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Thread: Tourism Whistler suspends reservations over post-Olympic sled dog cull

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Richmond, BC

    Tourism Whistler suspends reservations over post-Olympic sled dog cull

    This is appalling. I am so disgusted. I was not a supporter of the Olympics because it put money into things that were, IMO, unneccesary and could have been better spent on other things. I wish it had never come to Vancouver. Here is yet another example of greed, and a "get rich and be damned the outcome" scheme. This story totally breaks my heart. I sincerely hope that there will be some serious consequences for this. Normally animal cruelty goes severly underpunished.

    If you click on the link, and choose to look at the Worksafe pdf document, be warned. It describes in detail the events of the cull, and it's very upsetting. I read it without realising that. It left me in tears and sick to my stomach.

    January 31, 2011
    Tourism Whistler suspends reservations over post-Olympic sled dog cull
    Globe and Mail Update
    70 dogs were shot following drop in business
    Tourism Whistler has suspended reservations for dog-sledding at Outdoor Adventures Whistler following reports that at least 70 healthy Alaskan sledding dogs were shot after business dropped following the 2010 Winter Olympics.

    "Until there is further clarity regarding these allegations in place, we've decided to suspend the sale of Outdoor Adventures dog sledding activities, Breton Murphy, a senior manager of communications at Tourism Whistler said Monday.

    "We've discussed [the suspension] with Outdoor Adventures and they completely understand it is appropriate for us to make this move while this gets cleared up," he said.

    Also, full refunds will be provided for anyone who has booked a dog sledding tour and wants their money back. Mr. Murphy did not have an estimate of the number of bookings that could be affected.

    Earlier Monday, WorkSafe BC confirmed that an employee with Outdoor Adventures Whistler received compensation for post traumatic distress disorder after he was required to shoot the dogs. The huskies, weighing about 40 to 50 pounds, were used by the sledding company to take tourists into the wilderness around Whistler during the 2010 Winter Olympics but were uneconomic to keep after the Games were over and the tourists went home.

    "People might be shocked, in the sense, you spend your $150 and you see 20 dogs hooked up in an idyllic setting in Whistler," Marcie Moriarty, the general manger of cruelty investigation for the BC SPCA said Monday in an interview. "What do you do not see is the 200-plus dogs tethered back at the compound," she said

    "When the demand is not there, presumably what happened in this case, they just decided to put them down. Apparently the reason was that they needed to reduce the herd," she said.

    The company's general manager, who has not been identified publicly, says in his claim for compensation that he went out on April 21, 2010 and April 23, 2010 with a shotgun and proceeded to kill the dogs.

    "What is extremely upsetting is to read what he described - some of them requiring mulitple shots, his having to slit their throats, dogs faces being blown off and they were still running around, dogs that he thought had been dead, that he put in what he described as a mass grave and he looks back and sees her trying to climb out," Ms. Moriarty said.

    "That one, to me, I had to stop reading them and pick it up later. It is just so upsetting."

    Ms. Moriarty said she believes the killings are Criminal Code offences. "I have no doubt he has PTDD but does that absolve him? No one can force you to commit a Criminal Code offence," she said.

    "As for the company, they are morally responsible, absolutely, for any connection to this."

    The dogs were buried in a mass grave that has not yet been identified, Ms. Moriarty also said.

    The BC SPCA is authorized in B.C. to conduct investigations under the Criminal Code. Ms. Moriarty said the BC SPCA will conduct an investigation into the killings and make a recommendation to B.C. Crown Counsel on whether charges should be laid against the employee. The agency will also determine the location of the mass grave.

    The BC SPCA does about 6,000 cruelty to animal investigation annually although the organization receives no government funding, she also said.

    Ms. Moriarty added that the RCMP has indicated they are prepared to assist if necessary.

    The general manager's lawyer Corey Steinberg was not available early Monday for a comment. A WorkSafeBC spokesperson said claims for compensation are confidential and the provincial agency could not release the compensation decision that sets out the circumstances of the event.

    The company has said that 100, not 70 dogs were killed.

    A news release from the company says it did not instruct the general manager to carry out the killings.

    The company was aware of the "euthanization" of dogs, the release states. "But it was our expectation that it was done in a proper, legal and humane manner," the news release says. Company officials only

    became aware of the incident on Friday.

    The general manager ceased managing the business not long after the events in late April, the unsigned release also says. The company declined to release further information about the general manager as a result of his "emotional condition."

    Significant changes were made after the events of last April to ensure humane treatment of the dogs and improve safety protocols, the company also stated.

    Any dogs requiring euthanasia are taken to a veterinarian's office and no firearms are on the site, the release says.

    Also, about 75 of the dogs have been given away for free to operators in British Columbia, Alberta and Ontario, all male dogs in the kennel have been neutered and the dogs have been moved into an open-pen style kennel where dogs are neither tethered nor chained, the release says.

    Outdoor Adventures Whistler's website says the company is the largest dog-sledding operator in North America.

    The company offers a three hour trip - two hours with the dogs - for $169 per person. The dogs are described as a "team of energetic and loveable Alaskan racing Huskies".

    A dog sled musher teaches the basics of driving a sled with verbal commands and sled-handling techniques.

    "You'll get a thrill like no other as you head out into the pristine Soo Valley, handling your very own team of dogs," the website says.

    Kim Wilson, owner of a competitor to Outdoor Adventures, says she heard about the incident in the news Monday.

