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Thread: What is this?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2001

    What is this?

    I came across this site....

    What??? Is this like a breeder that 'specializes' in like 100 different breeds? Or like a company that sells different breeders puppies?

    Kaitlyn (the human)
    Sadie & Rita (Forever in Our Hearts) (the Labbies)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Looks like a broker, they may be a front for puppy mill dogs. I would not trust them, frankly.
    I've Been Frosted

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    They are not one breeder, it says at the bottom in the guarantee - "We only choose the best breeders for our network". But never would I buy a puppy from them. For one, if you click on one of the puppies it tells you the price of the dog - you immediately know then it is a bad breeder. They also have designer breeds for sale, and before anyone calls me a hypocrite - YES, Mikey is from a breeder but I did not purchase him, I adopted him from his original owners and he would have wound up in a shelter if I hadn't.

    This is apparently a "network" of breeders with over 100 different breeds, but I cannot find one name of a breeder, not one link to a site, etc. When you click on a puppy, it doesn't say the breeders name or anything of that sort. When you click on buy the puppy it immediatley asks for credit card information Seriously, talk about impulse selling. It's just so fishy to me how they do not have a list of breeders in their network or anything of that sort. I am all for promoting your business if you're a reputable breeder, but that site is total BS. I might drop them an e-mail.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Methuen, MA; USA
    Agree with above.

    Gosh, I hate this stuff.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2001
    I thought it was a bunch of bs.... just wanted to know your opinions!
    Alyssa, PLEASE do! I might, as well

    Kaitlyn (the human)
    Sadie & Rita (Forever in Our Hearts) (the Labbies)

  6. #6
    I agree with the above, but I was actually impressed they had a section called "Mixed Breeds". So many try to sell them as pure breeds... I'm still a firm believer in rescuing dogs though. Not gonna support some random breeder.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Yeah I noticed this too....

    Oh yeah, their 'premium' alright...

    Kaitlyn (the human)
    Sadie & Rita (Forever in Our Hearts) (the Labbies)

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    We set up at the local flea market today, for the third time, and a few spaces down from us was a dog breeder.. ugh. They've been there everytime, but this was the closest we've been set up by them. The poor dogs sit in their crates, multiple dogs in one crate, from at least 5 am... and we left at 1 pm. The whole time we sat there staring at them and listening to them cry. Its so sad to see what people will do to make a buck. While we were packing up, one lady said "Look, she's holding a ChinPin". I heard MinPin, but the second time she said it, she followed up with "Its a Chihuahua and a Min Pin." YUCK! As if I wasn't disgusted enough by all the people making impulse purchases of dogs from them. J looked at me and said that should be illegal.. I agree. There should be SOME type of dog breeding regulation.. that's just wrong. This site is too.. I can't imagine dropping $1300 for a Boxer pup when you don't even know who the breeder is!

    Bunny: BoxerxSheppard mix, Eli: Boxer, Treo: Boxer
    Zeke [RB]: RottweilerxAustrailian Cattle Dog mix

    Oscar & Chloe: White's Tree Frogs, Kiwi & Wasabi: Green Tree Frogs
    I sell DVDs and other miscellaneous stuff on eBay!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2001
    I'm sorry you had to witness that, Seravieve. Those poor babies. Were you able to tell how old they were?

    Man I really wish there was some kind of strict breeding law(s) that EVERY breeder had to follow.
    I mean, most RESPONSIBLE, REPUTABLE breeders put A LOT of time and $$ into breeding.... It's very time consuming, and if you do it correctly, very expensive. In my eyes, a good breeder should:
    -Provide references
    -have every possible test done on the sire/dam to check for any sort of problems
    -breed to better the breed, not to make a quick buck, or because 'my dog is such a good dog, I want to make more of him/her', or 'but my dog is so cute', or 'I want my children to experience the miracle of life'
    -take responsibility over the dog/cat, and if the owners of a dog/cat you bred cannot keep, or properly care for, take the animal back
    -Breed maybe once a year, if that....
    -Strive to produce the best possible temperament, look, & health
    -Have a spay/neuter contract for every puppy/kitten
    -Do not release animals until at least 8 weeks of age
    -Be able to tell you a good amount of information on the breed (history, common health issues, temperament etc.)
    -Have both parents on site
    -Give you the necessary health records, and paperwork (such as vaccinations given, and vax schedule, and breeders phone #)
    -Be able to provide you with lifetime support, and answer any questions you may have now, or later down the line

    And something that I learned recently is that a good reputable breeder doesn't really need to advertise, because they get plenty of referrals from previous clients.

    Kaitlyn (the human)
    Sadie & Rita (Forever in Our Hearts) (the Labbies)

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    No, unfortunately I have no idea about their ages.. and I was too mad/upset with them to even go over there. There's no way I'd be able to form acceptable sentences around them either. They had 3 larger crates with 5 dogs or so in each... Dachshunds.. ChinPins and Bassets... probably some others as well. It was so weird to walk around and see all these people carrying little puppies in their arms. I cant IMAGINE buying a dog from a flea market, or a site like you've posted. I'm proud to say ours are all rescues. Even if Eli didnt make it to a shelter.. we still rescued him from a bad situation.

