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Thread: Swheat Scoop vs. World's Best Cat Litter

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    San Diego, CA

    Swheat Scoop vs. World's Best Cat Litter

    Does anyone use either "Swheat Scoop" or "World's Best Cat Litter"? If you do use one or if you have used one in the past, can you give me your review?

    I think that I am finally ready to welcome a new cat to my family--it has been almost three years since Kona passed away. We used to use regular old clay litter, but I'd rather use a clumping, biodegradable litter now that I'm starting over.

    Thanks for your opinions!
    Oreo and Molly

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Hi Andrea, I am sorry I cannot give you any recommendations about cat litter but I am so happy to see you're back and ready for a new kitty in your life. I am on the Quuen Charlotte Islands right now and I could recommend here some beautiful tuxie babies as there is a B&B here which is a cat shelter as well. Their all black mom is the sweetest little cat person- but I am sure there are sone cuties in your area as well.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    British Columbia
    I have used Swheat Scoop for my cats. I switched because the clay litter is so unhealthy for cats to breathe in and for the humans who scoop it! The Swheat Scoop has a really nice smell when you pour it into the box, kind of like a fresh hay field.
    You need to make sure that you pour enough of it in the box (at least 3 or 4 inches) because if it gets too low, the pee mixes with the dust of the Swheat Scoop at the bottom and sticks to the bottom of the box. It's not that bad though and with a little scraping you can get it off the bottom.

    The other two things that I found were a bit of a challenge were odour control and tracking. If you clean the box a couple times a day and only have one or two cats, I think this would not be an issue. I have 9 cats so I did notice that it didn't control the odour as well as the clay litter.

    It seemed to track more than the clay litter and I found little pieces of wheat all over the floor that required daily sweeping. But, when I switched back to the clay, I realized that it tracks quite a bit too and I was sweeping that too.

    The two best things about the Swheat Scoop are how healthy it is for cats and people and how 'light' it is to deal with. When you scoop it, each deposit that your cat leaves weighs next to nothing compared to the heaviness of the clay 'balls'. If you have a few boxes to scoop, it makes a real difference and the bag of scoopables that you toss in the trash in the end weighs very little. That is a great feature of this litter.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    South Florida

    Love the Sweat Scoop

    Sweat Scoop isn't dusty and is the non toxic waste from wheat that would be thrown away. This litter really removes the smell without perfumes. I use a litter pan liner, I used to use a commerical on, but now I just put the litter box in a kitchen bag and fill it up with litter and tie the end of the bag (much cheaper). If you don't use a liner, it clumps so hard it want to stick. the instructions say to spray with vegetable oil, but I like the bag liner the best.
    Cathy loves Cocoa Kitty.

  5. #5
    I've used both, but don't use either of them any longer.

    The Sweat Scoop I liked, but the stuff stuck like cement on the bottom of my litter boxes. it was really annoying. It did track a lot as well. Other than that, it was pleasant to use.

    World's Best, it's ok. Again, tracking was an issue, and I found it dusty.

    I've been using crystals now for about 2 months. I need to go buy some more because my guys are fussy and everything has to be totally replaced after about 3-4 weeks. I have 8 cats and 12 litter boxes.

    While the crystals I use may not get "environmentally" green, they don't create dust, and I'm not sneezy or blowing out gray crap for 8 hours after cleaning the boxes. My cats are less sneezy as well. This to me is a plus. And they are using the boxes more faithfully. Also could be because I am totally replacing everything more often. I buy MiMi crystals at Walmart, the only place I found them. They are not like sand, but larger.

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