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Thread: tell about the your scariest moment

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Tucson, Arizona

    tell about the your scariest moment

    since it is almost halloween, I thought it would be fun to share scary stories, I have already told my scary story, on spooky suggestions in cat general. or, we could make up short stories , like in that thread, bedtime stories?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Georgia, USA
    My scariest moment was...
    When a was about 14 years old me and my sister were at my friends house hanging out in the den and someone broke in her house. It is such a long story... but we ended up calling the cops and they must have thought we were joking cause it took them 45 minutes to get there and when they left they said they didn't find anything but there were plenty of places someone could be hiding. So we spent the rest of the day sitting by the street waiting for her mom to come home from work and while we were waiting her dog and the neighbors dog started barking like crazy toward the back of the woods like someone ran through the yard and in the woods.

    Alden is here!!
    7/6/2006 - 9 pounds 9 ounces 22 inches


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Tucson, Arizona
    oh that IS scary, more so because it really happend! the dumb police probably just thought it was a joke or that you imagined it.
    but dogs don't usually bark at nothing! 45 minutes, what took them so long?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Richmond, BC
    At a birthday party once (I was 13 or 14) my dad and his three sisters played a horrible prank on me and my friends.. while one sister was telling a scary story in the dark and very late at night, with sentences like "suddenly someone knocked on the door" there would be a loud knock on the door!! Then there would be, "she could hear someone scratching on the window" and my dad or my uncle would be outside scratching the window. I BAWLED my face off I was so scared. Looking back it's funny though.

    That was my silliest scary moment. A truly scary moment was at the hotel and RV park where my mom and dad work I saw a guy punching and hitting my dad while the guy's wife was trying to run my dad over with their chevy suburban, while I was on the phone with 911. That was only two years ago. (The guy didn't want to pay to use the services at the RV park even though he said he wanted to park his RV there..).

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Happy Valley, Utah
    I have a few "real" scarey stories, but I'm not sure if I should tell them. I'm not the only person they envolve.

    Well here's one that gets told all the time in my family. It's about my mom's old house. I never actually witnessed this, as it stopped happening (don't know why) many years ago. Apparently quite often they would be downstairs or something, and hear the front door open, people walk across the front room, kitchen, then half-way down the stairs and stop. This happened many, many times.......them always thinking somebody was home...going upstairs...and nothing there....

    Well, I'm looking at a website right now and reading stories. Not a good thing to do alone at night in the dark. I'm going to read a few more then I'll copy/paste them for you to read.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Happy Valley, Utah
    OK this website has TONS of stories so you'll just have to read them for yourself. I'lll post links to a few that I've read though.

    One about a dog
    Long, but an interesting story
    Another story

    Ok I'm just picking random ones, I'm sure there are ones more creepy then these.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Tucson, Arizona
    reading your post reminded me of something, that my brother and I did to my neice and her friends during a sleepover. he got them all around in a circle and told them a scary story about a gorilla, meanwhile I had put on a gorilla costume and at a cue word, I JUMPED out at them, going uw uw(suposed to be the ape sound) and scratching my underarms the way apes do. anyway, they SCREAMED and ran, and I would run after this one then that one. the youngest little girl ran on the other side of the kitchen table and hada fork in her hand! it was pretty funny

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    My scariest moment had to be when I was about 12 or so. My brother and I went to day camp during the summer. They always had a sleep over night during the summer each year and the main "entertainment" was that a few chosen campers could go feed "Uncle Gore".

    Uncle Gore was a seven foot gorilla with a mean temperment...who turned out to be a camp counselor in a costume....who lived in the hills. Whenever you saw a Red-Tailed Hawk circling, that was him in pursuit of his next meal. That night, I was chosen to feed him bananas (of course!). While my fears were fueld by the counselors and other campers, I walked up a winding road up to the hill where he was last spotted. I was escorted by one of my favorite, girl counselors. When we got to the top Uncle Gore grabbed the bananas out of my hands and "roared" at me. He then grabbed my counselor and ran into the hills. All the "big, strong men" went after him and came back over twenty minutes later with the poor counselor that was taken. It was so scary I think it was such a cute idea.
    ...RIP, our sweet Gini...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Ohio, USA
    I have to say my most scariest times had to do with the dogs.

    Of course when they got out a few weeks ago was terrifying. I just can't imagine them getting run over in the road, it just scares me to death.
    And the other time is when Keisha died. I've never been through anything like that in my entire life.
    There's been other things that have given me the willies, but those are the things that have terrified me the most.

    Huney, Bon & Simba-missed so very much
    Remembering all the Rainbow Bridge Pets

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