    Her company, Blackcomb Snowmobile, is a family-owned winter activity company that currently has 61 dogs for sledding. Her company expanded to up to 90 dogs during the Olympics by bringing in contractors who had their own private teams of dogs. "When we retire dogs, we've been lucky enough to find good homes for them," she said.

    Outdoor Adventures tried unsuccessfully to buy Blackcomb Snowmobile, Ms. Wilson also said.

    "That company is owned by Joey Houssian, who is trying to be the Intrawest of activity-operators and create a monopoly in the industry," Ms. Wilson said, referring to the company Intrawest Corp. that developed the Whistler and Blackcomb ski villages into year-round centres.

    "[Joey Houssain] bought up a bunch of companies and tried to squeeze smaller operators out and create a large conglomerate. . . to create a large activity company - rafting and sleigh rides and snowshoeing," she said.

    CTVglobemedia Publishing, Inc

    The Globe and Mail Inc. All Rights Reserved.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
    How disgusting.
    I meant," said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?"
    Death thought about it.
    CATS, he said eventually. CATS ARE NICE.

    -- Terry Pratchett (1948—2015), Sourcery

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Alberta, Canada
    New owners took after last May, the month after this massacre:
    Outdoor Adventures Whistler, which assumed full operational control of Howling Dog Tours in May 2010, says that it has made "significant" changes to the business to ensure the humane treatment of its animals.

    Those changes include giving away 75 dogs, neutering males and creating an open-pen kennel rather than tethering the dogs. Guns are no longer allowed on site and the company's new policy is that euthanasia must be performed at a veterinary office.

    But it could be too late for the tour company.

    As news of the gruesome cull spread across Canada and into the U.S., animal lovers took to the internet to ask for a boycott of Outdoor Adventures Whistler. In just one day, a Facebook page called "Boycotting Outdoor Adventures in BC, Whistler" gathered more than 10,000 fans.

    With a report from CTV British Columbia's Brent Shearer
    I hope the previous owner is dealt with FULLY - BCSPCA, every authority is all over this.
    "Do or do not. There is no try." -- Yoda

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    indianapolis,indiana usa
    I saw this covered on ABC News also. Treating dogs just like merchandise,
    to be destroyed & thrown out like trash.

    This is the same mentality as the Puppymill owners have. Dogs as Product,
    not as worthy of a second thought when they are no longer "useful" to them.
    I've Been Boo'd

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  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Knoxville, TN
    I read a brief summary of the incidents that occurred, I'm not sure if I want to stomach the full story with the gruesome details... This is really, really sad though. I can't believe someone actually did this and they're actually treating those poor dogs this way.

    There's a facebook page for anybody interested that promotes the arrest of the guy who murdered the dogs Here.

    And also this one, Here.
    ♥Bri [HUMAN]♥
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  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Richmond, BC
    My understanding is that the name of the person who actually did it hasn't been released and it's speculation.. but I'm not sure. I would think that whoever did it is doing his best to stay hidden!!

  7. #7
    I read about this on FB. We always have a choice. No job is worth murdering dogs or any animal. I have zero sympathy for him and hope and pray he gets what's coming to him.

    "Time and unforeseen occurrence befall us all." Ecclesiastes 9:11

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    My life is God filtered :)
    I heard this morning that the person who shot these poor pups said he contacted the SPCA but they refused to deal with it saying that the dogs were unadoptable. A spokesman for the SPCA is saying that they were only contacted AFTER the incident.

    ...and this guy has the gaul to expect tax-payers money to pay for his PTSS payments.
    Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, champagne in one hand and strawberries in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and screaming WOO HOO - What a Ride!

    Sometimes the most real things in the world are the things we can't see
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    Until one has loved an animal, part of their soul remains unawakened.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Cincinnati, Ohio USA
    I have not read the gory details, and I won't. This kind of situation keeps me up at night. I refuse to believe it is one person, or several people's fault, though I agree completely, as Mary said, everyone always has a choice.

    The problem starts at such a lower level. It starts with our view of animals- as a consumable product, as merchandise, to be treated or distreated as we see fit. Animals used as sport, as industry, as food. Animals bred for our enjoyment, sold to the highest bidder, or turned over for a penny to a research lab.

    Until we can treat with respect the animals that walk this earth currently, we should not be breeding- in any circumstance- more. We should raise the bar on the criminal prosecution of all involved in any sort of inhumane treatment of animals.

  10. #10
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    Oct 2005
    I saw this on another website, and I was absolutely appalled at the gory details of this situation. I cannot get the image out of my head of some of the things described in the article. I cannot even begin to fathom the amount of pain and suffering those animals went through. My heart broke when I read this, and I am still crying from reading this over 20 minutes later.

    I read a different article, where it said the focus of this investigation was on the individual who killed the dogs - but "Corporate may be investigated". There is NO WAY they didn't know what was happening, they can BS ALL THEY WANT. I will never believe that they didn't know what was going on. I am beyond sickened by this. I wish people wouldn't turn a blind eye to this type of thing. I just cannot understand how someone can kill an animal like this..WTF is wrong with this guy? He should be put into a mental institution.

    I would much rather them have been euthanized (if not rehomed) then killed like this, but I guess that's to much money for these a$$holes.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Calgary, Alberta, Canada
    What I want to know is why he who had no choice didn't go to the media before he did the deed. If he was so ordered, so turned down by the SPCA, why not go to the media and spark a huge public outcry and offerings of assistance before the slaughter? Now he wants help with his conscience??

    I say "Dude you had your chance to do what was right and you blew it big time. Now you can live with yourself. Good luck."
    Gayle - self proclaimed Queen of Poop
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