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Thread: Newest Rescue...Poor Milo FLEA BOMBED!

  1. #31
    Just a quick update before heading to bed for a few hours...

    When I brought Milo home, I scooped out about 1/4 can of Fancy Feast and he did really well.

    It took a while but I encouraged him to eat some more and he did. I was really surprised that he did that well with the food. I was able to get a little more in him so he ate probably less than 1/2 can but that's still pretty good compared to yesterday.

    So far tonight he's peed twice and I've ended up just switching out the towels I had down for him.

    If anyone would like to contribute to him and supplies (such as puppy pads so we don't have to do so much wash, we live in an apartment so we have to go out and do laundry) that would be really handy. My paypal address is [email protected] for Milo. I understand right now is hard time for everyone but I won't put him down if he is eating and I want to be able to find someone who can care for him more than I can. I'm going to post something on that handicap website about him and see if someone is willing to take him in under their wing.

    I'm taking him back to the vets tomorrow and we'll go from there.

    I hope they see a small improvement in him.


  2. #32
    Last night at 2 a.m. Milo started have seizures, it was the most horrible thing I've ever seen in my life.

    I made him as comfortable as we could last night. I took him with me to work early, since the vet is located right next door and in about 5 mins. I'll take Milo over there.

    He had another seizure just about 5 mins. ago or so. He's not going to probably make it and I may end up helping him go off on his way to the rainbow bridge.


  3. #33
    Milo was just let go to the rainbow bridge.

    It was so hard. Milo I love u so much. If anyone would like their donations back please let me know.


  4. #34
    Oh my, what happened, Melissa?

    "Time and unforeseen occurrence befall us all." Ecclesiastes 9:11

  5. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by Medusa View Post
    Oh my, what happened, Melissa?
    Well last night, I woke up to check on Milo and Milo was lying next to his cat carrier on the floor and he was all wet around his face and on the one side of his body. He peed in his cat carrier as well so I removed the towels.

    I placed him back on his cat carrier and his head wasn't siting right, so I got him to sorta lie down some and his one side of his face started to twitch.

    I called my husband in because I knew something was wrong and then he start have a big seizure. I don't know how long the seizure lasted but it was really horrible to watch. I kept praying that God would take him away and let him have some peace.

    Once he was finished with his seizure he started panting so we removed the blankets we had on him and the panting seemed to stop and he just lied there and he looked exhausted.

    I made him as comfortable as we could last night. I kept checking on him to make sure he was still alive, he slept pretty well after his attack. I went into work around 7 a.m. and I took him with me because the vet is right next door and they open up at 7:30 a.m.

    Within 15 minutes of me being at work with Milo he started to have another seizure.

    I thought maybe we were passed this but we weren't.

    He calmed down after his attack and panted again, as well as some drool was coming out too.

    It was finally 7:30 a.m. and I took him right over to the vets to tell him who I had and that I don't think he was going to make the day.

    I told them he started to seizure before 2 a.m. and then it lasted for a while and calmed down. But as I was talking he started to have another one and and another.

    It wouldn't stop. The one was on her way in and the vet tech gave him some valium and the first dose didn't take so they gave him another dose.

    I had to hold him down and try to help him not move around so much and that was really hard, he wouldn't stop having these seizures.

    I waited for the vet to come in and she said the best thing for him would be to let him go to sleep.

    I agreed. He didn't need to suffer anymore so before 9 a.m. this morning Milo was put to sleep. He just wouldn't stop seizuring. The vet said she thinks it was the toxins from the flea bomb affecting his brain now and their really wasn't much more they could do for him and I didn't want him to suffer at all.

    Milo did bite me and he broke the skin the other day and since we are not sure if he became in contact with rabies he is going to a place where they will test him for it and it should be about a week till I hear the results. I'm going to the doctors to have my bit looked at because it's pretty red around the one bite wound. I will be getting a paw print from the vets since I won't be able to get Milo back and bury him. I hated to do that and I wished the outcome would have been better but I think the flea bomb was just too much for him.

