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Thread: One beautiful year

  1. #1

    One beautiful year

    I've just been remembering the wonderful events of my precious baby's birth.

    Last year, at exactly this time, I was at the hospital, in active labor, awaiting the arrival of my precious son. There were just three and a half hours left for him to arrive. I had been at the hospital since 4:00pm.

    Last year, at exactly this time, I was anxious, tired, and truly excited. At 2:47am, Dec. 26, 2009, Baby M arrived in this world. What a wonderful year it has been.

    Going back through his first pictures and videos today, I shed many tears of joy, along with a bittersweet feeling of him growing up so fast. He is just 12 months, still just a baby, but I wonder... If this year has gone by so fast, will his childhood go by fast as well? I must cherish each and every moment.

    Baby M is not yet walking on his own, but he is getting there. He stood alone without holding today, just briefly for the first time. He is a very sweet baby, and his smiles and laughter light up our world. Thank you God, for blessing us with the greatest gift on earth.

    Along with my baby's first year, I feel happy about one more thing. I made it through the difficulties of the beginning of breastfeeding, and at one year, we are still going strong. Breastfeeding was challenging for me, but I was committed to doing it for my child because of the benefits in it for him, and God helped me through. I'm thrilled that we have made it this far, and hope to gradually wean him by the time he turns 2. He really enjoys food now and eats most things, but we're not inclined to wean completely 'yet'.

    Just wanted to share some of my memories from the best year of our lives. I can't believe I've been a mom for a whole year!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    North Wales, UK.
    I can't believe our little popcornbird is a mom at all! How time does fly. I'm so pleased to read all is well and you and yours are so happy. Pass on a hug and a kiss to your little baby M from me.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2010
    My Home!
    Glad your year went great! Hope the coming ones always stay great. Happy to hear Baby M walked alone, even briefly is nice as my nephew's gonna turn 7 months and he can't sit alone I keep practicing it with him, but he wants to jump even while sitting! He is really jumpy so its a problem

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Happy Birthday, Baby M! Popcornbird, just make sure you keep taking lots of pictures, as the time does fly!
    I've Been Frosted

  5. #5
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    Blog Entries
    Popcorn, enjoy baby M because they grow up so fast. Once baby M starts walking you will be kept busy trying to keep up. I always kept the camera ready on hand to take pictures & my boys were always very busy little fellas investigating everything.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Methuen, MA; USA
    Happy Birthday, Baby M. You are such a blessing to your mom!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Santa Paula, CA
    HAPPY 1st BIRTHDAY BABY M!!! Time flies by too quickly so enjoy every moment you have with him.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    I hail from South Carolina, but Texas is where I hang my hat :)
    Good to hear that you're enjoying motherhood so much. I weaned Clara at about 13 months, but she was ready for it, took to a sippy cup only after a couple nights of trying. It wasn't always an easy road for us, either, but it's so worth it to breastfeed! Good for you! And, happy birthday to the little one!
    The idea that some lives matter less is the root of all that is wrong with the world. - Dr. Paul Farmer

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Cincinnati, Ohio USA
    11,467 does go so fast! I say that as I listen to my 6 year old play Mario Cart on Wii....boy is that one annoying sound.

    Baby M is so blessed to have you two (and the tiels) as parents/siblings. He knows only love, and way too much clean carpet. (Just sayin')

    As for BF...LOL, like you don't already know my stance on that, right? Maybe someone else reading this will appreciate the info....Bfing and solid foods have no connection. Babies take most of their nutrients from the milk, and eating solids, up to this point, is mere 'practice' for the rest of their lives, to obtain texture familiarity, work on muscle tone, and acquire different tastes. No need to wean because of some thoughts about solids. Enjoy it as long as you both can stand it. Once it is gone, it is gone. Your milk adjusts as he grows, and still offers plenty in the way of anti-bodies, and has been shown to ward off obesity! LOL....just another interesting factoid.

    Babies can take EBM, milk at one year, small amounts of watered down juice, and plain old water, from a cup from 6 months old on up! J never had any issues with taking things from a cup (heck, he is a liquid hog to this day) and I EBF'd him til 2,6.

    So glad those early difficult days didn't stop you. And, take lots of pics....soon Baby M will be walking circles around you.

  10. #10
    Thanks everyone. He truly is the greatest blessing in our lives.

    Sana, my baby hasn't walked yet. He just stood without holding. He is very jumpy too. He jumps while I change his diaper and give him a bath...and that makes his bathtimes very difficult! He started sitting at 5.5 months. Don't worry about your nephew...every baby does things when the time is right for them. I myself took my first steps at 13 months, so maybe Baby M wants to be like me.

    Cataholic, MarioKarts is not annoying. Go play with Jonah.

    That's very true about breastfeeding. It should be the only source of nutrition for a baby up to 6 months, the main source till 12 months, and is a great source of antibodies, some nutrition, and comfort for the baby into the 2nd year. I plan to nurse M until he is 24 months, but we'll see how it goes. He does eat 3 solid meals a day now, along with a snack or two, plus the nursing. He LOVES cheddar cheese. Lol

    He had his first omelet today and loved it. :d

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Cincinnati, Ohio USA
    PCB- I know I told you this story...but for others. Jonah didn't sit up for ages...8-9months, maybe? I do kind of forget. Anyhow, the doctor was like, "oh, sure he does"...and propped J up. LOL, J fell right over. The doctor said, "oh". But, by 11 months he was walking, 12 months, climbing up onto tables, LOL. He totally skipped the crawling stage!! All kids develop differently. No right, or wrong way.

    But, Jonah was very advanced.

    (I am kidding.)

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