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Thread: good idea or bad idea?

  1. #1

    good idea or bad idea?

    This question is for anyone that can help...

    I have been patiently looking through breeders for a small breed dog to buy. I am quite fond of Cairn Terriers. Long story short, I found a breeder that is advertising beautiful Cairn Terrier puppies and one I have a soft spot for is a female Cairn eready to go March 16th. She is offered at a discounted price as she is blind in one eye. The eye is completely hazy/cloudy. But her other eye is fine. I'm not concerned that her price is discounted as if she was full price, I'd still show my interest in her as she has really touched my heart especially having this disability.
    My question is... is it a good idea to buy a puppy knowing it is blind in one eye? I will take her to the vet myself if I buy her, of course, but I wanted some advice before the purchase.
    Is being blind in one eye so young in a puppy mean there may be some serious health issues that caused it? Or is it a common thing that a puppy can be born with and it is nothing more than just a birth defect? I'm willing to deal with the challenges of her disability, I just dont want to lose her after buying her if blindness in puppies is usually a dangerous underlying health issue thing.
    Can anyone give me advice on this?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Alberta, Canada
    You'd have to know what caused the blindness; it should be on the puppy's vet records.

    If it's an illness, that's one thing to be concerned about. If she was born that way and it won't get better or worse, then that should be fine.

    Thanks for rescuing this little one - I don't know what her breeder would have done because of her 'disability'. There are a good number of purebreds in shelters as well, should you ever want a pal for your pup.

    Good luck!
    "Do or do not. There is no try." -- Yoda

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    I'd ask if the pup has been to the vet, and if it's a congenital defect - one she was born with, I'd not hesitate. Likely she doesn't know she's "different" and if she's healthy, go for it! I don't know if Cairns are prone to eye problems, that's something you can research on the web. As long as she is to be a pet, and get spayed when she's old enough, there's no reason not to take her and love her!
    I've Been Frosted

  4. #4
    The breeder said she is going to the vet for her check up and shots and worming and he is going to see what the vet says about the eye. He said she was, in fact, born with it but seems to be a typical happy puppy otherwise. He seems to think it was just a birth defect and she should be fine. Apparently this is the first puppy he's had that has had partial blindness... I may just take her as I just get an odd feeling that the pup having the blindness.. doesnt make him "go out of his way to put too much INTO her health care"... he never said that.. just a feeling I got after stating that she was discounted as she wasnt "worth" the same as the sighted or "normal" puppies. I shall see in the upcoming week what the vet says, and hopefully I'll be the proud new mom of the sweet little girl who will treat her as being NORMAL.
    Thanks for the advice I'm optimistic... i have good hopes for her!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    near Green Bay, WI, USA
    I can't see a reason to be concerned! I had a Greyhound who we adotpted at age 9, who suffered an eye injury, rendering him blind in one eye. Never slowed him down, and the only issue it created was an opportunity to "use" it to gain attention from strangers!

    We never had any problems with it, health-wise, either. I doubt you'll have any problems, and as was already said, the pup does not know the difference!
    Sarah, the human, Naples the Greyhound, Cooper, and Manero the Borzoi boys.
    Always in our hearts, Gunnar, and King-kitty, at the Rainbow Bridge.

    Hair of the Dog by Doc's Blend GPA-WI NBRF

  6. #6
    Thank you so much for all the advice... We go pick her up tomorrow.
    This week to the vet.. and a check up and we go from there.
    Just wanted to say thank you... and I'll post her pics once we get her home!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    How exciting, we look forward to the pictures, and to sharing the adventure with you!
    I've Been Frosted

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