    The first time we went, probably 5-6 weeks ago, the people in the booth next to us came back with a puppy they'd just bought. Said it was a Pit.. looked like there was some Lab in there too.. I just couldnt believe it. These people making these IMPULSE buys... with out even a collar or leash! I'm sure many of these flea market buys show up in the rescues/shelters soon after the people realize they made a bad decission, or when the puppy is no longer a cute little thing.

    I totally agree with your last post, LabLoverKEB, something needs to be done. And if you're not breeding to better the breed... just breeding to make $$$... then you're doing it all wrong. I don't see how animals can just be bred and bought and sold like that, with out ANY paperwork. We had to sign an agreement when we bought our tree frogs from Petco for pete's sake!

    Bunny: BoxerxSheppard mix, Eli: Boxer, Treo: Boxer
    Zeke [RB]: RottweilerxAustrailian Cattle Dog mix

    Oscar & Chloe: White's Tree Frogs, Kiwi & Wasabi: Green Tree Frogs
    I sell DVDs and other miscellaneous stuff on eBay!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    I e-mailed them, I will be eager to hear what they have to say for themselves - this is what I sent them:

    Hi, I have a few questions about your website. In your guarantee, it states that you are a "network" of breeders. Meanwhile, as I browsed the website there was absolutely no breeder names, websites, etc. I am a big advocate for dog adoption and very against any kind of puppymill or and organization of that sort. It just seems odd to me that you expect people to drop thousands of dollars when you do not provide any credible information on the breeder, parents or any of that. I realize some dogs have SOME sparse info about who bred them, but I don't really understand it how a "network" of breeders provides no information on the breeders.

    - A Concerned pet lover

    I dunno, I hope they prove me wrong which is most likely not going to be the case. I guess I just want some closure that it is not a puppymill type organization. We don't need anymore of those in the world. I feel my e-mail is polite, so hopefully they answer in the same manner. -_- I wasn't going to e-mail them but someone voice needs to be heard, I know I can't change the world with this e-mail but if it changes something or I get the answers I am craving from it, I will be happier about this website. It's just really fishy though.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Sounds good, Alyssa!
    I've emailed a few APBT breeders who advertised in DogFancy magazine who I've suspected were not good breeders, and oh my, you should see the responses I get!
    "Yeah okay- you don't know $*&# about pits. I've got the best *&^$*($ bloodlines out there." Yeah I know nada about dogs, or breeding for that matter. I don't care about bloodlines- good bloodlines do not make a good dog in some cases!

    Seriously though, we need to find out how to set up a law for someone to look at- and try, try, try to get it passed!

    Kaitlyn (the human)
    Sadie & Rita (Forever in Our Hearts) (the Labbies)

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by *LabLoverKEB* View Post
    Sounds good, Alyssa!
    I've emailed a few APBT breeders who advertised in DogFancy magazine who I've suspected were not good breeders, and oh my, you should see the responses I get!
    "Yeah okay- you don't know $*&# about pits. I've got the best *&^$*($ bloodlines out there." Yeah I know nada about dogs, or breeding for that matter. I don't care about bloodlines- good bloodlines do not make a good dog in some cases!

    Seriously though, we need to find out how to set up a law for someone to look at- and try, try, try to get it passed!
    Some people suck, I am sorry you had that experience. Mikey's breeder seems like a good enough breeder for pugs and beagles (her two "specialty" breeders) but honestly just the fact that she breeds mutts pisses me off. It's sad that people who buy puppies from these places now-a-days don't do research on their breeders Breeders use the words "Champion Bloodlines" too freely. Champion bloodlines for some breeders could mean literally over 20 years or the dogs great, great, great, great, great grandparents. People also enjoy the words "registered with the AKC" and "Purebred. It sucks, it really does. I looked up Sassy's breeders once, her grandmother had won maybe two "Best In Shows", "Best of Breed", and I believe even some agility titles. Her mother had won a few "best of breeds" if I remember correctly.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    I just thought'd I'd update to say they have yet to e-mail me back. I am hopeful that they are just busy with other e-mails or something, but it makes me wonder if they put my e-mail into the trash since someone suspected them of something. I don't know, whenever I get a reply, I'll let you know. I even checked the status - but it says the e-mail address with 'internet' at the end of it I don't know what that means. I will not be at all surprised if I don't get a reply, though.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Yeah I wonder if they did just not even read it.... see the thing is, most people like this know they're doing SOMETHING wrong, so they get all freaked out and quiet when you ask them.
    Thank you for keeping me/us updated! I'm curious to what they will say...?

    Kaitlyn (the human)
    Sadie & Rita (Forever in Our Hearts) (the Labbies)


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