    I'm going to try to find out the landlords name and hopefully file an animal crulety charge.

    If anyone would like their donations back please let me know. RIP Milo. I will add something to the Memorial Section later today.


  6. #36
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    I'm so sorry. Milo is going to be fine from now on - running and playing and chowing down up there at The Bridge. He knows you loved him

  7. #37
    This is just awful. Poor Milo suffered needlessly due to that landlord's abominable actions. Well, you did the best you could for him, Melissa. On some level, I know that he realized that. He was able to feel your love and the human touch through all his misery. Now he's at peace and you will be, too, in time. RIP, little Milo. You deserved better than the lot that life handed you and now you're getting it at the Bridge.

    "Time and unforeseen occurrence befall us all." Ecclesiastes 9:11

  8. #38

    I added something to the Memorial Section.

    My eyes are puffy and my face is red, I miss my Milo oh so bad. Rest now little guy, I love you.

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    In my garden
    Thank goodness Milo had you to care for him, doing everything you could to help him live, taking him to the relief of his ending as fast as you could. How very, very sad that just when he'd found loving arms to care for him, he was too sick to save.

    I'm sorry you had to go through the trauma of seeing Milo's seizing, especially when they went on and on, it's a really dreadful thing to witness. You just want to scream at the vet to stop them happening whatever they have to do. Surya had only one and I remember shaking so much as I bundled him in a carrier and raced him to the vet that I was hardly in control of what I was doing. Earlier this year as I sat waiting in our emergency vet hospital, a young woman came in saying her cat (who had also been poisoned) had started seizing often and she thought it was time for him to be euthanized. Even as she spoke, the cat starting having a violent seizure in his carrier. Across the room, not knowing the cat and barely able to see it inside the carrier, I felt sick with horror and wanted to join the woman in sobbing "do it now, now."

    I hope you are going to be okay. Did they update your tetanus shot? Start you on antibiotics? Also hope you can file against the landlord. I wish we could grab him and flea bomb him.

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    North Central North Dakota
    Melissa...I am so sorry about Milo...It sounds as if you did everything you could for him (what a kind and compassionate person you are), and given that the flea bomb does sound as though it was what caused all this, the best and really only thing you could do was to let him go. Damn that landlord...I just don't understand people like that...What is wrong with them??? How could he do such a thing?? I am glad that you're going to pursue this concerning the landlord, and good luck with it. Keep us updated about what you find out.

    I know you feel awful about Milo, but you did the very best you could for him...You got him medical care, and you gave him love. Lizzie was right when she said "How very, very sad that just when he'd found loving arms to care for him, he was too sick to save" and she's right, but remember this too...Given that it was probably the flea bomb that caused this, and he would have died anyway, at least he had you to look after him and love him and to humanely and quickly let him go, rather than him dying alone in that building...As tragic and unfair as it is that Milo is gone, he at least had your love and comfort at the end. Try to remember that and that he is at the RB now, happy and healthy and racing around having a grand old time chasing ladybugs in the warm sunshine with all his new friends. Please know that all of us are sending you and Milo prayers and hugs, and that you both are in our thoughts...I hope everything turns out okay concerning your bite...don't hesitate to go to the doctor if the redness continues or gets worse...Hugs and prayers...

    God bless,

    "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated."

    Mahatma Gandhi

  11. #41
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
    Oh, I am so very sorry. Thank you and God bless you, Melissa, for loving him and doing so much for him and giving him such good care.

    Rest in peace, dearest Milo, I'm so glad you and Melissa found each other and now share this great eternal love.
    I meant," said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?"
    Death thought about it.
    CATS, he said eventually. CATS ARE NICE.

