I think that the passing of Jessica has brought us all so much closer together already. Not alot of us knew Jessica very well, and I won't pass up another oppourtunity to get to know somebody so great. I don't know alot of you, so I just want to make sure that I DO know you guys, if God decides to take another one of us.
This is how it works:
Just tell everyone a little bit about yourself..You know?
Stuff like your hobbies, what you like to do when you're not at work, your favorite foods, colors, pets..Maybe tell us a little bit about your pets! What is their favorite toys, foods and treats? What is their hobby? What do they like to do to get themselves in trouble? Digging, barking, chewing?
I'll go first.

Hi. My name is Cayter J. Everyone calls me CJ, though. I am 12 years old, and I live in Arizona. I have one dog named Darlin. She is a Shih Tzu/Poodle mix, and she is 8 months old. I love to spend time with her when I have nothing else to do. On occasion, one of my parents will take me down to the local pound, where I love to spend my time giving the poor homeless dogs treats, and donating. If I can someday, I would like to try to put all of the local Puppy Mills out of buisness once and for all.
My hobbies are basically anything to do with dogs! I love to swim, run (I do Track at school. Short distances), hike, read, watch Animal Planet, play video games, liasten to music, chat on AIM, get on the computer, collect anything doggish, and take care of Darlin'! I like to hang out with my friends, but I would much rather spend my time doing something to help animals, like going to PetCo or PetsMart and buying things to donate to the pound or any Rescue agency.
Well that's me..There's alot more to me than that, but let's wait and see what other people post.