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Thread: House Training

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Miami, Florida

    House Training

    Hey everyone! i have a question.. Does anyone know any good tips on how to house break your new puppy? I would really like to know! Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    BC Canada
    this is what i did to house break Tikeya my siberian.. if she peed in the house without crying at the door i would rub her nose in it then out side she went.. i always FREAKED OUT when she peed outside i was sooo pround of her ... when she pooped in the house i would hold her head *not in the poop* but close enough so that she could smell it then she would run to the door and eventully she would whine at the door to go out side because she new that she would have to smell it is she didnt ..

    Now with oscar our shih tzu we paper trianed him.. we put a bunch of paper on the kitchen floor by the back door . when he would start to pee or poo we would place him on the paper. after about a week of this we put a bell on the door handle low enough so that he could rech. then we would place him on the paper and ring the bell when ever he would pee or poop..

    sooner or later he got the hange of it now he rings the bell togo outside its great!! never spank or hurt your dog or puppy when house traing ok .. be patient and itll all come through...

    remeber to always go over bord with love to your puppy when he does his duty out side .. remeber to put your pupy out every morneng and ever night before you goto bed for a pee ..
    Rainbowbridge- Tikeya 'forever loved'
    Owned By Luna, Prudence, and Raven

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Pennsylvania, USA
    Originally posted by tikeyas_mom
    this is what i did to house break Tikeya my siberian.. if she peed in the house without crying at the door i would rub her nose in it then out side she went.. when she pooped in the house i would hold her head *not in the poop* but close enough so that she could smell it

    Now with oscar our shih tzu we paper trianed him.. we put a bunch of paper on the kitchen floor by the back door .

    remeber to always go over bord with love to your puppy when he does his duty out side ..
    "DO NOT" rub your dogs nose in his pee or poop! This is not effective in teaching the dog what he has done wrong!!!! !!!!! !!!! I can't stress that enough! Did your parents ever rub your nose in it when you were a baby? NO because it would of just made you more confused and cause feelings of resentment.

    I guess my first question is how old is the pup now and do you crate train. Crating the dog is the most effective way of house training.

    Get a crate that is big enough for the dog to lay in, stand in and turn around in but no bigger. You are trying to prevent the dog from having a place to piddle but still have a place to get out of it. Dog's in general will not go in their sleeping area. If your dog will outgrow the crate when he is full grown and having multiple crates is not an option, buy the bigger crate and partition it off. Some crates can be bought with dividers but if yours doesn't then use a large rubbermaid container or something the dog can not chew chunks off of and place it in the crate to partition it off.

    If you can't keep an eye on pup then he is in the crate. Immediately when you let pup out of crate (at least ever couple hours when they are real small) take him to your designated potty place outside on a leash and tell him "GO POTTY". I do it on leash even if the yard is fenced it. After he "GOES POTTY" make a big happy fuss and have some kibble available to reward pup with. If you want to let pup play outside then you can take him off the leash but not unless he goes potty first. This teaches him not to play first without doing his business.

    If pup will not potty in 5 minutes it is back to the crate again. You can repeat in 15 minutes. Pup is not given free roam of any part of the yard or house though until potty is finished.

    Then you can safely take him back in the house and give him roaming privileges for about an hour. When pup gets tired and falls asleep you need to gently pick him up and put him back in the crate. Never leave him unattended because the first thing he will do when he awakes is want to relieve himself. He won't do this in his sleeping area.

    If he does have an accident in the house there are two different scenerios to follow. 1. If you see him do it immediately pick him up carry him outside on the leash and give him the "GO POTTY" command again. Your scooping him up and immediately taking him out will trigger to him he did something wrong especially when you don't praise him and make a fuss over what he did. If he doesn't go in 5 minutes (which is likely since he went in the house) then he goes back into his crate! 2.) If you don't see him do it, you can put him in his crate and then take him out in 15 minutes. Basically if you don't see him in the act you should not punish him. Just clean the mess up! It is your fault he was left unsupervised and correcting a dog more than a minute after the act is just plain useless. Dogs do not associate the correction with the behavior after this time period.

    Using this method I have effectively house trained my dogs before they were 12 weeks old.

    I also do not recommend paper training unless you have to always have the dog going in the house. It is confusing for the pup because one time he gets in trouble for going in the house and the next time he doesn't. It is better to forget the paper stuff and proceed straight to the outdoors!

    I did like the last comment of the previous post - remember to always go overboard with love to your puppy when he does his duty out side ..

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    State College, PA
    There is nothing mentioned above that I want to repeat, but I do want to emphasize--don't rub their nose in it!!! That does nothing.
    Crate train, and reward with lots of praise and some treats when they go where you want them to.
    Good luck!!!
    Emily, Kito, Abbey, Riley, and Jada

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    BC Canada
    if it is not effective how come it worked huh?? tell me that much ?
    Rainbowbridge- Tikeya 'forever loved'
    Owned By Luna, Prudence, and Raven

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Miami, Florida
    Thank you all for this wonderful information! I greatly appreciate this. Well im not too sure i would use the rubbing the nose teqniqe in it but i will try the crate thing.. First my puppy is 3 months old.. And yes we have a crate for her. We used to yell at her when she would go n the house but i must make sure i do the crate teqniuqe. And doing the crate that will eventually make her understand she is not allowed to go in the house?? Well im am happy that now i know how to do it properly without hurting her.. Thanks !

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    BC Canada
    my friend crated her dog Odus a Dachund and he stiull goes in the ouse .. that technece doent work well...
    Rainbowbridge- Tikeya 'forever loved'
    Owned By Luna, Prudence, and Raven

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    You need to take puppy outside before anything else in the morning. If they hear you take a shower, you are sure to find poop in the crate. Keep to a schedule for puppy, feed and then right outside at the same times each day. Lots of praise when they go potty outside. Some dogs will tell you how they want to be taken out. Rosie demanded to have a leash and use the front yard. We took her to the "magic spot" and got a puddle every time. She then got a tiny mini walk as a reward. Eventulally we made her use the back yard, but the idea was to do her business outside. Also when a puppy starts looking and sniffing in the house, say her name then "outside" and grab pup and out you both go. After a while they all get the idea. My dogs love the crate. It has a pillow and food bowl so it is not a bad scarry place to them! Good luck!

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