank really is bigger than it looks. It takes up 1/2 of one of my desks; It's a forty gallon cube and offers a ton of room for Pete to hide and explore the bottom while Charlie hangs out in the plants and vines. There's a huge log in there too, but it's not shown too well. I'll have to take better pictures when I have something other than my phone to take pictures with.

  2. #2
    Its wonderful that you took them in! They're truely very gorgeous.
    Though I don't know much about geckos, I believe their setup looks fine.. it seems very well decorated^^!.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    with my nose in a book
    There set-up looks really nice.I am happy you took them and not someone esle.
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    I used to own 6 Crested geckos

    The setup is fine for them. Just make sure they have alot of things to hang and climb on. They need to have a light on them though or they WILL die.
    It has to be a heat lamp it needs to be on all day but can go off at night.

    What are you feeding them?
    See ALL my pets here


  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Land of the Lost
    The tank picture only shows about half the top, there's another sliding panel with the lights on it. There's a 16" UVB flourecent for both the lizards and the plants and then there's a 10" heatlamp behind it over Charlie's favorite climbing zone.

    Right now I have both the UVB and the heat lamp to run for 11 hours a day from 8 AM to 7 PM. I might add an under tank heat mat for Pete though because it does tend to get cold in the office and he doesn't get as much heat from the lamp.

    For food Charlies gets crickets three times a week, dusted twice a week with supplements, and then a mix of baby foods twice a week. He doesn't seem fond of the mango, but will eat the apricot and peach food. I just put a small lid in there, but if he doesn't touch it I'll hand feed him from a spoon and he seems to enjoy that. I'm thinking about attempting a switch from baby food to the T-rex crested food because I have easy access to it, and it's a better balance. However, I'm not sure he'll take to it too well.

    Pete gets a mix of crickets and mealworms and the occasional silk worm.

  6. #6
    I don't think it's a banded gecko (and that's a good thing because they are desert-dwellers and DON"T belong in a tank with Crested geckos who live in rainforest-like places)....

    He looks like a chinese or asian leopard gecko to me (Goniurosaurus spp) to me....and I again don't think the animals should be housed together...
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  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Galveston Bay U.S.
    Those are very interesting looking and must be fun to watch. How nice you for you that you can have them in your office!
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