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Thread: McDonald's boss in Atlanta punches mom with service dog

  1. #1

    McDonald's boss in Atlanta punches mom with service dog

  2. #2
    This link gives more details and includes a video that shows the off duty manager following her and her children around.

    "The warrant said Allen "grew irate" that Schwenker brought the dog inside.

    Schwenker explained the dog was for her sons and legally allowed inside.

    Video showed Schwenker trying to get away by going to the restroom, but Allen followed her.

    Police said in the chaos, Schwenker lost track of one of her sons. As she scrambled to find him, she threw her cup down.

    The arrest warrant said Allen thought the cup was thrown at her and charged after Schwenker where Schwenker said Allen hit her in the face, out of the camera's range."

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    I don't know what's more pathetic, the fact that she "didn't know" that service dogs were allowed in the place or the fact that she punched this woman in front of her child and the other ladies children. What a jerk.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Illinois, USA
    What's up with employees of McDonald's!? There was the one a few months ago where a girl was assaulted in the bathroom and a McDonald's employee recorded the whole thing on his cell phone --- hey, drop the phone and do something! And now this. They should have their restaurant owners put employees through diversity training.

    That family -- including the dog -- deserves lunch at someplace other than McDonald's.
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