    -- Terry Pratchett (1948—2015), Sourcery

  12. #42
    Quote Originally Posted by Lizzie View Post
    Thank goodness Milo had you to care for him, doing everything you could to help him live, taking him to the relief of his ending as fast as you could. How very, very sad that just when he'd found loving arms to care for him, he was too sick to save.

    I'm sorry you had to go through the trauma of seeing Milo's seizing, especially when they went on and on, it's a really dreadful thing to witness. You just want to scream at the vet to stop them happening whatever they have to do. Surya had only one and I remember shaking so much as I bundled him in a carrier and raced him to the vet that I was hardly in control of what I was doing. Earlier this year as I sat waiting in our emergency vet hospital, a young woman came in saying her cat (who had also been poisoned) had started seizing often and she thought it was time for him to be euthanized. Even as she spoke, the cat starting having a violent seizure in his carrier. Across the room, not knowing the cat and barely able to see it inside the carrier, I felt sick with horror and wanted to join the woman in sobbing "do it now, now."

    I hope you are going to be okay. Did they update your tetanus shot? Start you on antibiotics? Also hope you can file against the landlord. I wish we could grab him and flea bomb him.


    Thank you so much for your kind words. I actually had a tetanus shot back in 2006 when I did that Bellefonte rescue and a female stray cat bit me a couple times and I got the red streak from her and it was pretty infected that time as well.

    The doctor did give me antibiotics and the redness is already gone this morning

    I hope I can file a case against this landlord. I did manage to speak with the kid who originally had the cat and he released the landlords name and his old address so I'm pleased and hopefully we can do something now. No cat should have to suffer the way Milo did and I wished I really could of saved Milo. I loved him so much even though I only had him Monday night thru yesterday morning.


  13. #43
    Quote Originally Posted by weluvcats View Post
    Melissa...I am so sorry about Milo...It sounds as if you did everything you could for him (what a kind and compassionate person you are), and given that the flea bomb does sound as though it was what caused all this, the best and really only thing you could do was to let him go. Damn that landlord...I just don't understand people like that...What is wrong with them??? How could he do such a thing?? I am glad that you're going to pursue this concerning the landlord, and good luck with it. Keep us updated about what you find out.

    I know you feel awful about Milo, but you did the very best you could for him...You got him medical care, and you gave him love. Lizzie was right when she said "How very, very sad that just when he'd found loving arms to care for him, he was too sick to save" and she's right, but remember this too...Given that it was probably the flea bomb that caused this, and he would have died anyway, at least he had you to look after him and love him and to humanely and quickly let him go, rather than him dying alone in that building...As tragic and unfair as it is that Milo is gone, he at least had your love and comfort at the end. Try to remember that and that he is at the RB now, happy and healthy and racing around having a grand old time chasing ladybugs in the warm sunshine with all his new friends. Please know that all of us are sending you and Milo prayers and hugs, and that you both are in our thoughts...I hope everything turns out okay concerning your bite...don't hesitate to go to the doctor if the redness continues or gets worse...Hugs and prayers...

    God bless,



    Thank you so much for your kind words. I did get some sleep last night which was much needed, my eyes are still puffy, and last night I was trying to call one of my other cats and instead I called him Milo.

    I did that twice last night, and everytime I said it I felt like I was going to cry.

    I keep trying to remember that he is happy and playing around and not suffering anymore, it's hard to think that way but I'm trying. I miss him dearly and last night it was so weird not to be spending all my time in the bathroom caring for him and changing his towels.

    Thank you again for taking the time to write to me,

  14. #44
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Glendale, AZ
    I just hate reading this. I'm so sorry but at least he knew what love is before he went to peace. Bless you for caring so much.
    Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) is a full management plan in which stray and feral cats already living outdoors in cities, towns, and rural areas are humanely trapped, then evaluated, vaccinated, and sterilized by veterinarians. Kittens and tame cats are adopted into good homes. Healthy adult cats too wild to be adopted are returned to their familiar habitat under the lifelong care of volunteers

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